Reasons why you play the decks that you play.

I like decks that make people p***** off. Last year I used Gengar to kill claydols fast, and this year I've used Luxchomp(to kill techs and get quick kos) and luxpluff(to donk, kill claydol, or ohko main attackers). I'm planning on using sablelock soon.
I've always liked decks that have a fairly straightforward strategy like Speedrill; attack for lots of damage with few energies and keep doing so until all prizes are taken. Recently, the deck has required a little more strategy due to thinks like Mr. Mime and Dusknoir SF/DP, but the basics are still there.

My deck previous to this one was Scizor/Cherrim, which was basically the same thing, only with more tanking involved.

My future deck will hopefully be Seviper LL, as long as it's a PT-on format. Considering RR-on, I would make Vespiquen/Combee from Revived Legends (Vespiquen on bench with a damage counter, Combee out front attacking for 80 + poison).
I use cards that I think have potential. Right now, I am using Donphan Prime, because I think earthquake is fantastic. I combined it with Flygon, of course. But not because that is a popular metagame, but because Flygon is fun to play, and has potential. I always run decks that I think would be fun.