I'm very mixed on this set. On one hand, that logo is already the most unique set logo in history. The black and white top corners of the packs and blister packaging is truly beautiful.
-But then the theme decks suck. Why do we keep getting theme decks featuring Pokemon with attacks like "Discard 2 energy from this pokemon" while doing small damage and having a bad attack cost? Is it because they're not f*cking charizard? Because to this day that's the only theme deck with a genuinely terribly overpowered attack. Not a single theme deck has had a card that can do that much damage since.
-And on the other hand, I really don't get the ETB. Why copperajah??? We're getting a Gmax Toxtricity event in the game, and he's on one of the pack arts, so why is Gmax Copperajah the ETB mascot? It's a well known fact that Gmax Copperajah is an ugly, worthless pile of crap.