Red Usernames


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A while ago a few of you may or may have not seen Amt, with her name as "Ms. Water Pokemon Master," with a red name. She was also banned at one point. No, she hasn't done anything wrong. Amt was my special helper.

I've had questions from people asking me, "When is ______ going to get unbanned?" As it stands, there's no way to tell a permanently banned person from a temporarily banned one. I took this idea to the other moderators to get their input, and after not really getting any, I asked WPM himself if it would be okay for me to create that difference, and he said it was all right.

So, after slaving over a hot control panel for who cares how long, I've created that difference.

From now on, anyone with a temporary ban will have their username in red WITH A LINE THROUGH IT.

OMG SOMEONE DELETED PMJ IS GAY :((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Yes, and if you liked that name, now you can see it in my sig. :)
And no, I didn't do anything bad. :F
Amt is on my buddy list and was on last night. That was the last time she was on.:)
Hey, BAd Super Mod! You deleted my post. I consider that a crime >:[

So you finnaly cofess what's going on >_>
Water Pokemon Mistress said:
Yes, and if you liked that name, now you can see it in my sig. :)
And no, I didn't do anything bad. :F

Yeah right... your name's Water Pokemon Mistress... :p
Heh, we have two WPMs now.

I still oppose the red colour. People might think it's a person with authority. Something else instead. Make Strategists red and temporarily banned members italic+strikeout. Or something.
The original plan was to change to Water Pokemon Mistress, but the name was actually taken at the time, so she took Ms. Water Pokemon Master, but I threw out the old WPMistress so Amt could use it. And there you have it.

In any case, the name change is not permanent.
No. Don't do that. Then I'll have to go through that whole banning process again. :-(

Doesn't really need a test, doesn't it?
Señor Noobnerd said:

Doesn't really need a test, doesn't it?

No it doesn't... when some spammer gets perma banned and his name turns green, everyone would be like wtf?

In any case, red's okay, but Strikeout + Red is better.
Actually, Krucifier's idea really wouldn't be hard to do, but I just ain't gonna do it. ;/

The hard part was getting the permissions right, and if I screwed that up, WPM will have my head. :D
He only wants to have a red name becaus it looks cool >_> At leaast he has some different name form unlike the normal members.
Yay, PB has it's own guniea pig. WPM ! (green)

You know, a memebr with a red username looks like she/he has athourity.
This idea seems better than the usual striked-out names. I feel that this idea is very effective as we actually can know who is TempBanned or PermaBanned. =D Good work staff.
If everyone reads this thread, then no one will think a person with a red username will have authority.
Yes, everyone will read this thread because they saw Amt have red font. ://

I wasn't even here when all this stuff happened, I just saw this thread by accident. It should be posted as an announcement if you want the whole world to see it.

dmaster out.
PMJ said:
Here's an example, and yes, this account is 100% real and not made by me for the sake of example.

Only permanently banned members will have the line through their names.

Ehhh... Don't you mean it the other way around? The "example's" name is in red, yet you say he is perma-banned. Then you go on to say that only permanently banned members will have the line through their names.
He's saying anyone with a temp-ban will have their name in Red, 'Shroob.

Anyone with a perma-ban will have their name crossed out, like normal.

dmaster out.