Red Usernames

Yeah, now it's better. For IE, every single username is in bold. It only appears unbolded in Firefox. But that doesn't really matter, since it's strike-out.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
From now on, anyone with a temporary ban will have their username in red WITH A LINE THROUGH IT.

Here's an example, and yes, this account is 100% real and not made by me for the sake of example.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Only permanently banned members will have the line through their names.

So we still can't tell either the bans perma or not.
Yes, you can. Permanent bans ONLY have a line through them. No Red. Temporary bans have a red username AND a line through them.
I could see GODZILLA and SNN temp-banned, and I think other people saw it too. This might actually work out, effectively. If they were just red, it would look like they weren't even banned at all, but this way they're banned with the line, and they also have red font. Nice job on that revision, PMJ.

dmaster out.
Oooooookay, people still don't understand even after that notice in the first post so I'll spell it out.

The person whose profile I used in the first post is PERMANENTLY BANNED.

He's never coming back.

"But you said only tempbanned people get the red name, why is his name red? He must be tempbanned then!!!"


I even took the liberty of changing that person's title to say, "is permanently banned and being used as an example."

I hoped people would be able to see that, but I guess not. ;x

"So PMJ if he's permanently banned, why is his name red???"

Again, it's just as an example to show you what a tempbanned person looks like. He's permanently banned.

"So why not use someone who's actually tempbanned???"

Doing that creates a lot more work than need be. What if no one is temporarily banned? Every time someone gets tempbanned, I would need to change the example in the first post. And if their ban was lifted and I forgot to change the example (again creating a problem if no one is tempbanned), people would click the profile and see just a normal member, creating the mindset that a) everyone is tempbanned or b) someone messed up.

So, I used a person who is permanently banned, but just looks like he's tempbanned. His name will be red forever. It's just an example so I don't have to constantly change the first post.
You should've put, "is permanently banned but being used as an example." Everyone might see that that profile has two purposes a little bit more clearly then. :p
Why doesn't anyone understand that he's only an example? If that person was to back back then he would instantly be ban. PMJ might have disabled the account so if that person does come back they won't be able to do anything.
You should re-word it then, because the way you're explaining it is too confusing.

dmaster out.