Reflecting on the Last Two Majors and the Rise of Gholdengo


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Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here and I am happy to be writing another article for you all! Last time, I discussed Ceruledge ex and how I thought the deck was extremely underrated in the current format, especially with its, quite frankly, pathetic results at the Sacramento Regional Championship and the Stuttgart Regional Championship, and I do still think the deck is underrated, but that’s not the point of this article. The last few Regional Championships have had some pretty unexpected results, so how about we start with a full recap?
Regional Recap
The Sacramento Regional Championship did not have the most surprising results, especially when compared to Stuttgart, but with that being said, there were still some things that could be considered unexpected. As one probably could...

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And in just a couple short months Budew will become legal and every single deck relying on items will fall apart, just look at the japanese decklists and you will see Charizard is gone and Budew is in 80-90% of all decks that can fit it in. Budew will return the game to the slower build up format that Pokemon had wanted to create (and created with the Scarlett and Violet format stage 2 decks) before somebody pushed the speed deck builds back to the top of the Meta.

Bring on the new king of the Meta - Budew.
I think Gholdengo can survive rotation. It's got Energy Search Pro, it's got the Pot of Greed Togekiss, what more could you ask for?