TCG Fakes Reggie McGigas's Image-Based Fake Cards: Wailmer and Wailord

RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Ok guys, I'm going to be pretty busy over the next couple of days, so here is the Extreme Dream setlist that YOU can help fill out. You may request a max of 4 cards, no EXs or Trainers allowed. You can request a pokemon for every ??? - type there is. For example, if there are 2 ???- fire type symbols, then you can request a max of 2 fire types, no more then 2.

1. Venasaur EX
2. ???-grass
3. ???-grass
4. Turtwig
5. Grotle
6. Shadow Torterra
7. Charizard EX
8. Castform (Sunny Form)
9. Heatmor
10. Torchic
11. Combuskin
12. Blazekin
13. Blastoise EX
14. Castform (Snow Cloud Form)
15. Castform (Rain Form)
16. ???-Water
17. Regice EX
18. ???- Water
19. ???- Electric
20. ???- Electric
21. ???- Electric
22. ???- Electric
23. Thundurus EX
24. Helioptile
25. Mew
26. ???- Psychic
27. Mewtwo EX
28. Solosis
29. Duosion
30. Reniculus
31. Riolu
32. Shadow Lucario
33. Shadow Hitmontop
34. Regirock EX
35. Pancham
36. Shadow Pangoro
37. ???- Dark
38. ???- Dark
39. ???- Dark
40. ???- Dark
41. Shadow Darkrai
42. Zoroark EX
43. Metagross EX
44. Paniward
45. Bisharp
46. Klink
47. Klang
48. Klinklang
49. ???- Dragon
50. ???- Dragon
51. ???- Dragon
52. White Kyurem
53. Black Kyurem
54. Kyurem EX
55. ???- Normal
56. ???- Normal
57. ???- Normal
58. Castform (Normal Form)
59. Arceus
60. Tornadus EX

61. Missingno.
62. Imakuni?
63. Reggie McGigas
64. Mewtwo
65. Kyurem
66. Arceus
67. Golden Regigigas
68. Golden Serperior
69. Golden Emboar
70. Golden Samouratt
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

2 Water Spots - Castform SNOW CLOUD FORM, Castform RAIN FORM
1 Normal Spot - Castform
1 Fire Spot - Castform SUNNY FORM
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Add a shadow Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee to finish the trio in fighting.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Hegafire0 said:
Add a shadow Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee to finish the trio in fighting.

Well Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are in Unseen Pressure, so no.

Any other requests?

Paniward and Bisharp are in.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Guys, I have bad news. Gimp isn't working for me, when I try to edit text it freezes up. I'll try and work on the issues asap.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Good news, re-instaling fixed the problem.

I'm going to show off Vibrava and Druddigon to cap off the dragon types tomorrow or the day after.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Reggie McGigas said:
Hegafire0 said:
Add a shadow Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee to finish the trio in fighting.

Well Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are in Unseen Pressure, so no.

Any other requests?

Paniward and Bisharp are in.

In that case, I think that a shadow Lucario line would be cool
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Aha! I'm looking forward to the Imakuni? card.

BTW, are you just going to use the old art, or are you going to use something newer? I rendered a photo of Imakuni? in his newer costume (long ears) a while back, but I never used it on a card. Let me know if you want it.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

Have you done Electivire yet? It's three stages and can be pretty powerful (If you want, you can make it a 2nd stage).
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Sonic Bat and a big update!

New Cards!



Updated setlist! (Added Rayquazza, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Elekid, Electrabuzz, Electivire, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Riolu, Shadow Lucario, Slugma, and Shadow Macargo. Took out Torchic, Combuskin, Blazekin, Emboar, Serperior, and Samouratt).

@Fraxureking Also, I can only add the joltik line as grass (part bug), because 3/4 of electric got taken up by Electivire & family, and I decided to add the kanto birds. Done.

@Nekoban Ryo: I don't know what I'll use, I'll probally just render it from the Ex Battle Boost card, but thanks!

1. Venasaur EX
2. Turtwig
3. Grotle
4. Shadow Torterra
5. Joltik
6. Gavantula
7. Charizard EX
8. Moltres
9. Slugma
10. Shadow Macargo
11. Castform (Sunny Form)
12. Heatmor
13. Blastoise EX
14. Articuno
15. Castform (Snow Cloud Form)
16. Castform (Rain Form)
17. Regice EX
18. ???-Water
19. Zapdos
20. Elekid
21. Electrabuzz
22. Electivire
23. Thundurus EX
24. Helioptile
25. Mew
26. ???- Psychic
27. Mewtwo EX
28. Solosis
29. Duosion
30. Reniculus
31. Riolu
32. Shadow Lucario
33. Shadow Hitmontop
34. Regirock EX
35. Pancham
36. Shadow Pangoro
37. ???-Dark
38- ???- Dark
39- ??? Dark
40. ???- Dark
41. Shadow Darkrai
42. Zoroark EX
43. Metagross EX
44. Paniward
45. Bisharp
46. Klink
47. Klang
48. Klinklang
49. Dratini
50. Dragonair
51. Shadow Dragonite
52. White Kyurem
53. Black Kyurem
54. Kyurem EX
55. Slakoth
57. Slaking
58. Castform (Normal Form)
59. Arceus
60. Tornadus EX

61. Missingno.
62. Imakuni?
63. Reggie McGigas
64. Mewtwo
65. Kyurem
66. Arceus
67. Golden Ho-Oh
68. Golden Lugia
69. Golden Rayquazza
70. Golden Regigigas

Edit: Here is the empty spaces we have left, so you may only request a pokemon from these types:
Water (1 Spot Left)
Dark (4 Spots Left)
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Cave Monster, Dragon Thingy, and Updated Setlist!

I've always wanted to see them as grass types. Keep up the good work!
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Cave Monster, Dragon Thingy, and Updated Setlist!

Shadow Lugia! (Psychic)
Did you do tyranitar in Unseen Pressure? If not, there's three dark types.
Normal- Slaking line
Dragon- Shadow Dragonite.

Use what you want to.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Cave Monster, Dragon Thingy, and Updated Setlist!

Hegafire0 said:
Shadow Lugia! (Psychic)
Did you do tyranitar in Unseen Pressure? If not, there's three dark types.
Normal- Slaking line
Dragon- Shadow Dragonite.

Use what you want to.

In, in, and in. Except the tyranitar line, there is no space for pupitar and lavitar because they aren't dark types.
RE: Reggie McGigas's Fake Cards. New- Cave Monster, Dragon Thingy, and Updated Setlist!

Reggie McGigas said:
Hegafire0 said:
Shadow Lugia! (Psychic)
Did you do tyranitar in Unseen Pressure? If not, there's three dark types.
Normal- Slaking line
Dragon- Shadow Dragonite.

Use what you want to.

In, in, and in. Except the tyranitar line, there is no space for pupitar and lavitar because they aren't dark types.

You could still make them Dark types if you wanted. I mean, Lugia isn't a Water-type, but look what they did to it. Or you could make them Shadow or Rocket's Pokémon.