I forgot to save the Palkia file as a PSD, which means I can't change it without some heavy editing. But I will post an updated Dialga. Also, I will do Pikachu instead of Pichu because Pichu isn't in my set.
That Registeel is staring into my soul, I love it. xD The Raichu art also feel like a nice throwback to HGSS Raichu; was that on purpose?You forgot to update the Pokédex for Raichu, though; it has the same Pokédex text as Pikachu.
Ooooooh, Delta Species, fun!I really love that mechanic and wish they'd bring it back. It was always fun to see the creativity of different types used for the various Pokémon and how it was reflected in the card art. Any particular reason you chose Dragon/Steel for the typing? It seems like it would be more fitting to have it be at least part Dark-type (especially with that Ability). Does the use of Δ over (like it was before) have any special significance?
I'm going to suggest holosheets. They add a definite feel of reality to a card.
Otherwise, those look very nice, Reggie. I like the new take on Delta Species (even though I can't find Asche's Delta AT blanks - are you colorizing that, or does he really have those?).
Reggie, you should make a Darkrai with its Delta Specie being Dark/Psychic typing.
OMG thats so cool! If this was real then it would be troll!
These textures are certainly getting much nicer! I'd love to see you make a Raichu-EX FA delta species [W] and make it looks as close to an EX FA as possible. This means that I'd really want to see different texture patterns across the art, and not just one. #hyped