Finished Reggie's Racing Cup 3: Final Race Up! Craziest Finish to a Season Ever??

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Anyway; keep the ship in order, we can do great things. We have a shot to race for the Championship at least.

Reliability if it's not maxed out. If it is maxed out, Pit Crew.
I'm doing normally.. Aggression. Because it can't stay this way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh if it's maxed to Pit Crew please.
Standings after 9 Races
* = clinched playoffs
T1. Blakers - 21 points*
T1. Celever - 21 points*
2. bbninjas - 20 points*
3. DoubleOSquirtle - 19 points*
4. Ice Espeon - 18 points*
5. GM Draclord - 17 points
6. Jabberwock - 16 points*
7. Robin Aisaga - 15 points
8. Tails - 14 points*
T9. Anthony Orosco - 13 points
T9. TheDivingSeel - 13 points*
T9. Athena - 13 points*
T9. Lord O Da Rings - 13 points
T9. Reinforce - 13 points
T9. Rainyman123 - 13 points
T10. TheGrovyleKid - 12 points
T10. King Xerneas - 12 points
T11. Celty - 11 points
T11. NightofYuyuko - 11 points
T11. TheFlyingPidove - 11 points
12. QuakingPunch73 - 10 points
T13. Steffenka - 9 points
T13. NinjaPenguin - 9 points
T13. Mudkipfan12 - 9 points
T14. PikaMasterJesi - 8 points
T14. Tempest - 8 points
15. SceptileMaster - 6 points
16. Skyleaf2000 - 6 points

here's a little preview of the final regular season race.


There will not be a tie for first place at the end of the last race - we will have a definitive regular reason points winner. (I ran the last race, so I know who it is. You'll have to find out for yourselves soon when I upload the race!)​
... And I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be me. If Ice takes 2nd or 3rd, I'd have to place in the Top 5 to win the regular season. And I'm really expecting my luck to run out this time around.
Final race featuring some cool graphics. It took me a bit longer to do these graphics so I'll only include them in important races like the first and last race of the regular season and the playoff races.
1 22 42 Steffenka 111.665 10 1 8 Running
2 9 6 Ice Espeon -0.13 10 5* 5 Running
3 7 21 Reinforce -0.3 10 3 5 Running
4 10 7 Mudkipfan12 -0.31 10 0 3 Running
5 16 16 GM Draclord -0.46 10 0 3 Running
6 2 99 Celever -0.47 10 0 2 Running
7 18 22 NinjaPenguin -0.5 10 0 2 Running
8 23 47 NightofYuyuko -0.58 10 0 2 Running
9 3 78 Tails -0.67 10 0 2 Running
10 21 98 Rainyman123 -0.78 10 0 2 Running
11 8 73 TheFlyingPidove -4.72 10 0 1 Running
12 15 71 Anthony Orosco -4.74 10 0 1 Running
13 5 19 Robin Aisaga -4.83 10 0 1 Running
14 1 48 Blakers -4.84 10 1 1 Running
15 20 64 PikaMasterJesi -12.32 10 0 1 Running
16 17 52 TheGrovyleKid -12.57 10 0 1 Running
17 11 3 King Xerneas -17.43 10 0 0 Running
18 19 3 Tempest -24.37 10 0 0 Running
19 12 46 Skyleaf2000 -24.55 10 0 0 Running
20 4 4 Jabberwock -35.19 10 0 0 Running
21 24 95 QuakingPunch73 -7L 3 0 0 Retired
22 14 8 bbninjas -7L 3 0 0 Retired
23 27 1 SceptileMaster -7L 3 0 0 Retired
24 28 17 Athena -8L 2 0 0 Accident
25 6 38 Lord O Da Rings -8L 2 0 0 Clutch
26 13 74 TheDivingSeel -8L 2 0 0 Accident
27 25 2 DoubleOSquirtle -8L 2 0 0 Accident
28 26 18 Celty -8L 2 0 0 Retired

Steffenka finally gets that long overdue win at the most clutch possible moment. Also it's safe to say that Ice Espeon's a beast at this track, he's finished in the top two in both races held here.

Note: I had to do these by hand because ice espeon's spreadsheet is glitching up so thats why I don't have point values for people not in the playoffs)
1. Celever - 23 points (regular season champ)
T2. Ice Espeon - 22 points
T2. Blakers - 22 points
3. bbninjas - 20 points
4. GM Draclord - 20 points
5. DoubleOSquirtle - 19 points
6. Reinforce - 18 points
7. Steffenka - 17 points
T8. Jabberwock - 16 points
T8. Robin Aisaga - 16 points
T8. Tails - 16 points
TheDivingSeel - 13 points
Athena - 13 points

(Note: Rainyman123 and Anthony Orosco had 15 and 14 points which puts them higher than TDS and Athena, so consider you guys the favorites the win the last chance race I guess :p)
The winner of the last chance race also goes in to the playoff field.

EDIT: I'm considering making the last chance race so that the top 3 cars make it in to the playoffs, that would give us a clean 16 car playoff instead of 14 car, what do you guys think? Keep or change?
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I think it should be top 3 for the Last Chance Race––not only is it an even number, but it also gives more people the chance to play.

I'm also going to upgrade Aggression, please. ^v^
Oh well. I don't make the playoffs. That's okay. Sign me up for next season! :D

I'm not really sure if I should be upgrading anything, but just in case, Reliability
Man, that crash really messed me up... Now I have to go through what will arguably be the roughest race of the season to make it to the finals. But I'm happy to have made the playoffs in the first place!

Oh yeah, the upgrade! I'll go with Reliability.
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Since I didn't make it into the playoffs, I'll vote to expand it.
For my last upgrade, I'll choose Qualifying.
Wait, I actually won a race..? I have so many people to thank! First of all, I want to thank myself, I want to thank @Reggie McGigas for holding this competition, I want to thank Wormadam for being my sponsor, I want to thank @Reinforce for letting me pass him and finally thank you @Athena for not involving me in the crash! Also I'll update Pit Crew

Also, Reggie, since Athena's on holiday, I'm not sure how much she'll be participating, just fyi :)
Wait, I actually won a race..? I have so many people to thank! First of all, I want to thank myself, I want to thank @Reggie McGigas for holding this competition, I want to thank Wormadam for being my sponsor, I want to thank @Reinforce for letting me pass him and finally thank you @Athena for not involving me in the crash! Also I'll update Pit Crew

Also, Reggie, since Athena's on holiday, I'm not sure how much she'll be participating, just fyi :)

That's probably the best celebration to a win I've seen, and yeah Athena told me. I'm disabling upgrades during the playoffs which means that this is the last opportunity to upgrade so she isn't missing out on anything cause I randomly picked her to upgrade aggression.
Man, I've led a pretty consistent 17th-19th place all season…might as well upgrade Aggression and take out as many cars as I can. >:L
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