Looks great, Reggie!
I suggest cropping your render files a bit so there's not so much empty space. It makes scrolling through your master spoiler in the OP kinda difficult. Additionally, you could put them in individual spoilers.
I also suggest, more in the way of the renders themselves, that you do more shots of Pokémon with their head extremely close-up, and the rest foreshortened. If you look at EX scans, you'll see that most are done in this way. The head's the first thing you want to see, not Escavalier's lance/tail, Zekrom's or Palkia's arm and feet, Aurorus's back and tail, etc. The lance/arm/wing/whatever makes a good secondary detail, or even primary, like you can see in Hydreigon-EX (ROS). But the head shouldn't be seen with the rest of the body at the same depth.
On the Rayquaza render specifically, I think the general composition would be better, again, if Rayquaza's head was more the focus, but also if it were turned up a bit. Right now it looks a little like Rayquaza found a pesky Rattata on the ground and was about to Hyper Beam it. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! It's great for art on non-EXes, which features a bit more of a scene. You can have Rayquaza looking down on Sky Pillar from above, or about to quell the fighting between Groudon and Kyogre, or even the Rattata. But I find a lot of people use renders for EXes (or for non-EXes that nevertheless break the box that art is normally confined to, like your new take on Ancient Traits), and it's good to have a bit more dynamic action.
Hope this makes sense, and helps.