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Standard Regice / Vileplume


Lord of Souls
I played this deck from XY/AOR maybe some tips with Breakthrough.

Here is my decklist for XY-AOR.

Pokemon: 17
  • 3 Regice (main attack)
  • 3 Oddish (evolution)
  • 3 Gloom (evolution)
  • 3 Vileplume (anti Enhanced Hammers)
  • 3 Miltank (second attack)
  • 2 Shaymin EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31
  • 3 Forest of Giant Plants (fast evolve)
  • 2 Rough Seas (heal vs Ariados)
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Trainers' Mail
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Teammates
  • 1 Switch
  • 2 Hex Maniac
  • 1 VS Seeker ( get back my Lysandres and Hex Maniacs)
Energy: 12
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 8 Water Energy

Turn 1: (Try to be first) Try to get your Vileplume out if you can, but you need a Regice with a energy that turn.
Turn 2: You need to get attack that turn, because there are much speedy decks out there.
Turn 3: Keep attacking and attach a energy to a Miltank or a second Regice.
Turn 4 enz.: Keep attacking and use Lysandre and stuff to kill. (Maybe get a second Vileplume)
i know how to play this deck, but for the ones that doesn't, please add a strategy guide!
Afther this, have you ever tryied to include at least one AZ or a float stone?
I suggest to take away:

-2 Hex maniac (you don't need it, it will block your vileplume)
-1 Switch (float stone are better)
-1 Seeker (useful, but with vileplume you won't play it)

Said this, try to add:

+3 AZ
+1 Float Stone / Muscle Band

Hope this will help you!
I think thats a good idea, but i played this deck in a regional. (Second place) And in the games there, i needed my hex maniacs desperately
I think thats a good idea, but i played this deck in a regional. (Second place) And in the games there, i needed my hex maniacs desperately
Im not entirely sure if this is true, as it completely blocks your vileplume, also, if you came second in a regional with it, why would you post this improvement thread?

My changes are:
-2 hex maniac
-2 water energy (twelve is too much, especially how you have DCE too)
-1 seeker ( you will never use it with vileplume)

+1 oddish (consistency)
+1 gloom (consistency)
+1 Vileplume (consistency)
+1 FGP (to help get these new cards evolved more quickly, 4 means more chance of getting it out)
+1 Rough seas ( same with FGP)

Hope this may help
In the beginning of this thread i said that it is especially about new breakthrough tips. And about hex maniac, in the regional i played it, I especially used it for shutting of my vileplume ability to play things as muscle band or switch.
AZ and fgp work better BTW

does rough seas really help that much
I wouldn't think It would be that helpfull

My fixes are

-2 hex maniac( not needed with AZ)
-1 muscle band ( Imo 3 not necessary)
-1 prof birch (same)
-1 Vs Seeker ( item removed for consistency
-1 switch ( same)

+ 3 AZ ( turn off vileplume reset Shaymin)
+ 2 float stone (free retreat)
+ 1 Ultra Ball (4 needed)

Hope I helped a little