For the unaware: Regidrago VSTAR decks all tend to center around Regidrago VSTAR's main attack Apex Dragon, which allows you to use the attack of any Dragon type Pokémon in your discard pile. Previously, the options were limited, and the deck struggled to get ready for action fast enough, but the addition of Teal Mask Ogerpon ex and Dragapult ex in Twilight Masquerade suddenly made this deck shoot up a lot in usage, and any sets that will be released in the upcoming months will only potentially make it stronger. (Until rotation hits next year.)
With all these options, it can be hard to figure out what makes a Dragon Pokémon worth taking up a deck slot. Generally, these cards typically don't fulfill any role other than being discarded as fast as possible. I took a look at every Dragon Pokémon that is currently available in standard and ranked them in the following tiers, to give an indication of what's hot and what's not.
To estimate a card's potential value, we can take a look at the following metrics:
1. Damage output - obviously we would prefer to hit as hard as possible, but it's important to note how much HP relevant threats have in the current metagame.
2. Upsides vs. downsides - some attacks have a beneficial effect when using the attack, such as giving your Regidrago some protection, but some attacks will have downside, like discarding Energy.
3. Basic or not - generally, the companion cards are not meant to be used on the field. Often this is easily avoided by them being Evolution cards, but starting the game with only an unusable Basic Pokémon can give your game a sour start.
So without further ado, I present to you:
The Tier List
S Tier - Game changers
Dragapult ex TWM - 200 damage + 60 damage spread across the bench. The main attack deals decent damage that can KO many non-Rule Box Pokémon, some Basic support V and ex's, and some previously damaged ones. The snipe can be very powerful by KO'ing the opponent's set-up Basics (Pidgey, etc.) or damaging some stronger Pokémon to get them in range for a second attack.Giratina VSTAR - 280 damage + discard 2 Energy to the Lost Zone. 280 is a very high and important number. It allows you to KO most threats, such as all VSTARs, Pidgeot ex, etc. Making 2 Energy cards unrecoverable can be a high cost, but in many situations it can be worth it.
Noivern ex - 70 damage + immunity to any damage from your opponent's Basics, and 140 damage + your opponent can’t play Stadium and Special Energy. The first attack wins you games on its own, seriously. Many strong and popular decks only use Basics, such as Raging Bolt ex, and don't provide any solution other than gusting Regidrago. If your deck uses Scoop-Up Cyclone, Penny or Turo to clear up your Bench, you might instantly win the game with this. The second attack is very situational, you generally won't use it very often.
Raging Bolt ex - 70 damage for every discarded Energy, without a ceiling. It's the strongest damage option, but also with the highest cost. Other than this, the highest damage you can do is 280, so to top this, you'll need to discard at least 5 Energies from all your Pokémon. Running this will require you to have a decent Energy retrieval system, and being forced to use this attack at the wrong moment can cost you the game. It's a Basic Pokémon, which means you could get stuck with it in the Active Spot at the start of the game. At least it gives you the option to discard your own hand. A few days ago, Grant Manley wrote this piece in which he states that players tend to swap Raging Bolt ex for Giratina VSTAR, since Dragapult ex is the only real threat in the current metagame for which you would use this attack. But it still remains a very strong option, obviously.
Kyurem SFA - 110 damage to 3 Pokémon + discard all of Regidrago's Energy. Yeah, if you go first and can pull this attack off in turn 2, you're very likely to make your opponent concede on the spot. This card will demolish any attempt at Munkidori/Kirlia, Pidgey/Charmander, Drakloak/Xatu set up. It does cost you your Energies, and will require an Energy retrieval solution, but if you may have successfully crippled your opponent hard enough to buy you a turn. It is a (one-Prize) Basic, that’s pretty useless if you start your game with it. One good benefit is that it can be used on its own if your opponent plays a Lost Box deck AND is stupid enough to use Colress in front of you.
A Tier - Strong options
Hisuian Goodra VSTAR - 200 damage + reduces your opponent's next attack by 80. It's a good amount damage and good effect that can prevent an instant KO, but I lately find that while it's good, it's not overwhelming.Koraidon ex TEF - 20 damage +10 damage for each damage counter, and 280 damage + 60 damage to itself. These are two very solid attacks. 280, as mentioned, is good number against VSTARs and Pidgeot ex. The self damage can cause trouble, and you'll have to decide for yourself if it's better or worse than discarding 2 Energies into the Lost Zone. The first attack can come in handy if your Regidrago is already very damaged and you want a mid-strong move without any downside. It is however a Basic, but the first attack could still be used in a pinch.
Haxorus SFA - Instant KOs the Active if it has a Special Energy, and 230 damage + discard the top 3 cards of your own deck. Both are strong attacks, the first one is a bit situational, but it can give you some easy KOs without having to pay some downside cost. 230 is also a good number, as few cards reliably hit above 200 (for Ogerpon and other Regidrago decks) without having a downside. Discarding 3 cards from your deck is technically a downside, but in Regidrago decks, you tend to discard many cards anyway.
B Tier - Situational options
Miraidon ex TEF - 220 damage, without any additional effects. It's the highest damage you can do without a downside. It's a pretty useless Basic, so you'll probably want to use Haxorus instead.Giratina V - 160 damage + ignore all effects on the opponent, which is good against Mimikyu and Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex. The damage is quite low for other cases, and the fact that it's a Basic isn't great.
Garchomp V - 220 damage to a benched Pokémon + discard 3 Energy. It could work in specific situations, but it seems a bit too limited. It is a Basic Pokémon, but fortunately, it has 0 retreat cost, so worst case, you're stuck with a pivot on the board.
Dragonite SIT - 180 damage + attach 3 Energy from your deck to the Bench. It's not the strongest option, but it could help you with setting up.
Noivern SIT - Instant KOs your opponents Radiant Pokémon, and 70 damage + draw until you have 7 cards in your hand. Both are extremely, extremely situational options, so you'll probably want to choose something else, but it's definitely an interesting card.
Regidrago BRS - This isn't really meant to be in the discard pile, but it can be used on field. It has an ability to draw until you have 4 cards in your hand, and can attack with same Energies for 160 damage. It used to be more popular, but it rarely sees play.
Dragonite VSTAR - 250 damage + you can’t attack next turn. The damage output is good, but downside is really not. The gymnastics you'll have to do to potentially recover for it are no real reason to use this card instead of the other cards that can do even more damage.
C Tier - Mediocre options
Altaria OBF - 110 damage + makes your opponent "double" asleep. It's usable if you really want, but I'm not really sure why you would.Altaria ex PAR - 140 damage + prevents effects of your opponent's attacks next turn. Technically not the worst thing, but it's just not really worth it.
Drampa OBF - 60 damage + 10 damage for each damage counter on Regidrago. In a very specific situation, yes, you could hit for 330 damage, but it's just not a great option. It's a Basic Pokémon and while you could use it on it's own, just don't.
Dipplin TWM - Switches out your opponent and deals 70 damage. Another too situational option that's only really good for basics that can’t be hit with Dragapult ex.
Koraidon TEF - 130 damage + ignore all effects on the opponent. On one hand it's only a one-Prize Pokémon, but if you're gonna use anything, just use Giratina V.
Tatsugiri TWM - 50 damage, but it has an okay ability if it’s in play. You wouldn't use this card for its damage. The card itself is good, it just doesn't really fit in this deck.
F Tier - Just pick something else instead
Tatsugiri PAR - You can search deck for 2 cards and switch your Regidrago to the Bench, but it's also a Basic.Radiant Eternatus - 200 damage, but it's also a Basic.
Miraidon TEF - 160 damage, but it's also a Basic.
Flygon V - 160 damage + 160 if your opponent is a VMAX. If only anyone still used VMAX Pokémon. But also, it's a Basic.
Dragonite MEW - 180 damage + discard the top 2 cards of your deck.
Garchomp BRS - 160 damage + discard the top 2 cards of your deck.
Hisuian Goodra LOR - 140 damage
Dragonite ex OBF - It can deal 280 damage, but only if you flip heads. If you flip tails, it's only 140 damage + you can’t attack next turn.
Haxorus BRS - 160 damage + damage yourself.
Cyclizar PAF - 100 damage + give yourself immunity, but on a coin flip. It's just not reliable or strong, and it's also a Basic.
Zygarde SIT - 70 damage
Every pre-evolved versions of anything mentioned here - Just use the evolution.