Regidrago VSTAR is the Most Hyped Heading Into Worlds


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Hello to all PokeBeach readers! This is Gabriel Semedo again with another Pokémon TCG article and this time I’m going to talk about Regidrago VSTAR! Regidrago VSTAR is currently the most hyped deck heading into Worlds, mainly because, besides being a great deck, it has good matchups against Charizard ex and Gardevoir ex.
Kyurem or Haxorus arrived, but it was discovered that the deck was already very good all along; there are many Regidrago VSTAR decks winning Cups and Challenges around the world right now...

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Fascinating. The free portion of this article is an example of the types of gems you can find by following this program even if you're not subscribed. As someone who might be interested in building 2024 decks for playing casually some time in the future, knowing what cards to add to balance out particular matchups is useful even if I'm not trying to win a tournament with the best possible list. Thank you.
Does not make sense playing 3 copies of DragoV and 4 copies of NestBall when RagBolt is in your list. 4 Drago 3 Nest seems optimal. I play Tina instead so sacrificing a copy of Drago for me makes sense for the 4th nest ball. If not a 3-1 split with nest ball and hisuian heavy ball respectively
Against fast decks like Raging Bolt,late decks like Garde or Charizard it's difficult
I also will play Dialga until it rotates,started with that deck,will finish with it
I’m ok with that. Man I was playing palkia until I couldn’t play it anymore. I’m not leaving dialga behind
I’m ok with that. Man I was playing palkia until I couldn’t play it anymore. I’m not leaving dialga behind
Same here
I have another decks for when I really want to play something different (Miraidon, Goughing Fire,Festival and Armarouge)
But Dialga is special
For me Regidrago overstayed its welcome, I feel this way about most of the current meta decks. Shrouded Fable did almost nothing to change what's being played. Everyone still uses Charizard, Gardevoir, Raging Bolt and Regidrago.
Where does Dialga vstar sit in this meta? cause I aint gonna stop playing that crap lol
A very generous tier 2.5, or maybe even 3. The deck has a lot of unreliable moving pieces that if any one of them gets disturbed, it stops being able to play. It's not the worse out there, because it has (obviously) an advantage against Chien Pao, so whenever CP gets strong, Dialga rises up in power as well as a counterpick, but against the current top tier decks it's really hard to consistently set up that four prize Star Chronos turn.
A very generous tier 2.5, or maybe even 3. The deck has a lot of unreliable moving pieces that if any one of them gets disturbed, it stops being able to play. It's not the worse out there, because it has (obviously) an advantage against Chien Pao, so whenever CP gets strong, Dialga rises up in power as well as a counterpick, but against the current top tier decks it's really hard to consistently set up that four prize Star Chronos turn.
ty for the detailed response, but what is the tier out of 2.5/10? 2.5/5??
ty for the detailed response, but what is the tier out of 2.5/10? 2.5/5??
The higher the tier number, the worse, so it's like:
Tier 0 - extremely overpowered (currently nothing in this meta fortunately falls here)
Tier 1 - very good (it's mentioned in the article that Regidrago now falls under this category
Tier 2 - decent/okay
Tier 3 - underwhelming/rogue
Tier 4 - awful/meme
And then 2.5 is in between 2 and 3
ah thank you
The higher the tier number, the worse, so it's like:
Tier 0 - extremely overpowered (currently nothing in this meta fortunately falls here)
Tier 1 - very good (it's mentioned in the article that Regidrago now falls under this category
Tier 2 - decent/okay
Tier 3 - underwhelming/rogue
Tier 4 - awful/meme
And then 2.5 is in between 2 and 3