

Aspiring Trainer
So I have been thinking about a deck to build with Regigias, and came up with an idea after seeing the Japanese nationals Dark Deck.

3 - Regigigas EX
3 - 2 - 3 Meganium Prime
2/2 - Split of Virizion

So the idea is to use regigigas to tank almost anything. Meganium lets you move all energys off Regigigas to either use max potion to heal, or move it to a Virizion if you need to. Also if you are against terrakion decks since they can't 1HKO your Virizion you can use this max potion trick on him as well.

What do you all think? Worth It? I suppose you could add a Shaymin EX Tech for a late game heavy hitter (if you are down in prizes)
Interesting idea. I would add a few Celebi Prime for energy acceleration and a 1-0-1 Leavanny NV tech. Maybe something like
3 Celebi Prime
2 Virizion NV
3 Regigigas EX
1 Shaymin EX
1 Smeargle
3-1-3 Meganium Prime
1-0-1 Leavanny NV

Play a high number of Switch and Skyarrow bridge. Your perfect start would be: Celebi active. Forest Breath onto Virizion. Attach to Virizion (if there is a 40 HP target on your opponents side of the field). Play down Skyarrow Bridge/play Switch and retreat to Virizion. Double draw with Virizion or Catcher and knock out something. Next turn, you can hopefully play a Cheren and draw into Rare Candy and Meganium Prime. Very likely since your hand will be big thanks to Virizion's Double draw. Turn 2 Meganium Prime and you're ready to go to town.
Its interesting. I suggest adding some more techs, maybe Celebi Prime to get more consistent attacking.You need to get energies into play somehow. Obviously, you would have Mew2 EX, but maybe another attacker. 4 Plus power and a bunch of eviolite. 4 Maxpotion. Looks pretty cool. Definitally add Shaymin EX. Synthesis is good if you start w/ it and since you control your energies in play, it isn't hard to use its second attack. How pointless Shaymin UL would be. :p
Of course *palm face*
I was supposed to put Celebi Prime in, but I got a little ahead of myself :p But as you all say it's a "must have" due to the energy accel.

Hmmm, I might give this a build then! See how it goes. Thinking maybe a couple of Lost Removers in this DCE Crazy format. I only have 2 mewtwo's which are in my Zekeels build so I am trying to think of the best way to deal with mewtwo (that isn't mewtwo) obviously it would need to be a colorless attack on a psychic pokemon. Although I can imagine if you only had Regi's and Meganium's on the field it wouldn't be to easy to there mewtwo either. They are only going to get a knock out by dedicating alot of energy to one Mewtwo.

Thanks for the idea's anyway, defintely some to be tossed around to make a complete list.
Terrakion would crush you. Leavanny isn't the best card for it though. I would try Virizion. (Either NVI or EP)
Kingdra_fan said:
Of course *palm face*
I was supposed to put Celebi Prime in, but I got a little ahead of myself :p But as you all say it's a "must have" due to the energy accel.

Hmmm, I might give this a build then! See how it goes. Thinking maybe a couple of Lost Removers in this DCE Crazy format. I only have 2 mewtwo's which are in my Zekeels build so I am trying to think of the best way to deal with mewtwo (that isn't mewtwo) obviously it would need to be a colorless attack on a psychic pokemon. Although I can imagine if you only had Regi's and Meganium's on the field it wouldn't be to easy to there mewtwo either. They are only going to get a knock out by dedicating alot of energy to one Mewtwo.

Thanks for the idea's anyway, defintely some to be tossed around to make a complete list.

You know, you can proxy mewtwos and use them in the deck when you need to, :p
Before you put in Lost remover, see how much space you have. You may not have enough space for it. Also, consider Sunflora. Its great for setting up and is worth testing. Same with Energy retrieval.
he already has a 2/2 Virizion split, so the EP one would probly be for the Terrakions.
Eviolites help too.
iisnumber12 said:
Terrakion would crush you. Leavanny isn't the best card for it though. I would try Virizion. (Either NVI or EP)

As the post above mentions I have virizion. Both versions.

If I was playing against terrakion I wouldn't even consider dropping a Regigigas unless i was forced to start with one. Both Virizions can score a 1HKO turn after turn on Terrakions (Although NV Virizion has to attack first to get the +40dmg buff) And Sacred sword Virizion can be retreated after it attacks, can send up the second one and move all energys over with Meganium

Anything else can't 1HKO Regigigas (without dedicating alot of resources / effort) Which would probably end up helping my opponent loose as well
Rather than targetting the active Regigigas, people will use Catcher to kill off his Meganiums (or chikoritas or bayleefs) so he loses the ability to transfer all of his energies around.

however, lots of thigns "lose" to catcher KO's in this format, I don't see why that should stop you from building the deck. I think this is quite an interesting idea. It's like a deck I have to face at league all the time where a guy uses Klingklang and a bunch of rainbow/prism to move energies around to random EX's, and then max potioning them all off as needed. How does that deck lose? Kill the klinklang. Same strategy applies here. Does it automatically make the deck bad? Nah, I say go for it.

I also agree that Sunflora is definitely worth testing. I'm not sure how useful it will be, but it's definitely worth a shot.
How about using a bunch of Blissey DEX to heal off 30-60 to even 90 a turn, with Potions/Moomoo milks, SP. Metals, Eviolites, and damage prevention from your attack? Skarmory/ Smeargle as a starter. Heavy Ball searches out Blissey, Chansey, and Registeel.
Eon said:
How about using a bunch of Blissey DEX to heal off 30-60 to even 90 a turn, with Potions/Moomoo milks, SP. Metals, Eviolites, and damage prevention from your attack? Skarmory/ Smeargle as a starter. Heavy Ball searches out Blissey, Chansey, and Registeel.
: ) Epic Troll.

Skarmory? what. And if you use a blissey, blissey prime would be the best choice. Just move the damage of the damaged pokemon then play blissey and heal it all. Finaly, move the energies back. So much better than having to swarm multiple Blisseys with a chance of healing only the active. Max potion is superior for the same reasons, even better than Blissey Prime.
RogueChomp said:
Skarmory? what. And if you use a blissey, blissey prime would be the best choice. Just move the damage of the damaged pokemon then play blissey and heal it all. Finaly, move the energies back. So much better than having to swarm multiple Blisseys with a chance of healing only the active. Max potion is superior for the same reasons, even better than Blissey Prime.

Different strategy. Use Protect Charge, eviolites, SP.Metals and defenders with Blissey to really tank through anything.
Having a stage 2 is never better than a stage 1. While you can afford for the opponent to catcher a Blissey, if you let them catcher Meganium and you can't get another one out you're going to lose. The benefit to using Blissey is the fact you don't rely on Trainers to heal and you can use Sp. Metals, you can search out everybody with Heavy ball, and you don't need to waste space running rare candies, Poke Comm, possibly Twins (and other stuff needed to keep a stage 2 around). If you use Blissey, you can use both attacks to your advantage. Honestly, I can't see either method succeeding, without Vileploom tanking is impossible anyway while the opponent can simply catcher all of your support for KOs and then kill your tank.
I've tried running decks based around Meganium Prime and Max Potion with attackers such as Mewtwo ect., and they don't work very often. Personally, I don't believe a deck based around tanking will succeed AT ALL with Raquaza EX around, who can kill Registeel easily.
Ok wow, my bad.
But still, this stands regardless:
Honestly, I can't see either method succeeding, without Vileploom tanking is impossible anyway while the opponent can simply catcher all of your support for KOs and then kill your tank.
I've tried running decks based around Meganium Prime and Max Potion with attackers such as Mewtwo etc., and they don't work very often. Personally, I don't believe a deck based around tanking will succeed AT ALL with Raquaza EX around, who can kill Registeel easily.

In addition, I'd like to say now that Regigigas is even harder to use due to the amount of Fighting types in the current format. Regigigas doesn't even hit very hard if you keep him clean, which makes him hard to use as a single attacker, even with Mewtwo EX.
Eon said:
Ok wow, my bad.
But still, this stands regardless:

In addition, I'd like to say now that Regigigas is even harder to use due to the amount of Fighting types in the current format. Regigigas doesn't even hit very hard if you keep him clean, which makes him hard to use as a single attacker, even with Mewtwo EX.

And this is why Virizion EP is so boss. Terrakion gets OHKOed, and if they return the KO, you can go aggro Meganium as well. Regigigas won't be played in EVERY single matchup.
you could add one or 2 tornadus ex so you can donk and its helpful against terrakion.
I would rather see this idea be played with Registeel with KlingKlang instead of Blissey. It can abbuse SP. Metals and has an attack that reduces all damage by 20. So an ideal set up would be Eviolite, 4 Metal (or 2 w/ DCE) and a KlingKlang on the bench. I could see this deck working decently well, but it would probably also need EXP Share or some form of quick energy acceleration to use in case your active Registeel gets KO'd.
Rikko145 said:
What do you do when Meganium gets Catcher KO'd?

Well in most games I get out 2 Meganium from the testing I have done. There is little to no fire in my area so there isn't alot that can catcher + KO Meganium. But as someone else said Why play zekeels? They just need to catcher + KO your eels?

Same with Celebi in CMT?

There are alot of decks where catcher + KO can ruin your day, and alot of the catcher bait in other decks has less HP and a weakness that is played alot more.

I might consider changing this to the Klingklang idea after Rotation. For now I like Meganium :) Am going to be trying out 2 Tornadus EX as well to see how it does.

Oh and thanks for the Blissey idea, it might be worth trying so Dakrai's can't stack up damage on the bench to much :)
Yeah right now Meganium is better. Why do you want Tornadus EX? You already have a Very favorable Terrakion matchup, and in any other matchup it isn't that great. It may 1 shot Eels, but then they return KO you for 2 prizes. IMO, don't play Tornadus EX. If you want to, you can play regular Tornadus. Hurrican put energy back to bench, energy trans back. Totally pro.
Techs you can try out:
Bouffalant (revenge Kills Zekrom)
Blissey Prime
lol Druddigon stall