XY Remakes of Remakes?

Mega Swampert

Aspiring Trainer
One of the main functions of remakes is to reintroduce regions and generations to younger audiences who haven't experienced or played them before. By this time we haven't seen Kanto in about the same amount of time since we've seen Hoenn, since the 3rd gen included remakes of the 1st gen. Going with this pattern, in the 6th gen we have remakes of the 3rd gen and after maybe re-remakes of the 1st? I know it's a stretch, but eventually it may be necessary. What do you guys think?
I can see Nintendo doing another set of Red/Blue/Green remakes because of the nostalgia factor and fan-favorite factors but I cannot see this cycle lasting forever. Nintendo should, and may consider, release the originals and remakes on the virtual store for handheld. I think this would boost their sales and offer new players a chance to experience the classics, which many of them enjoy. If Nintendo were even smarter they would release the originals as a smartphone app (which they never will) and the remakes for handheld consoles. Sure, there may be emulations available but Nintendo could put in some extra magic by allowing wireless multiplayer modes, or something.
Personally, I'd love to see a remake of Kanto and Johto with the current systems, but I'd actually rather they just give us a brand new story with the locations. I think we can wait another 10 years to get a brand new cycle of remakes of remakes. Imagine the advancements at that time!
I'm one of those shameless people that I would love a Kanto remake (and also Sinnoh remakes down the road...), though I don't know how realistic is it, remaking a game yet again. On one hand, I think they could just re-release either the originals or FRLG over the e-shop, but then again, they also could have done that for Ruby and Sapphire, too.

What I really have my fingers crossed for is a 3DS remake of Yellow! Since we never got Yellow on the GBA, it wouldn't be quite as much of a remake of a remake, while still allowing people to play in Kanto on the 3DS with full 3D features and such. :D
I used to think that remakes were solely to make past generations compatible with the newer games. This might have been the original reason for the remakes of Red, Green, Gold, and Silver. Now that we have remakes of Generation 3 games (of which the originals are still compatible with the newest game) it's obvious that making them compatible isn't the only reason. I think the Pokémon Company is listening to the fans and that they know how badly many people (including myself) were hoping for the remakes.

Nostalgia is also becoming more and more important. I definitely think remakes of the first (and perhaps the second) generation are a possibility, but I don't think they would go as far as creating remakes of every game. It also depends on how long they are sticking to the 3DS handheld. It would be weird to see Generation 6 remakes when Pokémon X & Pokémon Y are still playable on the same console and compatible with newer games. Since the older generation never got to see 3D I think remakes for them would be amazing! :D
I'm definitely game for remakes of the remakes or whatever we want to call them. It'd be interesting to get some of the new features implemented in the Gen 3-6 games into the original story arc or even a new story within the Kanto/Johto regions. We could have secret bases by the Kanto Power Plant, or go to the Orange Islands. Maybe even contests or races like in the first season with Lara's Ponyta. I'm just rambling at this point, but whatever they decide to do I'm sure I'll buy it. I'm just that gullible. XD
We had revisted Kanto in gen 2 remakes, I know Kanto is the original, and it's fun to have a taste of nostalgia. However, I prefer something new over remakes. Kanto is just dull, and it's not that fun at all, compared to modern generations.

I wouldn't be surprised if they remade gen 4 in the future lol XD!! Since gen 4 was popular, and the most criticaly acclaimed gen that young audience love.
As much as I love Kanto I think it should be left alone now. It was great seeing it in G/S,FR/LG and even better in HG/SS but it has had its time in the spotlight. I think they should work on making the latest games and remakes to the best of their abilities. I'm not sure I'd welcome another Kanto remake. Not as much as OR/AS at any rate. There isn't much else that can be added at this point.
Maybe we could get future remakes of the third installments such as Yellow, Crystal, and Emerald instead of an actual remake of a remake (although it would pretty much be just that).
As cool as all of those DOES sound, there's no way this'll ever happen. Game Freak already pours enough money into other things such as the Dream World, and I really don't think they would want to waste their time on a remake OF a remake.
iNecrosis said:
As cool as all of those DOES sound, there's no way this'll ever happen. Game Freak already pours enough money into other things such as the Dream World, and I really don't think they would want to waste their time on a remake OF a remake.

Dream World has been closed for months, so that's not exactly an argument in your favour.