Remembrance Day


Aspiring Trainer
Today is remembrance day and we are to remember all the soldiers that died fighting in the war. Also, we have to remember the soldiers in Afghanistan too.

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Lucario_aura_wielder said:
don`t see why this is important enough to have a holiday about.

Well almost everyone gets it off and right now we're in wars, so yeah, it's pretty important. I don't have any family in the military now, but if I did, I'd be offended by that comment.

dmaster out.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
don`t see why this is important enough to have a holiday about.

Wow talk about being heartless. You obviously know nothing about the war. I suggest you go research it and delete this comment before anyone who will take offence reads this...
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
don`t see why this is important enough to have a holiday about.

It's a little bit of an annoyance when you always use the ` key instead of the ' key.
Anyway, what do you mean it's not important enough? Millions of people have died in war, hundreds of them being innocent children. You want an unnecessary holiday? Look at April Fools Day or Valentines Day. At least Remembrance Day has a meaning. Rest in peace, my grandfather.
Huh? I thought it was called Veteran's day.

l_a_w: The reason we have Veteran's day is to honor the military soldiers that are serving/have served in the war. Without them, we would not be the democratic nation we are today. In fact, we may not even have Independence day. Our entire country may not be on the map. Our veterans have fought for us, and this is why we honor them.

My dad is the only veteran in the family and he doesn't even get the day off from work.
It's not just a day to remember soldiers who have died in the war going on now. It's more importantly a day to remember the veterans of past and current wars. It began after World War I after the signing of the Armistice with Germany that ended the fighting in Europe. WWI was the first large scale war involving multiple countries from around the world, and had around 40 million casualties. Death was never seen in such large numbers before and world leaders thought that the day the war ended (November 11, 1918) should be recognized. So, today is a day to remember and honor those who have fought in any war, past or present, fighting for the freedom of their country. That's why this day is important.
Honestly, I've never heard it called that. :p I've always known it as veteran's day.

I don't get it off like you guys, but I respect it like anyone else(except the other dude). It means a lot that we have soldiers fighting for us giving up their lives. So yeah.
What an insulting post!

It's very important to honor those who have served in various world conflicts so that we, as Americans, can continue living with our everyday freedoms. Keep in mind that many vets and soldiers didn't (and don't) have any choice of whether they wanted to serve or not. These people have given up part of their lives (And for some, their life) to fight for the rights and freedoms that we should not take for granted.

Over the years America has fought so many tragic, devastating wars so we can continue living the American way. We've fought the forces of communism, religious persecution, genocide... the list is long. Imagine what America would be like now without all of these brave individuals that have sacrificed their lives for their homeland. It's just beautiful that through all of these events, the red, white, and blue have stayed strong and powerful. We just have to honor these individuals... while we're in our nice, cozy beds, they were knee-deep in mud, with the sound of explosives and gunfire keeping them from enjoying their already short break.

I'm not even a very patriotic dude, but man, that was bad.
RE: Veteran's Day

So sad the attrocities that occured in the two world wars... both completele disasters. The sadest part of WW1 was that no side justifiably fought for the right reasons. WWII was attrocious also. Lets hope that nothing on those kind of scales will ever occur again.
RE: Veteran's Day

It's too bad that people such as Lucario_aura_wielder are too ignorant to understand people are dying to keep them safe at night.

My brother and cousin are serving in Afghanistan currently, and my grandfather died in WWII, so this is a very important holiday to me. My heart goes out to all those who are risking their lives out there because they love their country so much they want to do whatever they can to keep those they don't even know safe. We really take our freedom for granted. Live strong, guys. If I get warned for this post it's only because I care enough about people who are trying to keep us alive that I don't think they should be insulted for loving their country.

God bless.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
don`t see why this is important enough to have a holiday about.
That was a very offencive comment, I belive you should reconsider what you say on here.
RE: Veteran's Day

Lucario, that's terrible. Anyway, Veteran's day is to celebrate all people who have served, Memorial Day is honoring the dead soldiers, I have some former military in my family.
RE: Veteran's Day

The thing that makes this day hit home even more was that most died for there countries stupidity and greed. Then other countries paid the price :(
RE: Veteran's Day

I bought my poppy.. I didn't have much money, but hopefully, it'll help contribute in some way towards the service men and woman in Afghanistan, and their families.

A group of people went out from my school to visit historical places in Belgium recently, and the memorials and grave sites of world war one. According to all of them, when you actually witness first-hand the amount of graves in these places, it really is overwhelming.

Rest in peace.
RE: Veteran's Day

It makes me happy to see people actually caring about Veteran's Day. Usually people just don't care about the past anymore, and they forget who those men were that were able to give us this country at the ultimate cost. Lucario needs to take the time and brush up on past wars and why this day is so important. His post was offensive, but hey some people just obviously don't care. I hope he's not one of them.

I have family members that served our country. 2 Great Grandfathers that fought in WWII, 2 Uncles that went into the Marine Corp., and one of them was in Desert Storm. And a Grandfather that was a Marine and fought in Vietnam. He was a Gunner on a Huey. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. My family has a history... To be honest I'm not interested in a military life, but I'm darned proud and grateful for those that did.

To those here that have Family members serving as we speak, God Bless them and may he protect our soldiers so we may see them once again. And for those that had served in past wars and/or have past away, Thank you soooo very much, and may we see you in Heaven one day. God bless all our men and women of the service.
RE: Veteran's Day

I had both my grandparents serve in wars. My dad's dad fought in WWII (he past away 12 years ago) and my mom's dad fought in the Korean War (he's still living).

Veteran's Day is an important day. It celebrates all the things the military fought for to maintain peace throughout the world.
dmaster said:
Well almost everyone gets it off and right now we're in wars, so yeah, it's pretty important. I don't have any family in the military now, but if I did, I'd be offended by that comment.

dmaster out.

Well, I'm offended by it. My dad served in the Air Force, and my grandpa served in the military as well. He fought in the Vietnam War. That's a very selfish comment, Lucario_aura_wielder; the men and women who put their lives in the line to defend this great country deserve to be honored.
RE: Veteran's Day

^Agreed, my mom was in the Air Force and Grandpa in the Navy, my uncle in the Army, and my other uncle in the Army.