Remodeling hammer and fighting decks


Aspiring Trainer
Remodeling Hammer: Discard a Special Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.

This combined with lost remover is super deadly. Any thoughts?

Decks that have lots of space like the terrakion decks would be really popular with this card. It will only get more popular with the buff to dark pokemon that mostly if not all have weakness to fighting. Probably the pokemon I could think of so far that will give some trouble to fighting decks are tornadus ex. Can be solved with ruins of alph though.

But in the future with the dragon set a trainer called tool scrapper will be released.

Tool scrapper: Choose up to 2 Pokémon Tool cards attached to both your and your opponent's Pokémon and discard them.

Exp share type of decks would most likely go extict if this trainer is used as a tech in a deck. Of course with new set releases, there will be other deck archetypes that will come out but looking solely on the playability of the top tier decks right now and the future. Any comments?
Lost Remover and Remodeling Hammer are the same thing, the only difference is that one sends to the discard and the other sends to the Lost Zone. Since there is no way to recover special energy (to my knowledge), they pretty much have the same effect. I wouldn't waste more deck space for another Lost Remover since I can easily get them back with Junk Arm. As an added bonus, Lost Remover can attack the bench. Remodeling Hammer can only attack the defending Pokemon. Nothing new here.
Just as a quick (and extremely minor aside), it is "Crash" Hammer, at least the Japanese name is. Unless I'm mistaken, the English name hasn't been released yet, so I could be wrong but yeah lol.

Edit: Might as well make my post a little more productive...Crash Hammer won't really be used untill it has to be. Namely, when Lost Remover rotates out. Why would you need to play both in a deck at any time? It's clear Crash Hammer is incredibly inferior to Lost Remover.

dmaster out.
I prefer Crushing Hammer over Crashing Hammer. You can just play 4 Lost Remover with 4 Junk Arm, then there is really no need for Crashing Hammer since it is a lesser version of the card you already have maxed. You don't really need more than 4 cards to discard special energy if you have Junk Arm. I feel Crushing Hammer is better than Crashing Hammer because it gives you a way to discard basic energy. With only Crashing Hammer and Lost Remover, you can't get rid of basic energies. Keep in mind you can also Crushing Hammer a benched Pokémon. I feel the pros outweigh the coin-flip here.
It could be played with the new drifblim. I think that it isn't as good as lost remover. Well, recycle could get back special energies but it isn't that good.
Yeah. the only reason to use Crashing Hammer over Lost Remover is when Lost Remover is rotated, which will be the same time DB Drifblim is released anyway.
Steelix Prime FTW!

It would only be used in super troll decks as LR is much better in every way. Unless there is a card that searches your opponent's discard for energies like Vibrava RR.
The translation is wrong.

Remodeled hammer removes special energy from opponent's pokemon, which includes benched pokemon.
I too prefer Crushing Hammer over Lost Remover/Remodling Hammer. It can smash out basic energies, and with Junk Arm, the coin flips are pretty negligible. I do see your point about decks sooo light in Pokemon finding some easy space for this card, but between hand-refresh, search and other consistency cards, I'm still not sure if there would be room for 4 of each....