Wi-Fi Trades Renzo's Pokemon Emporium *Temporarily Closed*

As of January 2009, how long have you been playing Pokemon?

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Special Offer!
Now with every Pokemon I trade you, YOU get to choose ANY berry to come with your Pokemon! This limited time offer isn't only restricted to berries: you can ask for FREE Master Balls or Heart Scales too!*​

My Information

I have a Diamond version while my sisters share a Pearl.
Diamond FC: 2492 1014 4469
Pearl FC: 0731 8655 8752 (both are in my signature)

Playing Times: Only on weekends. I live in the Central Time Zone (USA), which is 2 hours behind PokeBeach time. Usually I'm able to play after lunch. Also, please note that my internet has been acting up lately. I might disconnect at times, but I will always come back on right after.

I WILL NOT accept hacks. Even though I have hacks, I still will not accept them.

Please do not redistribute the Pokemon that I trade of which are mine originally (denoted by OT or a #) Also, if anyone does not want me to redistribute their Pokemon in this thread, please PM me.

Please PM me AFTER you get online, as my internet is wacked up. I can only see you if I go on after you do.

When online, please turn off Voice Chat.

Official contracted Mass Cloner: lucariopulse333

The Pokemon​


*All are 110% legit and cloned unless said otherwise. If there are any IV's stated, they are estimates made by the DP IV calculator on Serebii.net.*​


Dialga - Adamant (barely touched, lv 47, EV's reset to 0), OT

So this was caught with the FIRST ULTRA BALL that I threw at this guy, way back then when I had no idea what EV's were. It never grew a level since then and I've reset the EV's. When I ran this through Serebii.net's IV calculator, I was amazed.


Mesprit - Modest UT, OT

Soft reset catch.


Cresselia - Calm UT, OT

Same as above.


Shiny Gallade - Jolly

Traded from Elite Stride


Shiny Giratina - Adamant

Traded from Bilbo9

Giratina - Adamant UT, OT

Soft reset caught.



Movie Japanese Shaymin - Quiet UT
Stats: 170/109/118/119/110/97

From Valk (I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong!)


WISHMKR Jirachi - Timid UT
Stats: 25/13/15/16/16/16

Traded from Valk.


Gamestp Deoxys - Timid (lv 99, EV's reset) #
IV's: Uncalculated
Stats: 208/332/72/392/69/347


TRU (Toys R Us) Manaphy - Adamant (lv 51) #
IV's: 27/25/x/28/x/x
EV's: 252 Spe, resettable but prefer not to
Stats: 176/130/107/108/107/140


MYSTRY (Toys R Us) Mew - Naive (lv 35, EV's reset), Rash UT, Jolly (lv ?51? EV's reset) #

IV's: 27/22/x/22/22/28 - 31
Stats: 124/82/76/82/73/86


10th Aniv. Celebi - Jolly UT
Stats: 225/152/154/149/156/171

From Echosong.



Shiny Tyranitar - Adamant (lv 100)
EV's: *See below*
Stats: 352/399/256/203/236/160


Lucario - Modest
EV's: Not so sure now. Need to ask Echosong
Stats: 290/211/168/304/190/279

Both from Echosong.


Shiny Starmie - Modest
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Perfect Stats?!? *Note: This was calculated using MetalKid's calculator.
EV's: 6 Hp/252 SpA/252 Spe
Stats: 262/167/206/328/206/329

Traded from Valk.


Electivire - Adamant
Details: Straight from Charizard88's giveaway! (details in his thread)

Breeding Corner

*Stats, not IV's, will be shown (unless otherwise stated), all are lv 5, hatched at lv 1, and have no EV's. I am the OT of all unless otherwise stated.*


Eevee - Timid


Phione - Timid

Bred from TRU Manaphy (up above).


Ralts - Timid

ZOMG! Perfect SpA IV!!!!11!1!111!!1!!


Tyranitar - Jolly (lv 55)
IV's: 26/23/x/x/23/x
EV's: 100 Atk, 100 Spe (resettable but prefer not to)
Stats: 189/178/135/107/127/103

IV Bred

*All IV's calculated with MetalKid's calculator. All Pokemon level 10 unless otherwise stated. I am OT of all. Not redistributable.*


Nincada - Jolly X2
IV's: 28 - 31 / 10 - 19 / 10 - 19 / 3 - 6 / 31 / 30 - 31
Stats: 29/15/24/9/14/17
Scratch, Harden, Substitute, X-Scissor

IV's: 28 - 31 / 0 - 9 / 31 / 0 - 2 / 20 - 23 / 20 - 29 (Female!)
Stats: 29/14/26/9/13/16
HP Ice, Leech Life, Substitute, X-Scissor

Both of these were meant to be more defensive and survive hits so that they could Baton Pass. Take your pick. These were the first Pokemon that I ever IV bred!


Larvitar - Jolly
IV's: 0 - 9 / 31 / 17 - 19 / 10 - 19 / 25 - 28 / 31
Earthquake, Bite, HP Ghost, Screech

My second IV breed. I was VERY bored one night and decided to IV breed.


Cyndaquil - Mild (lv 1)
IV's: 2 - 21 / 31 / 0 - 13 / 30 - 31 / 0 - 19 / 30 - 31
HP Water


Typhlosion - Modest (lv 36, Day Care/Rare Candy leveled)
IV's: 17 - 18 / 31 / 28 - 30 / 21 - 23 / 11 - 13 / 28 - 30
Quick Attack, Flame Wheel, Lava Plume, Swift

I'm rather proud of the Mild Cyndaquil. It was a huge success that I didn't anticipate.

More to Come!
Details for more Pokemon will be posted later.


*There is a limited reserve of hacks. After these (and the ones on Pearl) are gone, I will be officially HACK FREE!*

Arceus – Adamant
252 Hp, 252 Atk, 6 Spe
Swords Dance, Extremespeed, Earthquake, Shadow Claw

Deoxys-A – Hasty X2
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Shadow Ball, Thunder, Ice Beam, Superpower

Deoxys-D – Bold X2
1) 252 Hp, 125 Def, 175 SpD, 58 Spe
Spikes, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Recover
2) 252 Hp, 80 Def, 178 Spe
Substitute, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Recover

Electivire – Adamant
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Cross Chop, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch

Garchomp – Adamant
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Swords Dance, Fire Fang

Kyogre – Modest
252 Hp, 252 SpA, 6 Spe
Thunder, Surf, Ice Beam, Calm Mind

Manaphy – Bold
252 Hp, 150 Def, 108 SpA
Rest, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Surf

Mew – Timid
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Baton Pass

Tyranitar – Jolly X2
1) 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Crunch
2) 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Earthquake, Rock Slide, Crunch, Aqua Tail

Jirachi – Impish
240 Hp, 56 Atk, 76 Def, 138 Spe
Zen Headbutt, U-turn, Wish, Light Screen

Typhlosion – Timid
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Earthquake, Flamethrower, HP Ice (or Electric or Grass, I don’t know for sure), Eruption
Shiny Manaphy – Timid
252 SpA, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Tail Glow, Surf, Ice Beam, Grass Knot

Shiny Metagross – Adamant
150 Hp, 252 Atk, 108 Spd
Earthquake, Meteor Mash, Agility, Explosion

Shiny Gallade – Adamant
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Hp
Swords Dance, Close Combat, Thunderpunch, Night Slash

Shiny Cresselia – Modest
252 Hp, 158 Def, 100 SpA
Moonlight, Ice Beam, Toxic, Reflect

Shiny Ninjask X2
1) 252 Hp, 152 Atk, 106 Spe
Substitute, Swords Dance, Baton Pass, X-Scissor
2) 176 Hp, 252 Atk, 82 Spe
Substitute, Swords Dance, Baton Pass, X-Scissor

Hmm... I seem to have an abundance of hacks... There's even more on Pearl than listed here.


*Bolded moves are a MUST. IV's listed are preferred. Closer = better.*


Jirachi – Jolly, no EV's and/or not level 100
IV’s: 20+/25+/15+/x/15+/25+
Body Slam, Wish, Zen Headbutt, U-Turn


Lileep or Cradily – Careful, no EV's and/or not level 100
IV’s: 28+/25+/28+/x/28+/20+
EV's: 252 HP
Recover, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Seed Bomb


Zapdos – Timid, no EV's and/or not level 100
IV’s: 20+/x/20+/25+/20+/25+
EV's: None, or under lv 100
Heat Wave, Thunderbolt, Roost, HP Ice/Grass


Latias - Timid
IV's: 20+/x/20+/25+/20+/25+
EV's: 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 6 HP
Recover, Dragon Pulse, Calm Mind, Psychic


Beldum or Metang or Metagross - Adamant
IV's: 25+/28+/25+/x/25+/28+
EV's: None, or under lv 100
Meteor Mash, Agility, Earthquake, Ice Punch

The Forsworn's Hippowdon and Tentacruel :D (from Charizard88)
Bold Eevee/Vaporeon, legit, no EV's, UT or not lv 100

Platinum move tutor access.


I can EV train Pokes. I can only take a limited number of requests at a time as I only play on weekends (and breaks). Also, please give it the vitamins of the to-be-EV'd stats beforehand. This will shorten the amount of time SIGNIFICANTLY.

I run Heart Scale, Berry, Master Ball, and limited Leftovers services. I have a lot of AR'd ones so you may request these.


Rules: Sleep, Freeze, Species, Uber clause. Uber list = Smogon's Uber list. More to come.

Don't see what you're looking for? Go to this thread to find it!
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling!

Nice, you finally got your thread up! I am interested in those ev hacks you have. I think I have a list, but you need to post what you want. I have some shiny pokemon if you like.
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling!

Hmmm l have to say you need help with non-hacked pokémon, so i'll help! What l want in return is some hacked pokémon and your Dialga. My pokémon i'm willing to give is:
Calm Rotom UT
Modest Mewtwo UT
10th anniversary Lugia careful nature UT
PBR Pikachu UT
Modest Porygon UT
lmpish Cresselia UT
These are all legit
l am getting soon:
XD Lugia careful UT
Zapdos timid UT with Extrasensory (can't spell that)
Not sure on iv's for all though.
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling!

Would you trade dialga for a hardy mesprit lv. 50(unknown ivs and evs)? Sorry, but I only have 23 mins so if you don't reply soon, I'll leave.
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling!

valk said:
Nice, you finally got your thread up! I am interested in those ev hacks you have. I think I have a list, but you need to post what you want. I have some shiny pokemon if you like.

Lol thanks Valk! I knew you'd like my hacks XD

lucariopulse333 said:
Hmmm l have to say you need help with non-hacked pokémon, so I'll help! What l want in return is some hacked pokémon and your Dialga. My pokémon I'm willing to give is:
Calm Rotom UT
Modest Mewtwo UT
10th anniversary Lugia careful nature UT
PBR Pikachu UT
Modest Porygon UT
lmpish Cresselia UT
These are all legit
l am getting soon:
XD Lugia careful UT
Zapdos timid UT with Extrasensory (can't spell that)
Not sure on iv's for all though.

Thanks for the offer, but I have a lot more legits to post. I'll remember your offer, though!

penny power said:
Would you trade dialga for a hardy mesprit lv. 50(unknown ivs and evs)? Sorry, but I only have 23 mins so if you don't reply soon, I'll leave.

I have a Modest Mesprit already, sorry. I've yet to post Mesprit.

Edit: Mesprit posted
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling! *MAJOR REVAMP 1/21*

Here with anther update.mI'm typing this on a palm again and I can't edit my first post here. Basically a Wants update.


Charizard88's Hippowdon :D
Jolly Jirachi, legit, preferrably UT (any kind will do as long as it has good IV's in Atk, Hp, and Spe)
Bold Vaporeon, legit
Timid Zapdos, UT legit
Shiny Adamant Beldum (or evolution), UT or not lvl100 and with no EV's
Modest Staryu or Starmie, good IV's, no EV's or UT
Shiny Naughty Trapinch or evolution, UT and/or no EV's
atk down, spdef up natured Lileep or evolution w/good IV's

Expert Belt - Two
Mass Cloner to clone my Pokes a lot
Platinum move tutor access.
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

Hey if you can reconfirm some of those IV's I want that Dialga. :O Check them Here. Metal kid is 100% more accurate then serebii.net

EDIT: Charizard88's Hippowdon? Please go look up the real owner and replace the Charizard88 with that name. But put at thend (Available from Charizard88)
RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

Sorry, Charizard88. I reset EV's and here's the new total

Dialga - #483 (Adamant)
HP: 30
Att: 29 - 30
Def: 16 - 17
SpA: 13 - 14
SpD: 3 - 4
Speed: 27 - 28

Adamant #483 Dialga: 30 / 29 - 30 / 16 - 17 / 13 - 14 / 3 - 4 / 27 - 28

RE: Renzo's Emporium for Competitive Battling! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

l can mass clone your pokémon if l get to keep a copy. How many do you want of each?
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

i would like shiny giratina.
i will trade anything from my thread. global trading centre♪ shines and events♪ is my threads name.
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

What's the nature of your Jirachi, and is it legit?
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

it is the event jarachi so it is real of course and i think it is modest or jolly but i lost dimond somewhere. . . .
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

So... what does that mean?
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

Well... if it's Jolly I'll trade for it. When can you check? Or is it on the Diamond that you lost?
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

would you agree to trade that starmie of yours for the pikachu? i can clone it if you want:)
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

Sorry, nty. lucariopulse333 and I have a deal for cloning.
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

Renzo said:
Sorry, nty. lucariopulse333 and I have a deal for cloning.

You mean you won't clone your pokemon? Or that only he may clone it?
RE: Renzo's Pokemon Emporium! *Get FREE items with a trade!*

lucariopulse333 is my official cloner. Only he can clone my Pokemon now. It's part of our dealio.
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