DPPt/HGSS Request A My Player Rep Thread

Its been like a month, he does not check this, I pm him and he dosent check this either
I have to say , this system is a bust.
Kevin never checks it and no other mod steps up to help.
At least someone does something , this forum shouldn't even be here.

OK it is OBVIOUS Kevin isn't going to do this any more. So here I am with my new powers I obtianed today =O I will add the threads. BUT first I request that everyone rre-submit there threads.

*That is all*
Can I have one please?



Thank You so much Charizard.
At least it's good to know some forum team member pays attention to my posts.
I was about to post saying I might be able to help, Charizard, but I didn't know you had to have powers. :|| Carry on. Haha..

dmaster out.
Thank you Charizard, you have saved me. ShayminSky http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=46409
(Randy) said:
Can I have one please?



Thank You so much Charizard.
At least it's good to know some forum team member pays attention to my posts.

Will do.


d master342 said:
I was about to post saying I might be able to help, Charizard, but I didn't know you had to have powers. :|| Carry on. Haha..

dmaster out.

Ya I tried it on my little brothers account KG has it set. >_<

ShayminSky said:
Thank you Charizard, you have saved me. ShayminSky http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=46409

Will add.

LordZapdos said:
Can I have one. thanks in advance

LuckyLuigi7 said:
Could I have a rep thread? Thanks a lot. Do it whenever you have time. :)

Sure thing will add it after the others. I had to go to B-Ball practice when I said I would make the others. :p