DPPt/HGSS Request A My Player Rep Thread

Player thread: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=58287
Profile: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/usercp.php
Player thread: http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=58287
Profile: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/usercp.php

Sigth said:

My player thread: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=58159

Soul Seeker said:
May I have a thread...for battle reps only?

I will get to these after I get back from Oklahoma along with all the refs that have been posted. I managed to get internet access for about 10 minutes. I can't edit threads though, or make them. So whatever.
Charizard88 said:
Soul Seeker said:
May I have a thread...for battle reps only?

I will get to these after I get back from Oklahoma along with all the refs that have been posted. I managed to get internet access for about 10 minutes. I can't edit threads though, or make them. So whatever.

Well...now I have a player thread :p
Will update refs and things tomorrow. I am busy for the rest of the day, it's mah dad's B-Day. =]
Guys my computer is having a ton of technical difficulties. x.x It literally won't run for 5 minutes without freezing. >.> So I am busy updating everything, so don't count on any updates for now. Sorry for any inconveniences.
Lunar Wing


Trade Thread
OK. I performed all the updates I can on my laptop which is still not working. I am able to use the Local McDonalds for my DSi internet, but I don't really like the price they make me pay for it. >:O So don't expect me to update at all, seeing as on my DSi I can't post or edit threads. I am once again very sorry for the inconvenience, however your all great traders and these reps shouldn't matter. =D So good luck in trading and I hope to be back soon.
someone else should take this over, c88.
if you want, i can do it (using your format and everything) while you are unable to
safariblade said:
someone else should take this over, c88.
if you want, I can do it (using your format and everything) while you are unable to

No, reason being, when I am able to get this back and running, you will still need to watch this stuff, it's easier if you guys wait, trust me and let me roll. =D I heard they found out the issue with my laptop so hopefully by tomorrow I can get access to it, for a short period. Enough to edit and make threads. =D
Hmm Charziard88 are you able to give me a rep thread? Or should I just make one for myself to give you a break?
Eevee Freak said:
Hmm Charziard88 are you able to give me a rep thread? Or should I just make one for myself to give you a break?

Like I have said 5 posts above, maybe more. I am getting my laptop fixed, I have to suffer with a sucky computer which doesn't let me click, edit, new thread, none of that. T.T However I do believe the shipped it back to me today so hopefully soon.

P.S. It went to 5 different tech companies, in 4 different states. -_-
Charizard88 said:
Like I have said 5 posts above, maybe more. I am getting my laptop fixed, I have to suffer with a sucky computer which doesn't let me click, edit, new thread, none of that. T.T However I do believe the shipped it back to me today so hopefully soon.

P.S. It went to 5 different tech companies, in 4 different states. -_-

Ahh I see... Well to be honest I was hopping to catch a break and you were on a workable computer xD That's too painful though... Hope it works when you get it. Sorry for bothering...