Requesting New Pokemon!


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone, I've been making progress on my still-untitled Pokemon strategy game. If anyone would like to submit new Pokemon, I would be grateful.

I am mostly looking for legendaries, evolutions/pre-evolutions of current Pokemon, and new starter-like Pokemon (with three evolution stages and such).

I would need at least a decent picture of the Pokemon, and a name, some lore, types, and relative power would also be great. Any contribution I use will be credited in the game and in the documentation.

The web site for the game is at and the topic on the board with more information is
I have a Pokemon you can use !


Name: Angelchu
The Angel Mouse Pokemon
Evolves from: Pikachu (with Light Stone)
Types: Electric/Flying
Lore: A Pikachu that resembles an angel. It is very beautiful and has been depicited in many paintings and scupltures
Powers: Very powerful and very strong. A high Sp. Atk and HP level

I hope it helps !
And another !


Name: Pikaking
The Ancient Mouse Pokemon
Evovles from: Pikachu (with Moon Stone)
Types: Electric/Rock
Lore: An ancient creature that was said to rule over all of the ancient world. It's body is incased in a giant Golem shell
Powers: Incredibly high Defense and high Sp. Atk, HP is pheonminal, basically, it's a tank

NOTE: If your game deals with genders, Pikaking is Male, Angelchu is Female
Flygon Ruler said:
Here's an evolution of carnivine

He'd have to gain permission to use that sprite, otherwise he would be stealing since that is a Copyrighted Site.
But he said, looking for evolutions of current Pokemon, he ddin't say they had to be his sprites