Research Week #1: The UU Tier

The Yoshi

Hey everyone. I was browsing through Smogon one day, and I came across the Research Groups for a variety of the lower tiers. I actually thought it was pretty cool, to see how the users were able to analyze the Pokemon in their own way, and ladder to the top. I'd like to attempt to bring that kind of thing here, and explore all Pokemon in every tier. You never know, you might come across a Pokemon that you found a new love for (personally, I found a passion for Mandibuzz after trying it out for a Research Week in RU).

First off, we will be researching the Pokemon in UU for this first week.


  • Be open-minded and try to use a Pokemon to a full extent whether you think it is terrible or not. Remember, the point of this is to see if the Pokemon do have a niche, and if they can perform well.
  • Don't be afraid to make an analysis for a Pokemon that has already been analyzed. There is more than one niche a Pokemon can fulfill.
  • Do not post here complaining that the Pokemon I chose were bad; just PM me some ideas for next time instead of complaining about them.

(these rules are the same as the ones on Smogon; well, not word for word, but you get the point)

So, without further ado, here are the Pokemon we will be researching for Week 1:

[animate]589[/animate] [animate]184[/animate] [animate]494[/animate]

Escavalier | Azumarill | Victini

In order to participate in this Research Week, you must post in this thread or PM me with your Alt/username on PO/PS/whatever and the Pokemon you plan to use. You must also use at least one of the Pokemon that have been chosen for the week. It would be appreciated if you provided some input about your experiences with the Pokemon, and if you don't feel it, you can change it at any time. Any theorymon is accepted unless it's just foolish, but you should put it to some competitive use. Feel free to share any logs or sets you like here.

The objective of each week is to ladder as high as you can (on a competitive server like Pokebeach or Smogon) using one or more of the Pokemon chosen from the week. You must PM me or post here with a screenshot of proof that you laddered to the position you claim. The winner will be given the choice of the tier used for next week and is allowed to choose one Pokemon to research for the following week (but nothing like Politoed in OU ;D).

Again, if anyone has a problem with this, don't hesitate to PM me about what you think is wrong about the idea of the group. Please don't post here, though.

Current Participants:

[member]The Yoshi[/member]
Alt: YoshiYoshi
Pokemon: Azumarill + Victini

Alt: Senor'-Senior
Pokemon: Azumarill/Victini

Alt: infernape1012
Pokemon: Escavalier

Alt: Volvagia
Pokemon: Victini

Good luck!
Bump. I'll start this off by trying out Azumarill. Huge Power is a great trait for Azumarill to carry because of its previously low Attack stat, and it has a decent amount of bulk. Although it's Speed stat is a little low, I personally feel Aqua Jet's priority makes up for it.

Alt: YoshiYoshi
Pokemon: Azumarill
I'll see what I can make of these pokemon. I'll see if i can fit them all into one well-rounded team.

- R-C
Well, to start out, I personally love Azumarill. If you play it with multiple entry hazards, Azumarill will wreck anything with its STAB CB Aqua Jet that doesn't resist it. This is why I personally play it with Roserade to lay Spikes and Claydol to lay Stealth Rock. After that, it is usually a hit and run if something resists Aqua Jet, or if Azumarill is being threatened to be KOd. I'll share my Azumarill set.

Azumarill (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Huge Power
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Waterfall
- Return
- Ice Punch
- Aqua Jet

Victini is also another awesome Pokemon as well. V-Create just packs so much power, and with a Choice Scarf it is able to out speed enough things to fire off to V-Creates, picking off Umbreon with ease. Fusion Bolt checks Suicune if it is not boosted enough, and U-Turn gives me momentum, and I use Zen Headbutt to destroy Hitmontop. My Victini set consists of this:

Victini @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Victory Star
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- V-create
- Fusion Bolt
- U-turn
- Zen Headbutt

The team, BTW, consists of Roserade/Victini/Azumarill/Zapdos/Claydol/Cobalion. The only things it has minor issues with is Snorlax (if Cobalion is down) and Chandelure (if Azumarill is down). Suicune is also a problem, but with proper prediction, I can come in with Victini and Fusion Bolt it to death. My highest ladder so far has been around 1280. Not great, but I love the team.
Either. It would be preferred to play UU for the reason of using the UU tier, but you can use them in OU if you'd like.