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Reshi(EX)Boar (Semi-Final Build)


Breaker of Standards
This will be my first attempt at a semi-competitive deck and I need help from you guys. All opinions/comments will be highly appreciated and noted.


I have fully REVAMPED the list and would like more comments. Tested out the current list, has difficulty with empoleon variants and has an even match up with eels (based on my experiments) and DarkHydrei. Has a very big disadvantage with GO Garbodor.


Pokémon: 14
4x Tepig (BW)
2x Pignite (BW)
3x Emboar (Ability) (BW)
2x Reshiram EX (ND)
2x Reshiram (ND)
1x Mewtwo EX

Trainers/Supporters: 32
4x Pokemon Catcher
4x Professor Juniper
3x Cheren
3x Energy Retrieval
3x Switch
3x Rare Candy
2x N
2x Tool Scrapper
2x Super Scoop Up
2x Eviolite
2x Heavy Ball
2x Ultra Ball

Energy: 14
10x {R}
4x {C}{C} Energy

Try to get Reshiram EX burn down everything by T2 c/o Inferno Fandango and try to avoid death by suicide (Brave Fire) with the use of eviolite and SSU support. Regular Reshiram as a secondary attacker. Mewtwo EX is for late game sweeping and/or counter against everything.
RE: ReshiBoar Fliptini Mix

This is actually a B/W On deck so it belongs in the main Deck Garage forum. I'll move it for you.


dmaster out.
RE: ReshiBoar Fliptini Mix

Sorry bout that. still feeling my way through the forums.

BUMP. I know this is kind of a staple deck but I'd really like to hear some ideas :)
RE: ReshiBoar Fliptini Mix

-4 Cheren
-2 Revive
-2 Cilian
-2 Exp Share

+3 Bianca (After a Inferno Flamedango or Setting up your bench Bianca will net you more cards then Cheren)
+1 N (Disruptive and helps get what you need for embour that much quicker)
+2 Switch (Embour is catcher bait and you want a way of getting it out the active)
+1 Heavy Ball
+2 Tool Scrapper (This is here mostly for the Garbador match-up which would cripple your deck)
RE: ReshiBoar Fliptini Mix

@zaloog91 ok will keep your idea in mind but I think cheren would be a better choice than bianca. Will experiment more on that matter. And I think you're lacking 1 more on the cards that you suggested.
RE: ReshiBoar Fliptini Mix

True there is 1 spot left with my suggestion so either you could add another bianca if you decide to try her or add a random receiver
RE: ReshiBoar Fliptini Mix

Ok. Thank you for your input @zaloog91.

BUMP. Can I get any more comments? I'm planning on using this at battle roads as my main deck.
RE: ReshiBoar EX + Fliptini Mixup

Last BUMP. Need some final comments before I start play testing this deck. thx!
RE: ReshiBoar EX + Fliptini Mixup

A little sleepy right now. So I'll try to make this quick.

-2 Eviolite (I'd focus on 1 type of defensive Item. SSU or Eviolite, but SSU seems better for this deck since Fliptini takes care of the recoil)
-1 DCE (You've got a lot of energy and Energy Retrieval)
-1 Fire (^That)
-2 Communication (14 Pokemon isn't enough for P Comm to be great)
-1 Pignite (Rare candy = better, lol)
-1 Cheren (Making room for other suppoters)
-1 Energy Retrieval (To make some room)

+1 N
+2 Ultra Ball (Better search with 13 to 14 Pokemon)
+2 SSU
+2 Rare Candy
+2 Bianca (Is good with Ultra Ball)

You could try the 4 SSU or 3 Eviolite + one other card and see which one you prefer. Super Rod and some more supporters are some things to consider as well.

Sorry if this seemed a little rushed. I want sleep to come as soon as possible :p

RE: ReshiBoar EX + Fliptini Mixup

^@mtc thx for the quick response. I actually had doubts on the eviolite thing so thx for helping me decide on that. I'm kinda not sure about the ultra ball think as it discards cards from my hand. I don't really like that idea but I will look into it. thx for the feedback. Will update my decklist to my most recent build.
RE: ReshiBoar EX + Fliptini Mixup

Here's my say;

-1 Super rod (I usually find one is enough.)
-1 Pignite
-2 Pokemon Communication

+1 Rare Candy (To replace the one Pignite)
+3 level ball/emolga (To find both Victini AND tepig.)
-OR- +2-3 Ultra ball
And then Bianca like everyone suggests. (But you'll need more space for it. I suggest replacing Cheren with it.)

I have 4x DCE on my list because I can use it to pay off the normal Reshiram's retreat cost in a pinch. Sounds weird, but I happen to find it very useful.
Entei EX is for late game energy engine, during times when I've run out of energy retrieval. 90 dmg is pretty hard though ;) thx for the input anyways
shinycharizard said:
but it also cost about 20-30 dollars

and your point would be? haha. listen dude I've got like 5 of them in my card binder. trust me, I won't waste any money :)

Any other input besides DISSING the cards would be highly appreciated ;)