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Reshi-Tar (Reshiram EX, Tyranitar Prime)


T-Tar tyrant
My fav pokeemon is T-Tar. I played it for a long time, and I want to dust him off for a last hurrah. I have tried to develope a deck that MAY be fast enough to play him...buy a lot of sacrifices had to be made.

Can this work?

Pokemon- 20

4-3-4 T-Tar Prime
3 Reshiram EX
3-2 Electrode Prime
1 Cleffa

T-S- 26

3 Collector
3 Catcher
3 Candies
3 Communication
4 Pont
2 N
3 Switch
3 Junk Arm
2 Twins

Energy- 14

4 Special Dark
4 Rainbow
2 Prism

Cards I have considered trying to fit in:

Shaymin to move the Energies
Cobalion- to try to slow down the heavy hitters
Kyurem EX instead of Reshiram
Plus Power to get the OHKOs with T-Tar

So, I hope to have by turn 3, a Maybe 2 T-tar and a Reshi ready, as well as Electrode ready to blow Energies on them. This will allow the tanking to start. It also allows me to use Twins to grab a switch or Candy if I am stuck

Can this work? I know the T-S line is thin...so what should I look at changing?


In my opinion Electrode Prime is too luck based so I dont think it would work.The idea was nice though.
My fellow Tyranitar loving friend, the only advice I can give you is this. Hang on to him, don't use him just yet. Once we get those Dark Rush cards, our gigantic mountain moving tyrant will be at the top again. Just a little more time... ;-)
rowsdower24 said:
My fellow Tyranitar loving friend, the only advice I can give you is this. Hang on to him, don't use him just yet. Once we get those Dark Rush cards, our gigantic mountain moving tyrant will be at the top again. Just a little more time... ;-)

Thank you!!!!

I will do that!
The cards in here have almost no synergy. I'd suggest to either rowsdower24 said, or base a deck around reshiram EX or Tyrannitar to make it more consistent and better to use.
Actually, the cards have no synergy whatsoever. You need to combine T-Tar with normal dragons, for outrage abusion. Or, you can make a dark snipe toolbox. Absol prime, mandibuzz bw, etc.