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ReshiBoar- Help Needed


Miss the game
A little while ago I stopped playing this, but then I realized that it kicks ass and now its cheaper since the hyper for Emboar and RDL is over.

Pokemon (16):
1 Cleffa
3-2-3 Emboar (promo singe tepigs)
3 Reshiram
2-2 Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND

Energy (12):
9 Fire
3 Electric

Trainers (32):
4 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Switch
3 Pluspower
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Bianca
I've always favored Reshiboar over Reshiphlosion :3

anyways getting to your deck it's nice, fast, consistent, and powerful but a few things can be done to make this deck better first of all RDL is nice but you can't get them out fast enough unless you have some sort of card that lets you pull Legend pokemon. You can add either Legend box or a tech line of Bronzong TM to pull these Legend cards faster also I don't thin Bianca is needed for this deck as it's effect is only as great as magnezone and Oak under the circumstance would be better this also give you room to add Legend box (I prefer that over bronzong when trying to draw a Legend card) also maybe drop one pokemon collector (as you will probably only ever need 3) for a fire energy as this is fairly helpful.... erm other than that idk what you should take out but try to add FSL and Fisherman as they get your energies back into your hand where they belong ;)
Is there a specific reason you opt for no Ninetales and six cards of Supporter draw instead?

You need to add the Strategy to your deck in the first post either way.

dmaster out.
Why no 4rth Reshiram? :(
Also, maybe bump up the Fire Energy count.
3-2-3 Emboar line, as your only stage2 line, with 4 rare candy, might be a bit excessive.
Also the massive 4 Energy Retrieval could lead to many dead draws, especially without Ninetales, Engineer's Ajustments or Juniper, and the low Energy count.

I'd do something like:
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Energy Retrieval
-1 Junk Arm
+1 Reshiram
+2 Fire Energy
I say with four oak's you REALLY need to take out cleffa and add a fourth Reshiram since he is your main attacker (kinda). Then you need to take out Two of the draw supporters for Two Interviewer's Questions. With such a low energy line you need a way to draw into them. Other than that looks Good. GL.
alexmf2 said:
A little while ago I stopped playing this, but then I realized that it kicks grass and now its cheaper since the hyper for Emboar and RDL is over.

Pokemon (16):
1 Cleffa
3-2-3 Emboar (promo singe tepigs)
3 Reshiram
2-2 Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND

Energy (12):
9 Fire
3 Electric

Trainers (32):
4 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Switch
3 Pluspower
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Bianca

Let me try and shine some light on this deck for you. I've been playing this deck for months and it's actually (still) one of my top choices for BR's this season.

What you need:

Fisherman: Trainer lock is a bad day for you without this card. There's no way you'll win without it and it's an absolute monster late game when all you need is energy.

Twins: You're rarely getting the first prize with this deck. Compared to stage 1's, Yanmegas, and Zekroms... you're going to almost always lose a cleffa or tepig off the bat. That's okay because a copy of twins is going to guarantee you an Emboar the very next turn if you have another tepig on the bench, which you always should have anyways. Also, never, ever ever bench tepigs down one by one unless you absolutely have to. Catcher will destroy you turn by turn and you'll never get an Emboar out if you play tepigs one by one.... which leads me to my next point.

More Tepigs. You need 4. Bottom line. Thicker basics means more consistency and a synergy with twins since you're expecting to lose 1, maybe 2 early game. As stated before, you're rarely going to get the first prize against the current metagame. It's best to accept it and prepare for it.

More drawpower: Sages, Engineer's adjustment, or Cheren will do. My personal favorite is Engineers since it grabs you 4 cards and keeps fire energies in play, even if its in the discard pile. Fire in the discard means every one of your Energy retrievals is a LIVE card and not a dead draw... This deck thrives off energy in play... the more the better even if its the discard.

Pokemon Catcher: I don't see a reason to run at least 2 of this card. It's one of the strongest cards in the format and can nab you key Knock outs. It's a game changer and the fact that you don't have to flip anymore tremendously increases its potency. Your list is going to be extremely tight though (like all emboar lists). Add this if you can but I didn't include it because it doesn't increase your consistency setting up.

Attack Emboar: 150 is really, really good. You already run 3-2-x of it's basics (4-2-x after my adjustments) It's great to have another attacker that you can bring out that puts a MINIMAL strain on your consistency, if at all. RDL is good and I see you have 2, but unless you're in the late game stages, RDL is a dead draw. I'd rather see more important cards in those slots that increase your consistency.

- 1-1 RDL
- 1 Pokemon collector
- 1 Switch
- 1 Energy Retrival
- 1 Communication
- 1 PlusPower
- 2 Bianca
- 1 Rare Candy
- 1 Junk Arm
- 1 Emboar 20

+ 3 Twins
+ 1 Tepig
+ 4 Engineers Adjustment
+ 3 Fisherman
+ 1 Attack Emboar
K2theAblaM said:
- 1-1 RDL
- 1 Pokemon collector
- 1 Switch
- 1 Energy Retrival
- 1 Communication
- 1 PlusPower
- 2 Bianca
- 1 Rare Candy
- 1 Junk Arm
- 1 Emboar 20

+ 3 Twins
+ 1 Tepig
+ 4 Engineers Adjustment
+ 3 Fisherman
+ 1 Attack Emboar

This is actually legit.
Do this.