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Reshiboar HGSS on


Aspiring Trainer
Hi, i haven't posted here in a long time so please excuse me if i get card names wrong etc...

3-2-3 emboar (2 of them fandango 1 is the 150 damage one) (tepig 60hp non promo, pignite flamecharge)
3 reshiram
3 cleffa
1 shuckle
1 unown r

4 collectors
2 juniper
2 seeker
1 fisherman
1 interviewers question
3 junk arm
3 plus power
3 rare candy
1 switch
3 pokemon communication
3 energy retrieval

13 fire
3 rescue

Strategy: Basic strategy of reshiboar, use his ability to charge reshiram to whack for 120 each turn. Shuckle for draw power, seeker to bounce the shuckle. Interviewers and fisherman is to get energies, as well as energy retrieval. Plus power is to OHKO mirror matches, zekroms and donphans. The non power emboar is to OHKO machamp prime and finally switch is to just make sure reshiram stays in front and nothing gets dragged to the front.

Suggestions and feedback are welcome :)
Why not just run four plus power in place of the lightning energy? That way you can OHKO Blastoise without much issue, and it takes less time than dropping two turns of energy (which, in that time, Hyrdo Launcher could snipe Zekrom). I mean, there is a risk of Reshiram getting revenge killed, but Blastoise is infinitely slower than Reshiram, so you can easily win that race.

Also you should consider Revive or Rescue energy. This helps Reshiram recover extremely fast and keep up a constant pace of attack.
Magnevire said:
Why not just run four plus power in place of the lightning energy? That way you can OHKO Blastoise without much issue, and it takes less time than dropping two turns of energy (which, in that time, Hyrdo Launcher could snipe Zekrom). I mean, there is a risk of Reshiram getting revenge killed, but Blastoise is infinitely slower than Reshiram, so you can easily win that race.

Also you should consider Revive or Rescue energy. This helps Reshiram recover extremely fast and keep up a constant pace of attack.

Thx for that idea. I will play 3 plus powers instead. And i found out i was missing a space. But which should i add in a unown r or a revive?
- 1 cleffa you wont need that many it will just crowd your deck
+ 1 switch so you could switch out easy
-2 dce
+2 rescue energy so like rashiram or emboar dont die
-1 energy retrival fisherman doubles its retrival
+1 fisherman its better than energy retrival
hydranoid3 said:
- 1 cleffa you wont need that many it will just crowd your deck
+ 1 switch so you could switch out easy
-2 dce
+2 rescue energy so like rashiram or emboar don't die
-1 energy retrival fisherman doubles its retrival
+1 fisherman its better than energy retrival

Hi, i will take out the cleffa and dce for the rescue and 1 unown r. I think i prefer energy retrieval as fisherman takes up the supporter part and energy retrieval is reusable through junk arm.

@tyraniking sure i will update it now