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ReshiPhlosion Advice


Aspiring Trainer
I'm just getting back into the TCG, and I'd like some advice on a ReshiPhlosion deck I'm planning to build. I've read up a lot about it, and asked my friends for advice, but we're all 15-year-olds who are starting our first years of competitive play in Masters, so I'd still like some help from the community of Pokebeach. So any constructive criticism is appreciated.

4 Reshiram (BW)
4 Cyndaquil (HS)
2 Quilava (HS)
4 Typhlosion Prime (HS)
1 Horsea (UL)
1 Kingdra Prime (UL)
1 Manaphy (UL)

17 Pokemon

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Juniper
3 Sage's Training
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
2 Pokegear 3.0
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Lost Remover
1 PlusPower
1 N

30 Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums

10 Fire Energy
3 Rescue Energy

13 Energy

Get Cyndaquil and Reshiram (or possibly Manaphy out if your starting hand is really bad) out as fast as possible. Evolve Cyndaquil, and use Sage's Training and Juniper to get helpful cards in your hand, while getting as many energy as possible in the discard, so that they can be attached to Reshiram using Afterburner. Also, a 1-0-1 line for Kingdra Prime is used for Spray Splash, which makes it possible for Reshiram to OHKO other dragons and Gothitelle. Lost Remover is used as a random trainer to remove DCE, or Rescue/Rainbow sometimes. N is if I'm falling behind, and PlusPower is for when Horsea or Kingdra are prized.

One main question I do have is whether or not I should change the size of the Typhlosion or Kingdra lines, or replace Kingdra with a Ninetales line.

Any criticism is appreciated.
RE: Masters: ReshiPhlosion Advice

Well, most people use cleffa instead on manaphy in this deck because if cleffa stays asleep, it becomes like a wall. It can't be damaged while it is asleep. You should consider that. Good luck
RE: Masters: ReshiPhlosion Advice

I was considering Cleffa, but Manaphy has more HP, keeping it out of a 30 damage donk, Linear Attack, Glaciate, or Spray Splash. Also, it would be used as more of a placeholder for when I'm setting up. For example: my last Reshiram is KO'd, and gets Rescued into my hand. Instead of sending out a Typhlosion and making it attack or retreat, I send out Manaphy, put down and set up Reshiram, and free retreat to it.
With Typhlosion Prime, Ninetales HS7 (Roast Reveal) is practically a must. It acts as a draw engine and a way to get energies in your discard pile, which is vital to this deck's strategy. I humbly suggest:

-1-1 Kingdra
-2 Pokegear 3.0
+2-2 Ninetales HS7

I might also consider getting rid of N and/or Lost Remover for added PlusPowers (especially if you ditch Kingdra).
I will consider the Ninetales. If I do use it, then I'll most likely drop Kingdra and add PlusPowers. But what about the Pokegears? They would really increase the chance of getting a Collector, Juniper, or Sage's Training early on.
RE: Masters: ReshiPhlosion Advice

Furaigon said:
I was considering Cleffa, but Manaphy has more HP, keeping it out of a 30 damage donk, Linear Attack, Glaciate, or Spray Splash. Also, it would be used as more of a placeholder for when I'm setting up. For example: my last Reshiram is KO'd, and gets Rescued into my hand. Instead of sending out a Typhlosion and making it attack or retreat, I send out Manaphy, put down and set up Reshiram, and free retreat to it.

The problem with manaphy is it needs energy to attack. Most times when you want a shuffle pokemon you will need to retreat a cyndaquil/horsea. Next, kingdra is good in this deck because you have some trouble beating gothitelle and The Truth. Last, three rescues is way over the top DCE would be better in many ways.
-1 Manaphy
-1 Rescue
-1 Rare Candy
+1 Seadra
+1 Cleffa
+1 DCE
You could probably work it out with the Pokegears by thinning out some of the other trainers. They're not bad by any means, I just personally don't use them in my decks. The chances of getting one of those three supporters in your hand is fairly high already (since altogether those cards represent 1/6 of the deck, and you start out with a hand of 7). You don't have to go by me, though... Maybe ditch a Rare Candy instead. Yeah, with those Junk Arms you probably only need 3.
Hm, I'll be considering dropping the Pokegears. I will replace the Rescue with a DCE, and drop a Rare Candy. I'll still think about the Cleffa for Manaphy, though. Also, iisnumber12, why do you think adding a Seadra would help out? If it's a 1-1-1 line, I'll most likely be trying to evolve with Rare Candy, won't I?
I'm in a similar case to you, however - In what little testing I've done so far - I have never needed to max out on Pokemon Communication. Communication is good, but 4 copies seems a bit excessive when combined with 4 Junk Arm. IMO i'd stick with the 1-0-1 Kingdra lineup and only do this change to your deck:

- 1 Pokemon Communication
+ 1 Super Rod

Super Rod allows to lose your Kingdra to a Junk Arm/Juniper early on if you lose Horsea or it becomes dead and simply reshuffle it back in for later. Having access to Typhlosion again if you lose it early on so potentially useful it's worth testing as a 1-of.
Honestly, I would take out the plus power and lost remover and manaphy for an extra 1-1-1 kingdra line, to deal with gothitelle and zekrom.
Furaigon said:
Hm, I'll be considering dropping the Pokegears. I will replace the Rescue with a DCE, and drop a Rare Candy. I'll still think about the Cleffa for Manaphy, though. Also, iisnumber12, why do you think adding a Seadra would help out? If it's a 1-1-1 line, I'll most likely be trying to evolve with Rare Candy, won't I?

The kingdra helps temendously agaisnt gothitelle and a little against the truth. My point is those are trainer lock decks
Nick said:
With Typhlosion Prime, Ninetales HS7 (Roast Reveal) is practically a must. It acts as a draw engine and a way to get energies in your discard pile, which is vital to this deck's strategy. I humbly suggest:

-1-1 Kingdra
-2 Pokegear 3.0
+2-2 Ninetales HS7

I might also consider getting rid of N and/or Lost Remover for added PlusPowers (especially if you ditch Kingdra).

That is a misconception. I run a 4-2-4 Typhlosion and 2-1-2 Kingdra line with no Ninetales and I setup more consistently that Ninetales builds. Kingdra is such a good card in this deck as well.
Brisk Cakers said:
That is a misconception. I run a 4-2-4 Typhlosion and 2-1-2 Kingdra line with no Ninetales and I setup more consistently that Ninetales builds. Kingdra is such a good card in this deck as well.

I agree. Ninetales is good because it adds basics to your deck, but since you already have horsea there are plenty of basics. Ninetales is good draw, but isn't great in this deck as it runs a low energy count and the deck becomes too relient on ninetales.
What I hate about Ninetales is that it causes the "forked road" syndrome.

Basically this is what I mean.. You're setting up your board then you always have to think whether you want Ninetales or Typh out first. Using Typh and Kingdra though, you are focused on getting Typhs out ASAP and leave Kingdra as a late priority unless you're playing Goth or V3.