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Aspiring Trainer
Hey, all! So I'm trying to work out a Reshiphlosion-EX deck for States, for next week, and this is what I came up with so far. I don't have many cards to work with, so this is the best I can possibly make it (I think), with the cards that I have. I can order some cards online, if need be, but it would have to be very soon. Any help is welcomed and appreciated! Thanks!

Deck List (60 Cards):

Pokemon (21):
4 Reshiram (BW)
1 Reshiram-EX (ND)
3-3-2 Typhlosion Prime (HS/CL)
2-2 Ninetails (HS/CL)
1 Regigigas-EX (ND)
1 Zekrom (BW)
1 Tyrogue (HS)
1 Cleffa (CL)

T/S/S (25):
2 Switch (BW)
1 PlusPower (BW)
2 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
2 Great Ball (EP)
4 Pokemon Communication (BW)
2 Eviolite (NV)
1 Junk Arm [TM]
3 Professor Oak's New Theory (HS)
2 Professor Elm's Training Method (HS)
2 Sage's Training (UD)
1 Fisherman (HS)
1 Pokemon Collector (HS)
1 Interviewer's Questions (UL)

Energy (14):
2 {C}{C} Energy
13 {R} Energy

Basically the same as every other Reshiphlosion deck. Reshiram and Reshiram-EX are the main attackers, and Typhlosion Prime the energy recovery power. Ninetails is the draw power. Tyrogue and Cleffa are the starters, and are great for stalling until you can set up. Zekrom is in not only as an attacker, but as at least some kind of counter to Water-type decks. Regigigas-EX is a tech attacker.

-1 Victini
+1 Reshiram
-1 Fire Energy
+1 Sage's Training
Drop the Zekrom. You'll be hitting nothing for weakness on a regular basis as {W} type decks are all low-teir so the chances of you running into one is extremely low. The only {W} type you might run into is Kyurem which is weak to steel. You're pretty much going to want to run a 4-2-4 line of Typhlosion prime as for Reshiplosion to be able to keep up in this metagame you need to be able to get the turn 2 Typhlosion or at least be setting up more than 1 Typhlosion in a single turn (It's possible) which also means you're going to need 4 Rare Candy, but you can get away with 3. Interviewer's Question can be replaced with some actual draw support as with 15 energy you should have no problems drawing into energy and if you can't afford a playset of Pokemon Collector than play Dual Ball as a substitute, but in this case a 1/3 split would be ok.

-1 Zekrom
-2 Quilava (it may seem weird but due to trainer-lock decks seeing ALOT less play you can now safely run a 4-1-4 line)
-2 Prof Elm's Training Method
-1 Fisherman (it used to be a nice "one of" card in this deck, but space is needed for consistency cards)
-1 Interviewer's Question
-3 {R} Energy (you can afford to drop to as little as 9 energy with this deck but 10 is a safe amount)
-1 Victini (I'll explain in the summary)

+1-0-2 Typhlosion Prime (So you'll be playing a 4-2-4 Ty line)
+4 Rare Candy
+3 Sage's Training (Draw power is very important in this deck)
+1 Pokemon Collector (It won't break the bank)

Ugh, there still needs to be changes as you still need a Revive or Super Rod (preferably Super Rod) and the T/S/S line needs some fine-tuning but as for techs you don't want to go too overboard.

Through testing i've found that i've never really needed Reshiram EX as the only thing it helps to one shot is Zekrom EX and Mewtwo EX but against Mewtwo EX it will most likely be revenge KO'd by another Mewtwo Ex due to Reshiram still having 4 energy attached to itself plus the afterburner damage it will most likely have on it as you just don't play an EX on the bench and manually charge it as that will lose to the prize race as a smart opponent (or sane opponent) will cacther it forward and place damage on it so you'll most likely double afterburner and drop a DCE onto Reshiram EX to get it out semi-fresh. Against Zekrom EX it hardly tips the match-up into your favour, which is why i suggest to drop Victini as it's just catcher bait and you're not going to be spamming Brave Flare, if you ever attack with Reshiram EX make sure to have Eviolite attached to it. An interesting tech to add is Terrakion NV. With access to Afterburner you can easily bring it out ready to attack in 1 turn (you'll need either {F} or Prism Energy) and that helps against Zeel and Magneel and conserves energy and doesn't give up 2 prizes. it' of course pretty situational and requires you to have lost a pokemon during your opponents turn but in this quick metagame that isn't uncommon.
Quick question: are you playing ReflipTini or Fliptini?
For the reason Emperor said:
-1 Zekrom
+1 Reshiram
But you're a bit high on energy so:
-3 {F} energy
+2 Junk.Arm
And you're good on Pokémon getting, but you failed to run a staple of 4 collector, and PETM is just not good.
-2 Great ball
+3 Collector
More to come!
Thanks for the feedback, guys!

This is going to be a n00b question, but uh, what is the difference between Fliptini and Refliptini? The one I'm running is NV #14. I've never even heard the term Refliptini before lol.

Should I even bother running the Reshiram-EX? It clearly isn't as good as say Mewtwo-EX of course, but it's still decent. I think? I do have a fourth Reshiram that I could put in, but is that even enough to counter other EXs these days? Is Regigigas-EX good enough on it's own?

Everywhere I look, Rare Candy is sold out online. There is no way I'll be able to get one, let alone 4 by this Saturday. This means that I will have to keep in Quilava and I guess Elm. I can get a third Typhlosion Prime.

Collector really is too expensive to me. I can get one mroe, but that would be all I can really afford. Same goes for Junk Arm really. I can get two more of that. I have plenty of Dual Balls though.

I definitely have three, maybe four Sage's Training. If not, I can get a fourth. I have some Super Rods too.

What about any Stadium cards? Any of those good for this deck? I have a Battle City for draw power that I could put in, if needed.

From what I can buy and what I own, do you think you guys can make an actual list for me? That'd be really great. Thanks again!
Fliptini is usually the same as refliptini but I think he was talking about the psychic one and the fliptini. Its the one with victory star.
So here is what I ordered from Troll and Toad. They will be here in a few days (I hope).

1 Typhlosion Prime
1 Vulpix (from Unleashed. I only had one and with 60 HP, this one is definitely better.)
1 Sage's Training
1 Pokemon Collector
1 Junk Arm

Until they arrive, I have the following which I can add into my deck right now.

1 Reshiram
2 Sage's Training
4 Super Rod
1 Battle City
1 Twins
Prism Energy
Rescue Energy

Which of those cards should I add, and what cards should I take out for them? Thanks!

EDIT: I took out Victini for a fourth Reshiram, and I took out a Fire Energy for a second Sage's Training.