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ReshiPhlosion (Reshiram/Typhlosion)


Unown Q Master
Pokemon (16):
2 Vulpix UL
2 Ninetales HGSS
4 Reshiram BW
3 Cyndaquil HGSS
2 Quilava HGSS
3 Typhlosion Prime HGSS

TSS (30):
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Reversal
3 PlusPower
2 Rare Candy
2 Engineer's Adjustments
2 Switch
2 Revive

Energy (14):
12 Fire Energy
2 Rescue Energy

Ah yes, one of the many variants of "how to use Reshiram". Strategy is quite straightforward - get out your support (Typhlosion/Ninetales), wreck everything with Reshiram.

I'm looking forward to any and all comments and suggestions.
RE: ReshiPlhosion (Reshiram/Typhlosion)

I would say to remove 2 Zekrom and 2 Quilava for a 1-0-1 Typhlosion Prime, 1 Junk Arm and 1 Pokémon Collector.
RE: ReshiPlhosion (Reshiram/Typhlosion) (Needs division in thread title)

A few changes I'd make:

-1 Quilava with rare candy, you don't need to get quilava out all the time, so you can run less of them
-3 Professor Elm's Training Method Pokemon Communication is better
-2 Burned Tower this card will help your opponent way more than you since you can get energy in the discard anyway
-1 Flower Shop Lady Typhlosion lets you recover energy, and revives let you get back reshirams so you don't need this
-1 Double Colorless Energy you don't need that many of them just as a tech for water, which is rare anyway

+1 Pokemon Collector maxing this out helps so much
+1 Pokemon Communication see above
+2 Junk Arm the best card in a Reshiphlosion deck, needs 4
+2 Revive this allows you to get Reshiram out of discard, also reusable with Junk Arm
+2 Rescue Energy lets you get back your Pokemon while powering their retreat cost, a great card for this deck
Righto, I decided to do the following:
-1 Quilava
-2 Burned Tower
-1 Flower Shop Lady
-1 DCE

+1 Communication
+2 Junk Arm
+2 Revive
+2 Rescue Energy
+1 Cleffa

Not a big fan of running Collector as a 4-of, so I left it at 3. Just a personal preference, but if it'll turn out that I don't get it as often as I'd like, I'll consider adding the fourth one.
Added a new version of the decklist, got rid of basically every Pokemon that isn't necessary, added Collector, Reversals and Engineers. Only thing I'm not sure about is running only two Candy, but I guess it should be alright. As usual, any suggestions are welcome.
time to change those reversals for catcher ;)
and maybe make some room for max potion?

Lastly it still states that zekrom is in the deck at the bottom of your post (i atleast cant find it in the list lol)
Well, as soon as I'll be able to get Catchers, I'll change those, but so far it's not really possible.

Max Potion is not really needed in my opinion and to be honest, I'm not a big fan of healing/defensive cards. Maybe I'll throw in Eviolite after it's released.

And woops, forgot to edit that about Zekrom. :D