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Reshiphlosion (Reshiram/Typhlosion)

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The Yoshi

Hey guys. I decided to drop Reshiboar and make Reshiphlosion after realizing how much better Typhlosion was. So here's the list:

4 Reshiram BW
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime(HGSS-HGSS-Prime)
2-2 Ninetales(HGSS-HGSS)
1 Cleffa HGSS/CoL
Total Pokemon: 17

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
4 Junk Arm
3 Professor Juniper
2 Sage's Training
2 Switch
3 Pluspower
1 Energy Retreival
2 Pokemon Reversal/Pokemon Catcher
2 Defender
Total T/S/S: 31

10 Fire Energy
2 Rescue Energy
Total Energy: 12

Strategy: So the basic strategy of this deck is similar to Reshiboar, except you are using the Typhlosion/Ninetales engine, which is disarding a Fire Energy with Roast Reveal, and then using Typhlosion's Afterburner to grab a Fire Energy from the discard and attach it to one of you Pokemon(in doing so, you put one damage counter on your Pokemon). Reshiram is the main attacker(although Typhlosion can still attack; take that, Catcher!). Cleffa is for hand refresh, and the rest is pretty much staples. Please help!
- 2 Lightning
- 2 Rescue
- 4 Dual Ball
- 1 Revive

+ 2 PONT
+ 3 Collector
+ 1 PlusPower
+ 1 Flower Shop Lady (if you really don't want your Pokemon to knock out, you still loose prizes)
+ 2 Fire Energy

You do not need RDL in this deck. RDL is more for Magneboar.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm dropping Revive, RDL, and the Lightning, but Rescue is essential for this deck. I need to get some Collector, so I'll take that suggestion. When Super Rod comes out, I'll play it over FSL. Keep the suggestions coming!
Myself, I do not play Rescue, because deck already have too much needed Pokemon. (Rescue saves your Pokemon, but you still loose prizes, that's why Rescue is not needed.) :)
Sage's training let's you look at the top 5 cards of your deck, pick 2 and put them into your hand, and discard the other three cards. And since you run 4 junk arms you could get the trainers you discarded back into your hand. I personally wouldn't use it, but it could work since you have 4 junk arms.
Ditches fires faster, digs deeper than most supporters. 16 energy in your list is way to high. 13 is the highest I'd go imo.
Do you have engineer's adjustment's?
I think it's better than sage's because you don't have to discard any other card when you use sage's, but it does the same thing as Nientales.
I would suggest taking out 3 sage's training and adding 3 engineer's adjustments.
Emolga2254 said:
Do you have engineer's adjustment's?
I think it's better than sage's because you don't have to discard any other card when you use sage's, but it does the same thing as Nientales.
I would suggest taking out 3 sage's training and adding 3 engineer's adjustments.

I wouldn't, with Ninetales you have enough sheer draw power that you don't need engineer's adjustments. In fact, you don't even need Sage's Training. I'd replace the Sage's Trainings with 1 Juniper, 1 Revive, and 1 Junk Arm.
I like Sage's Training in here. It combo's really well with Typhlosion and Junk Arm and net's you two cards you "want" out of five instead of using PONT and chancing drawing a few of the same cards. That said I would only run two though. I like Rescue Energy with Reshiram. It'll obviously provide you the colorless you need for Blue Flare and get you the Reshi back when it's eventually KOed.

-1 Sage's Training
-1 Revive

+2 Rescue Energy
^Okay, I'll consider it. I'll definitely consider Rescue Energy, but I prefer Revive because it is a Trainer and in the mirror matchup, they can always Typhlosion me, where otherwise they can't do that. Thanks for the feedback!

Bump!(found out deck only had 59 cards. :p Added a Junk Arm to max it out.)
Reshiphlosion is my deck of choice right now and I use a similar, yet slightly different build. I use a lot of draw supporters in PONT and copycat to increase the deck's consistency in set-up. I've found that not getting the cards you need to set-up is the only way the deck loses. So here is my list:

4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime (I use all primes)
2-2 Ninetales
1 Stantler (Cleffa may be better but I don't own one)

11 Fire Energy
2 Rescue Energy (I use it for Reshiram to get him right back onto my bench and occasionally on Typhlosion if it gets dragged up by a reversal)

4 Pokemon Collector (A staple in every deck)
3 Copycat
1 Judge (For draw and disruption but am considring swapping it out for another PONT)
1 Professor Juniper (Works surprisingly well with thinning out the deck, putting energy and trainers into the discard pile for Junk Arm, and drawing 7 new cards) I may swap out the judge for another one of these
2 Sage's Training (I am a growing fan of this card after using it for the same reasons as Junipers) I use these late game
3 Junk Arm (This is a spectacular card for the deck - it is like a wild card for all of the following trainers)
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Plus Power (Essential with Reshiram as the main attacker as its 120 damage attack often needs and extra 10 or 20 to OHKO things)
1 Defender (I used to run two and may go back to it again, used to keep a pokemon alive one extra turn to perform a second KO)
2 Pokemon Reversal (great card for slowing down an oponent's set up
1 Pokemon Circulator (A guaranteed forced switch to bypass sleeping pokemon or when it is impossible to OHKO the active)
2 Rare Candy (Only Typhlosion needs the RC so I only use two)

I defeated the mirror match today in league despite my opponent getting a better set-up and a Typhlosion and Ninetales out before me. The difference maker was Plus Power, Reversals, Circulator, Defender, and Junk Arms. Also PONT and Copycat helped me to recover from my bad start and redraw my hand a few times.

Let me know what you think.
It sounds like a cool list, but there's some things I don't quite agree with. You run too low of many things, like Juniper and Rare Candy, and too much of other things, like hand refresh. I'll think about some of the things in your list, but I can't guarantee it.
I use a lot of hand refresh to minimize the odds of getting a bad hand to start out with.

What do you do if you begin with just one basic (other than Cleffa) and no Pokemon Collector in your starting hand? That happens a lot. How do you get set up quickly? Hope to top deck the Collector on the next turn? I've had several games start that way and find myself in top deck mode right away.

The hand refreshes help out with that, as the more of them I include, the more likely I have one in my starting hand. I am beginning to warm up to Juniper and will probably increase that count and maybe reduce the Copycats or Judge counts.

Why use four rare candy if you only have three Typhlosions? I could be wrong on this though as increasing your odds of going right to Typhlosion would be a good thing.

I haven't felt a need for switch. If they drag up the basics of Typhlosion and Ninetales they are one shotted anyway. Unlike ability Emboar, who has an avg attack and four retreat, Typhlosion can stay in the active slot and still help you. I usually just leave him there so I don't use switches.

After about a dozen or so games with this deck, I am finding that I am not using roast reveal as often as I thought I would. Maybe that is because I try to evolve Typhlosion first, as once he is there it guarantees an energy attachment every turn. Ninetales isn't needed as much, but it definitely helps to have one. Some people in my play group are suggesting going with FOUR Typhlosions as it works wonders against Donphan Prime they say.
Actually I just did some fish bowl set up testing, and with four rare candy and another Juniper in the deck it works better. I did 11 games and had a Typhlosion evolved by turn 2 in four games, turn 3 in five games, and turn 4 in the other two.

Here is my deck now:

4 Reshiram
3-2-3 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Ninetales
1 Stantler

4 Collector
4 Communication
4 Rare Candy
3 Junk Arm
3 Plus Power
2 Juniper
2 Copycat
2 Sage's Training
2 Reversal
1 Circulator
1 Defender

10 Fire
2 Rescue
Every game I've had, I've decked out, because I run 3 Juniper, max Junk Arm, and Sage's. Circulator and Defender don't really appeal to me, because they both take up space for consistency cards. Yes, Junk Arm can recover them, but against Reshiram and others with 130 HP, I often like to re-use Pluspower and Reversal to mess with them. It's up to you, I would remove Defender(unless Reshiram/Zekrom is REALLY popular in you area, otherwise drop the Circulator and add a Defender) and the Circulator for another Juniper and another Junk Arm. The reason I'm thinking you should drop Circulator is because since Catcher is coming out anyway, you will run 2 of them(replacing Reversal). So yeah, good luck.

Still lol'ing at how I'm helping you in a thread for my deck. :p
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