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Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
4-2-4 Typhlosion
3 Reshiram
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Cleffa

2 Tropical Beach

4 Collector
4 Sage`s
3 Juniper
2 N

4 Junk
3 Candy
3 Catcher
3 P-Com
3 Plus Power
1 Super Rod
1 Pokegear 3.0

9 {R}
2 {C}{C}

At first i want to say that i don`t like to play Reshiram ex it gives my opponent 2 easy prices when i fail the coinflip.
Engineer, maybe it can be good when i play 4 of them, energy retrievel, burned tower and Ninetales to make my draw power perfect.
Ninetales could be a good tech in a 1-1 line but i don`t konw which card i should take out.
Tropical beach is a really good card in a deck like this. you play it down activate a supporter like collector, play some basics out and draw 4-5 cards. It gives you another draw power and you have your Typhlosions most time Turn 2-3.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

1° deck) Fliptini? Catcher, puff, easy prize.

-2 Fliptini
-2 Eng. Adjustments
-1 Collector (3 is enought)
-1 Candy (over thousands of testings I found 3 is enough)

+1 Pont
+1 N
+2 Super Rod
+1-2 Switch or
+1-2 PokeGear 3.0
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

I play fliptini for rehsiram ex because i don`t want to kill it by it's own attack.
I don't know if super rod is so important for a deck like reshiphlosion i prefer
rescue energy, but i didn`t test it with Super rod, maybe it works really well.
Switch is a good option my retreat costs are way to high especially by my reshi ex.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

He needs Fliptini so that Reshiram EX isnt an easy prize, and ai don't play Duper Tod in my build just because I'd rather jeeo the energies in there for Afterburner fodder. I think 4 Candy is overkill since you have 4 Junk Arm; I'd just run 3. I personally prefer N over PONT because this deck can run quite well without a hand if you've managed to get your Typhlosions set up. I've also been meaning to test Engineer's Adjustments over Sage's; let me know how that works.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Duper tod. Haha. Here's what I would do in in the first deck
-1 reshiram EX (since it takes more energy for its second attack I think 1 is enough In reshiphlosion decks
-2 EA (I'd rather use N more because it's more effective in hand refreshing and also disrupts)
-2 fliptini (not needed for only 1-2 reshiram EX)

+1 mewtwo (just needed as a counter )
+2 N (good supporter for hand refreshment and disrupting)
+2 switch (to switch) or pole gear (for faster setup)
For the second one
-1 reshiram (will almost never need all 4)
-1 revive (not that great in this deck. I'd replace it with super rod since it. Gets three though it isn't as quick to get back out)
-1 fire energy (nine may be enough I think)

+1 super rod (self explanatory)
+2 switch (will probably need)
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

I prefer to play the decklist with ninetales. I made some changes so comment them and post your opinions.

4-2-4 Typhlosion
3 Reshiram
2-2 Ninetales
1 Mewtwo
1 Cleffa

4 Collector
3 Juniper
3 Sage`s
2 N

3 P-Com
3 Plus Power
1 Super Rod
3 Candy
4 Junk Arm
1 Energy Retrievel

2 Rescue Energy
10 {R}
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Try decreasing Quilava to 1 and probably add in another Mewtwo EX. No reason in running just one because it can be a little inconsistent but overall, your list looks solid. Hope this helped. :D
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

TyphloWolf said:
Try decreasing Quilava to 1 and probably add in another Mewtwo EX. No reason in running just one because it can be a little inconsistent but overall, your list looks solid. Hope this helped. :D

I can play 1 Quilava when i play 4 Candies.
The reason why i play only 1 Mewtwo is, that i haven`t got the free space and like i said before one quilava is imo to risky.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

I feel Engineer's Adjustments would replace Sage's if anything (both are drawing/discarding energy, as opposed shuffle + draw). I'd run 4 of Engineer's or Sage's and 4(+) of PONT, Juniper, or N (I prefer N).
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

just run regular reshiram and typhosion without ninetails. does work imo
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Wait, no Catcher! That's something you need to make room for. I'd take out a Juniper cause you'd still have 6 draw supporters (+ Ninetales) and an Energy Retrieval because of Typhlosion.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

DCE could help a lot too. I'd do
-2 rescue (really isn't that important)
+2 DCE (quick outrage or mewtwo's a
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Im not mad. You don't even have to comment on our posts. Many people don't comment on them anyways. It is your deck list right?
Anyways, try
-1 reshiram (4 is just way too many. Id add a reshiram EX since it can OHKO pretty easily)
-2 sage's (think 2 is enough)
-2 fire energy (9 is enough)
-2 tropical beach (I'm not sure but doesn't seem like its the stadium for this type of deck. Optional)
-1 plus power (2 may be enough)
+1 juniper (very good supporter for discarding)
+2 N (good for disruption and hand refreshment)
+2 DCE (outrage)
+1 junk arm (good discarder and reuse trainers)
+1 pokegear (I think its better running 2)
+1 reshiram EX (is pretty good at attacking. plus it has high hp) or mew two (good counter)
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

If your looking for a Stadium to get rid of Skyarrow, I run Burned Tower. But I also run Ninetales. Also, I noticed you dropped the Engineer's. Why was that? Whenever I'd use Sage's, there would be more than two that I really wanted. In theory, drawing 4 should be at least as good as, if not better than taking 2, discarding 3. I'm only asking because I've been thinking of running it in my build, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Jirachi said:
Im not mad. You don't even have to comment on our posts. Many people don't comment on them anyways. It is your deck list right?
Anyways, try
-1 reshiram (4 is just way too many. Id add a reshiram EX since it can OHKO pretty easily)
-2 sage's (think 2 is enough)
-2 fire energy (9 is enough)
-2 tropical beach (I'm not sure but doesn't seem like its the stadium for this type of deck. Optional)
-1 plus power (2 may be enough)
+1 juniper (very good supporter for discarding)
+2 N (good for disruption and hand refreshment)
+2 DCE (outrage)
+1 junk arm (good discarder and reuse trainers)
+1 pokegear (I think its better running 2)
+1 reshiram EX (is pretty good at attacking. plus it has high hp) or mew two (good counter)

I play with tropical beach because it`s great to use a supporter like collector play the beach play some cards down like basic pokemon attach an energy and draw 4-5 cards.
I don't want to play with Reshiram ex because when i flip tails my pokemon dies with one attack an my opponent get two prices instead of one by the normal reshiram.
I would only play DCE when i play with Reshi ex, because the attachment with typhlosion with afterburner and attack with outrage make mor damage.
4 N is way to much imo i think the two comes really great with my distrupting.

4 sage`s are pretty good even with tropical beach and like i said when i posted my deck it`s a speed version of a Reshiphlosion.

Mora said:
If your looking for a Stadium to get rid of Skyarrow, I run Burned Tower. But I also run Ninetales. Also, I noticed you dropped the Engineer's. Why was that? Whenever I'd use Sage's, there would be more than two that I really wanted. In theory, drawing 4 should be at least as good as, if not better than taking 2, discarding 3. I'm only asking because I've been thinking of running it in my build, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

I haven't played it with engineer yet, maybe it can be good but i wouldn't drop all sage`s for engineer. If i drop the i would play 3 enineer and one Juniper
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

I think juniper is a lot better than engineer. All engineer is draw cards and discard one energy while if you have a dead hand you can get a new hand and if you have few cards including some energies you can discard more.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Like everything, Engineer's is situational. In this deck, I want to have energy in the discard, but sometimes, Sage's doesn't hit an energy but everything I need. It made me wish I could just draw into them, though, if you didn't have an energy, it would be a dead card until you could get an energy. Fortunately when that happens, I have some other Supporter I could play as well. But with Juniper, you'd have to discard you're hand, and I use to run it, but more often than not, I had a Typhlosion in hand, and I needed the Rare Candy.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Mora said:
Like everything, Engineer's is situational. In this deck, I want to have energy in the discard, but sometimes, Sage's doesn't hit an energy but everything I need. It made me wish I could just draw into them, though, if you didn't have an energy, it would be a dead card until you could get an energy. Fortunately when that happens, I have some other Supporter I could play as well. But with Juniper, you'd have to discard you're hand, and I use to run it, but more often than not, I had a Typhlosion in hand, and I needed the Rare Candy.

Yeah, I think Engineer's is an underrated card.
4 card draw is amazing. That's over 1/2 a hand from any other supporter card.
It's better than Sages in this deck's type of situations because you are assured you are discarding an energy, as well as adding 4 cards into your hand, better than flsuhing a hand with 1-2 cards for 6 new and the possibility of ending up with a dead hand. adding an additional 4 cards can open up lots of options in ANY hand, dead or not.

I run engineer's in my jirachi, mewtwo deck as well as my zekeel's
and a majority of the time it helps me out more than PONTs or Sages.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

After testing with Engineer and Sage´s i prefer Sage´s Training. When i had an Engineer in my hand i diddn`t had an energy, and when i had a lot of energies i didn`t have an Engineer, so i think Sage´s gives you more consistant than Engineer.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

sounds like bad luck to me.

still running 10 fire & 3 DBCE?

maybe drop the DBCE?