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RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Why drop the DCE? It can quickly give reshiram the energy for outrage and also helps with reshiram EX and mewtwo EX.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Jirachi said:
Why drop the DCE? It can quickly give reshiram the energy for outrage and also helps with reshiram EX and mewtwo EX.

Agreed and also Engineer sux. I prefer running Ninetales with Super Rod, if her been Catcher-killed you can recover her. I've been testing this way against CMT and Zekeels and work perfect.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

How does Engineer's suck, but Ninetales doesn't? Yeah, it takes your Supporter for turn, but so does Sage's, and it gives you an extra card compared to Ninetales. I use both on the same turn. It's plenty for Afterburner, plus your drawing 7 without discarding your previous hand! And now that I think about it, I've actually seen someone play Engineer's at states once. Remember that deck with Blastoise and Floatzel?
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Mora said:
How does Engineer's suck, but Ninetales doesn't? Yeah, it takes your Supporter for turn, but so does Sage's, and it gives you an extra card compared to Ninetales. I use both on the same turn. It's plenty for Afterburner, plus your drawing 7 without discarding your previous hand! And now that I think about it, I've actually seen someone play Engineer's at states once. Remember that deck with Blastoise and Floatzel?

Oh Blazel, that deck that I swallow many times with my Reshiphlosion. Still Engineer not practical. As Professor Pokémon said: "When i had an Engineer in my hand i diddn`t had an energy, and when i had a lot of energies i didn`t have an Engineer", and this is not bad luck, just statisticaly running less than 10 energies and less than 4 Engineers, this will be happening over and over. I use to have 2 Engineers and 3 Sage's, drop'em all, they looks like so noobish now running 3 Junipers, Junk Arms and Super Rods. All you need is N, Juniper, PONT and a Ninetales as draw power.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Slowbrother: I hope it won`t come "noobish" to you, when i ask you, if you can post your deck list belwo that i can see how you are playing a Reshiphlosion deck.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Professor Pokémon said:
Slowbrother: I hope it won`t come "noobish" to you, when i ask you, if you can post your deck list belwo that i can see like how you playing a Reshiphlosion deck.

Of course I can, and you or any other guys here are not noobs.
I'll explain every card.

Pokémons: 16

3 {R} Reshiram BW (3 is a magic number, cuz 4 is too much and 2 is not enough, so)
1 {R} Reshiram EX (I assume this guy is a new arrival in my deck, I have two, but I found 1 pretty enought in this deck)
4-2-4 {R} Typhlosion Prime HGSS (Well, not much to explain)
1-1 {R} Ninetales HGSS (This number is enough combined with Super Rods)

T/S/S: 32

2 Juniper (discarding and refresh)
3 PONT (best refresher imho)
2 Collector (I've tried a set of 4, but this card was always in my hand doing nothing)
2 N (disruptor and refresher... play this one when you see a smile on your opponent's face)
2 Cilan (very useful to have energies when you have Ninetales on your bench... well, is always useful)

3 Communication (I particulary love this item, when I first start playing we had a very rare card named "Pokemon Trader" doing the same thing as Communication. Veru useful to trade between Reshirams etc)
2 Super Rod (Another card that I love. I'm thinking about add another one also.)
2 Junk Arm (Very Very Very important to get back itens that you've eventualy discarted with juniper or just for reuse)
2 Plus power (Good with mirror matches and also against Zekroms, and also, I use a lot with Reshiram EX Gautling Claw catcher-kill some Eelektriks)
3 Catcher (Very important, well, I cant see a single deck without it)
2 Eviolite (Decisive against mirror matches and Zekroms. Also makes Reshiram Ex self damage softer)
3 Rare Candy (Also to fast evolve Ninetales, but only in worst situation)
2 Switch (In case of some catcher on your Typhlosions)

Energy: 12

9 {R}
3 {C}{C} DCE (for Reshiram BW and EX is like an unbreakable rule)

This deck is pretty simple, thers no secret on it indeed. You dont need to worry about tons of discarding trainers or drawers, this deck is so cool because he can run naturaly. I use to run 1 single Revive instead of a Cilan and was very effective, but it is your choice then.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

I keep forgetting you don't run Burned Tower in your build. It's rather quirky, I guess, but I ALWAYS have energy in my hand. With that in mind, I think Engineer's is definately playable. Also just want to remind you, since the errata, you can't Rare Candy into a Stage 1's, i.e. Ninetales.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Mora said:
I keep forgetting you don't run Burned Tower in your build. It's rather quirky, I guess, but I ALWAYS have energy in my hand. With that in mind, I think Engineer's is definately playable. Also just want to remind you, since the errata, you can't Rare Candy into a Stage 1's, i.e. Ninetales.

You don't need to remind me, i know well all the rules. Like you I always have energy in my hand, my deck list explain for itself
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Instead of posting new lists, please update the one in the first post.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

Slowbrother said:
T/S/S: 32

2 Juniper (discarding and refresh)
3 PONT (best refresher imho)
2 Collector (I've tried a set of 4, but this card was always in my hand doing nothing)
2 N (disruptor and refresher... play this one when you see a smile on your opponent's face)
2 Cilan (very useful to have energies when you have Ninetales on your bench... well, is always useful)

3 Communication (I particulary love this item, when I first start playing we had a very rare card named "Pokemon Trader" doing the same thing as Communication. Veru useful to trade between Reshirams etc)
2 Super Rod (Another card that I love. I'm thinking about add another one also.)
2 Junk Arm (Very Very Very important to get back itens that you've eventualy discarted with juniper or just for reuse)
2 Plus power (Good with mirror matches and also against Zekroms, and also, I use a lot with Reshiram EX Gautling Claw catcher-kill some Eelektriks)
3 Catcher (Very important, well, I cant see a single deck without it)
2 Eviolite (Decisive against mirror matches and Zekroms. Also makes Reshiram Ex self damage softer)
3 Rare Candy (Also to fast evolve Ninetales, but only in worst situation)
2 Switch (In case of some catcher on your Typhlosions)

Just making sure. Didn't want you getting to a tournament and trying to do that. My first tournament, I didn't even know Lv. X's had to be active when you played them.

Slowbrother said:
Like you I always have energy in my hand, my deck list explain for itself

Well, I appreciate the additional cards in my hand, anyway.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

this is my current decklist i play:

4-2-4 Typhlosion
3 Reshiram
2 Mewtwo Ex
1 Cleffa

2 Tropical Beach

4 Collector
4 Sage`s
3 Juniper
2 N

4 Junk Arm
3 Plus Power
3 Catcher
3 P-Com
3 Rare Candy
1 Super Rod
1 Pokegear

9 {R}
2 {C}{C}

At first i want to say that i don`t like to play Reshiram ex it gives my opponent 2 easy prices when i fail the coinflip.
Engineer, maybe it can be good when i play 4 of them, energy retrievel, burned tower and Ninetales to make my draw power perfect.
Ninetales could be a good tech in a 1-1 line but i don`t konw which card i should take out.
Tropical beach is a really good card in a deck like this. you play it down activate a supporter like collector, play some basics out and draw 4-5 cards. It gives you another draw power and you have your Typhlosions most time Turn 2-3.
RE: Reshiphlosion Ex or Reshiphlosion with Ninetales

I know, but could you edit it into the first post of the thread?
-2 tropical beach(i dont see this fitting in this kind of deck)
-1 sage(i feel that 3 is more than enough)
-1 pluspower( i doubt that this work because reshiram still isnt OHKO a lot of stuff in the format)

+1 candy(you want typhlosion as fast as possible and max out on rare candy just helps with that)
+2 reshiram EX(this allows you to hit even heavier on stuff in the format)
+1 fire energy/revive(when i ran this deck 10 worked for me so i figured that i would suggest it, the revive just quickly gets your reshirams back)

Hope i helped =)
At first i want to say that Reshi Ex gives my opponent 2 easy prices when i fail the coinflip!

Tropical Beach is very effective when i play it firts turn --> Collector searchs me my basics out play down cards like catcher or pp and draw 4-5 cards.

Sage`s gives my deck the speed.