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Reshiram donk?


Pokemon: 11
4 Reshiram (B&W)
4 Slugma (UD)
3 Shaymin (UL)

4 Pokedex
4 Research Record
4 Dual Ball
2 Energy Returner
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
3 Junk Arm
4 Seeker
4 Professor Juniper

16 Fire

The idea is simple, using it could be complex. Start with Reshiram, use Dual Balls for Slugmas, and a Shaymin. Use Pokedex/Research Record to put fire energy on top of your deck, then use Slugma's power, Active Volcano to put fire NRG on it. Use Shay min to move your Slugma's NRG to Reshiram. I've tested this deck for a while, and I get a T1 Blue Flare about 2 out of every 5 games I play. Please help!
I've never given advice in these forums but here's my 2 cents:

Remove the 4 Dual Balls and replace them with 3-4 Pokémon Collectors. That way, your strategy isn't reliant on chance and you can get 3 Basics instead of two. It counts as a supporter but it's well worth it. You might also want to consider replacing your Professor Juniper with Professor Oak's New Theory. It allows you to refresh your hand for 6 new cards without discarding.

Hope I helped! I'm new to the competitve world myself. :p
What is exactly the problem with not being able to T1 Blue Flare? The deck looks solid on the outside, although some bad flips your way could probably cost you that first turn KO. I'm not sure if Collector would solidify all the potential problems that this deck may be having.

Might I suggest some DCE? Just an option so you only need two other Fire Energies on Reshiram to Blue Flare. Also lets you Outrage easier too. An option if you go down this route is PlusPower which could let you get a Prize off a Baby or if you get enough of them and Junk Arm, a KO on a 50 HP Basic. I have no idea on what I would even consider taking out of this deck for that though. This looks so tight. ._.

I think this deck is really interesting. I heard some things about Magcargo being in some Reshiboar decks a while back and I was really intrigued, so I commend you for actually trying this out and getting it to work. Wonderful twist on a pretty drab, auto-pilot deck!

dmaster out.
I agree with el maestro de d. Don't throw out all the Dual Ball per se, but definitely take one out for a Collector. Dual Ball means you're taking a risk, and they don't always pay off. Everything else...wow. I don't know. Haha, dmaster's right when he says it's a tight list.
I think you may have room if you take out 4-6 energy. If you are going for the quick win you don't need to have alot. You need to get power quick and keep your opponent on their heels. I think I will try this myself.
mace tenchu, the deck is supposed to have all those energies so when you research record, you're almost guaranteed an energy.
As said above, I run that high of an energy count so I can frequently Active Volcano successfully. I already run 2 Energy Returner, I find that to be more than enough. I tested with both Dual Ball and Collector but I find that Dual Ball works better, being that I can use it, then Juniper. (Something like that.) I don't know what to take out for the DCE..
Could you maybe try it without the catcher since your going to go for the 120 damge turn one why would you need them? Unless they started with a reshiram/zekrom

Or maybe take out 2 fire energy..
Add pluspowers! They make donking the dragons soooo much easier! Honestly, I would take out the catchers for them. You're going for the turn one Blue Flare, and with Plus powers, you can donk everything in the format right now. :3

Good luck, man!
This deck list is incredibly solid, if anything I'd say drop an SSU for a DCE (I do realize it's a staple of this deck, but so will be DCE). Plus power doesn't really seem like a solid entry into this deck, the chance's of drawing it for it's uses are slim. I do think that burnt tower over returner would be an ample addition to this deck, considering it is continuous to reshi's blue flare.
varit said:
This deck list is incredibly solid, if anything I'd say drop an SSU for a DCE (I do realize it's a staple of this deck, but so will be DCE). Plus power doesn't really seem like a solid entry into this deck, the chance's of drawing it for it's uses are slim. I do think that burnt tower over returner would be an ample addition to this deck, considering it is continuous to reshi's blue flare.

Since Burned Tower is a 50% chance of you getting an energy back, you'll get 2 back every 4 turns on average. Firing off a Blue Flare every 4 turns is not going to get you the win. In addition, Burned Tower adds the energy to your hand, meaning you must manually attach it, so its impossible to fire off a Blue Flare every turn even with good luck. With energy returner, you can use the slugma to re-power up Reshiram, giving you the potential to hit a Blue Flare every turn. In addition, Burned Tower helps the opponent too. I personally think the list is perfect, except maybe adding another Junk Arn, but I don't know what you could remove for that. An option to look at however is Slowking, who lets you reorganize the top 3 cards of yur deck every turn. Being able to set him up would mean you wouldn't have to rely on getting a Pokedex. However, it might take up too much room.
I'd take out some Juniper and opt for PONT. With Slugma taking out some cards, you'll really not be able to discard that many cards without being worried about decking.
timmy!!!! take out a juniper and a ssu for two great balls. with those they'll help get the pokemon out that you need. (idea by kyle)
I tested with Great Balls, didn't really work. And as mentioned, Burned Tower hurts this deck a lot more than it helps. And I never use Active Volcano blindly unless I'm really desperate. So Juniper is a better draw in this deck than PONT, IMO.
Yea, the great balls were just a suggestion. But you really need to add in plus powers. I say take out a juniper and a fire energy for two plus powers. That would help with the dragon match ups. GL