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Reshiram/Emboar/Ninetales for States


The Origins of Great Power and Knowledge
Welcome, this is my current Reshiram/Emboar/Ninetales list that I have been working on for some time now and I would like some feedback to make my list stronger and more consistant but so far it is testing very well against the majority of the meta. However, in about 1in 5/6 games I can not get my turn 2/3 Emboar BW20.

3 Reshiram 113/114 BW
2 Emboar 20/114 BW
2 Emboar 19/114 BW
2 Pignite 17/114 BW
4 Tepig 15/114 BW
2 Ninetales HS
2 Vulpix UL

17 Pokémon

4 Pokémon Collector
4 Professor Oak’s New Theory
2 Fisherman

10 Supporters

3 Pokémon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Junk Arm
3 Pokémon Catcher
3 Energy Retrieval
2 Switch
1 Revive
2 PlusPower

19 Trainers

11 Fire Energy
3 Double Colourless Energy

14 Energy

The ideal start for this deck is at least 1 Reshiram BW, 1 Vulpix CL and 2 Tepig BW on the bench turn 1 with Pokémon Collector or by another way,
On the following turn, Vulpix evolves into Ninetales, and uses it's Roast Reveal to draw 3 cards to quickly get 1 Rare Candy + 1 Emboar BW20 with Roast Reveal or a Draw Supporter.
Emboar BW19 AKA 'Bad'Boar is used to KO Gothitelle EP, Magnezone TM and Typhlosion HS as well as other Pokemon with HP 130+.
I would max out rare candy and pokemon communication for consistency. I just don't know what to take out. I am also not sure that the nonability Emboar is worth it, but it is your choice.
Personally I would:
-1 Reshiram (You only need this early game, until you get the bigger attackers built up)
-1 Revive (You run the extra Tepig anyway and you don't need to get the Rishiram back)
-2 PlusPower (Everything hits really hard anyway)

+ 1-1 RDL (This cleans up late game taking the last 2 prizes for 1 attack)
+2 Junk Arm (This is too versatile not to run letting you get back Candy, Communicationm and Catcher when you need)

Then I would also:
-2 DCE (This isn't for Reshiram anyway, it's mostly just useful for BadBoar so you aren't discarding as many energy but not essential, 1 is fine)
+2 Lightning Energy (Needed for RDL and can work in the same was as the DCE on BadBoar saving you 1 energy)

Hope this helps
PichuJumpluffMaster said:
I would max out rare candy and pokemon communication for consistency. I just don't know what to take out. I am also not sure that the nonability Emboar is worth it, but it is your choice.

If I knew what to take out I would also max out Rare Candy and Pokemon Communication. Also I think that the non-ability Emboar is awesome because it can OHKO any opposing Pokemon especially Gothitelle (Magic Room).

sid18 said:
Personally I would:
-1 Reshiram (You only need this early game, until you get the bigger attackers built up)
-1 Revive (You run the extra Tepig anyway and you don't need to get the Rishiram back)
-2 PlusPower (Everything hits really hard anyway)

+ 1-1 RDL (This cleans up late game taking the last 2 prizes for 1 attack)
+2 Junk Arm (This is too versatile not to run letting you get back Candy, Communicationm and Catcher when you need)

Then I would also:
-2 DCE (This isn't for Reshiram anyway, it's mostly just useful for BadBoar so you aren't discarding as many energy but not essential, 1 is fine)
+2 Lightning Energy (Needed for RDL and can work in the same was as the DCE on BadBoar saving you 1 energy)

Hope this helps
I have tested alot with RDL but in the end it was not worth it because I could rarely get it when I needed it the most, therefore I put it up to a 2-2 line but found it too space consuming. I would not take out any Reshiram or PlusPower because they are essential for this deck even with Emboar non-ability (this was discovered through my testings. The random Revive is my favourite in my deck because it brings back useful basics after they have been KO'd. I would max out Junk Arm just as the same as Rare Candy and Pokemon Communication but I do not know what to take out.
if you are preparing for states and cities then i suggest you prepare for N. N can theoretically ruin your ability to attach energy end-game. For example, You are down to 2 prize cards and your opponent runs N your forced to a hand of two cards and if you dont have any energy or supporter on your hand to be able to get energy you might end up passing the succeeding turns. Also keep in mind you are running ninetails so each energy you discard during roast reveals might bite you endgame.

so i would do :

-3 Energy Retrieval
+2 Fisherman (Fisherman gets you 4 while energy retrieval gets you only 2)
+1 Juniper or Bianca (this will help you if N is played).

I think your inclusion of badboar is genius since we will most likely see eviolite being played as well as gothitelles being played. also having badboar eliminates the need of pokemon catcher since you have a high hp stage 2 that hits 150 at full capacity.

so i would additionally do:

-3 catcher
+1 rare candy (to enable you to evolve emboars faster)
+1 pokemon communication
+1 juniper or bianca (an N counter)

I have been running badboar/emboar fandango but with no ninetails in my local league for two weeks and badboar really helps in one-shotting high hp pokemon. i run no catcher and even no switch but i have a different twist in my deck hehehehe

the only disadvantage of badboar is foul play zoroark.