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Reshiram/Emboar/Reshiram EX w/ Ninetales


Aspiring Trainer
this is a deck i recently bult it origanly had typhlosion in it but that was slowing the deck down so i came up with this i have played it against mewtwo shaymin, zekrom ele and zebrastriker. it destroyed zebrastriker and beat both of the others in very good games would like some help on constance thanks.

pokemon (13)
4 reshiram ex (next destinies)
4 reshiram (both sets)
2 ninetails (call of legands)
2 vulpix (call of legands)
2-1-2 emboar (black and white)

stadiums (1)
1 skyarrow bridge (next destinies)

trainers (19)
4 pokemon catcher (emerging powers)
3 pluse power (black and white)
2 pokemon communication black and white)
4 energy retireval (black and white)
2 fisherman (hs)
1 switch (black and white)
2 rare candy (unleashed)

supporters (13)
2 pokemon collector (heartgold soulsilver)
2 sages training (unleshed)
2 cilan (next destanies)
1 professor juniper (black and white)
2 proffesor oaks new theory (heartgold soulsilver)
1 seeker (triumphant)

energy (14)
4 double coulerless energy(both heartgold and next destnies)
10 fire energy (base set)

possable changes would be to take a switch out for another great ball dont have many others one thing i wont change is the energy amount. sorry for any bad spellings.

to get out 4 reshiram and a ninetails by turn 2-3 so that i have draw power and back up attackers then start the energy adding process geting back energy discarded from ninetails with energy retreaival fisherman and using loads of trainers and supporters to do the disruption and speed the deck up
main attackers are the reshirams and the exs
RE: reshinine

You definitely need an energy accelerator like emboar if not typhlosion. Try
-1 or 2 reshiram (3 or 2 is enough)
-2 reshiram EX (2 is enough)
-1 skyarrow bridge (don't see the need for it in here)
-2 energy search (not needed)
-2 energy retrieval (2 is enough)
-2 pp (2 is enough)
-1 pokemon catcher (3 is enough)
-1 cilan (2 is enough)
-2 great ball (not good)
-1 fire energy (to make room)
-1 switch (2 is enough)

18 spaces to use:
+2 collector (consistency)
+4 Junk arm (reuse trainers)
+2 mewtwo (counter and attacker)
+`1 cobalion (against water (ice) types)(optional)
+2 fisherman (to retrieve energies)
+3-1-2 emboar (energy accelerator)
+2 rare candy (for emboar)
I'd also recommend more drawing supporters.
RE: reshinine

jirachi out of all that i think i might add in
+2 Junk arm
+2 mewtwo
+`1 cobalion
+2 fisherman

-2 energy retreival
-1 skyarrow bridge
-1 pp
-1 cilan
-2 great ball
-1 switch (already taken it out for cumunication)

thanks i havnt relly considerd much of the stuff u said untill now but i dont see a point in addind the collectors becouse two is enough as most the stuff normaly ends up on the bench turn 2 3 max i also like the 8 reshirams in there but might consider taking out 2 of the exs the rest of the stuff you reccomended to take out has been very useful so far but doesnt mean i might not consider it.

thanks for the help.
RE: reshinine

-1 skyarrow bridge +4 junk arm
-1 catcher
-1 plus power
-1 switch
-2 great ball (You run all basics except for Ninetales, so I dont think you need any kind of Pokemon search except Collector. Maybe a level ball or 2)
-4 energy Retreval +1 or 2 Fisherman and + 2 SuperRod (It gets out 3 in any combination of Pokemon or energy thus making energy retrieval redundant)
-2 energy search (I wouldnt run this card unless you feel the deck is completely perfect and theres nothing you can add to it, but you still dont quite have 60 cards.)

Additionally, you might be able to condense the switch seeker engine (Im assuming that is what those are for) into just a ssu. That would save space and its junk armable, but thats play style. Also, I disagree with the 3 Cilians. I hate it not having energy in my hand, dont get me wrong, but I just feel like those slots could be devoted to more drawpower. You could cover the energy crisis with a Burned Tower; that way, you have 50% of getting a Roast Reveal. Whatever you choose, I think the Cilian is unnecessary, but if it works, go for it.
RE: reshinine

the problem i have with burned tower it gets me only one energy normaly i need two at least becouse one for ninetails and then to attach one as for the rest i can see were you are coming from but energy retrevail is extremly important for me with this deck as it has helped me get back my energy thus replacing the need for a typhlosion great ball will probebly come out for the junk arms but the problem with that is i have to discard unless i need a card to win i dont want to use it unless my hand to cloge and swith is always handy but might think about thessu for the seeker.
thanks for the help.
RE: reshinine

I didnt mean just take out energy retrieval; I recommended fisherman and superrod. Whats the point of energy retrieval when superrod out-classes it (correct me if Im wrong). The only reason Id run Burned Tower is so you could "flip for roast reveal"; then you have a shot at getting an energy or a method of getting energy out of the discard.

Just realized, SuperRods puts stuff back into your deck, not your hand; disregard the SuperRod arguement. Sorry. But I would definately put in some Fisherman. Also, back when you used to run Typhlosion, what did your line look like?
RE: reshinine

i ran typhlosion 3-2-3 with rare candys but towards the end it was 2-1-2 with 2 rare candys it just slowed the deck down to much for me to go against decks like mewtwo and was only useful rarly when i could have done other things that were just as good.
i will add in 2 fisherman when i get the chance to get them thanks again.
RE: reshinine

megabarkerboy said:
i ran typhlosion 3-2-3 with rare candys but towards the end it was 2-1-2 with 2 rare candys it just slowed the deck down to much for me to go against decks like mewtwo and was only useful rarly when i could have done other things that were just as good.
i will add in 2 fisherman when i get the chance to get them thanks again.

Yeah, idealy, you'd run 4-2-4 w/ 3-4 candies. Although, my friend tried to bring back the "haymaker". He had mainly Reshiram and Zekrom, and he expieremented with a bunch of crazy energy acceleration. Pachirisu + Shaymin; Jirachi + Shaymin. I even turned him on to a Slugma + Tornadus thing. Anyways, I'd think you'd have trouble with Reshi-whatevers because they can consistantly use Blue Flare for 120 + 10 with a Plus Power. I think some kind of energy acceleration is needed, but it's whatever you want.
RE: reshinine

that is a problem but i find i use outrage more than blue flare and i dont want to play any stage 2s as there just too slow if theres a card that does something about this that isnt stage 2 then could anyone give me some advice

adding in stratagy.
RE: reshinine

megabarkerboy said:
that is a problem but i find i use outrage more than blue flare and i don't want to play any stage 2s as there just too slow if theres a card that does something about this that isnt stage 2 then could anyone give me some advice

adding in stratagy.

You REALLY need an energy accelerator. It doesn't matter if it is a Stage 2.
It takes 4 turns to power up a reshiram EX, and most people would just Catcher it and ko it within 2 turns. You say you use Outrage more than Blue Flare, but after 1 attack, maybe 2, it would get ko'ed anyway, and you would have to spend 2-4 turns setting up a new one.

It is a TON slower attacking wise without an Energy accelerator.

You definitely need an energy accelerator like emboar if not typhlosion. Try
-1 or 2 reshiram (3 or 2 is enough)
-2 reshiram EX (2 is enough)
-1 skyarrow bridge (don't see the need for it in here)
-2 energy search (not needed)
-2 energy retrieval (2 is enough)
-2 pp (2 is enough)
-1 pokemon catcher (3 is enough)
-1 cilan (2 is enough)
-2 great ball (not good)
-1 fire energy (to make room)
-1 switch (2 is enough)

18 spaces to use:
+2 collector (consistency)
+4 Junk arm (reuse trainers)
+2 mewtwo (counter and attacker)
+`1 cobalion (against water (ice) types)(optional)
+2 fisherman (to retrieve energies)
+3-1-2 emboar (energy accelerator)
+2 rare candy (for emboar)
I'd also recommend more drawing supporters.
^What Jirachi said to do is VERY essential for this deck.

We can use PlayTCG if you want to test it.
RE: reshinine

it takes 3 turns to set up reshiram ex as you use double coulerless to do so and by the time i get emboar i have it powerd i also never have any energy in hand to use emboar anyway as i get through 2 a turnand the rest ive either done or explained why i shouldnt.
RE: reshinine

^Whats good about emboar is setting up other reshiram EXs after you set up the first one. After the first one is KOd, if you don't have another one set up, you can just use fisherman and set one up and attack the very same turn.
RE: reshinine

Thats what cilan, drawing supporters, fisherman, and energy retrieval are here for. They help get out the fire energies quicker. While it may be hard at the beginning, once everything gets going its not that hard to start getting energies because you can use cilan and fisherman instead of some drawing supporters that you have needed while setting up.
RE: reshinine

I'd suggest finding room for Rescue Energy. With Reshiram EX having the possibility of hitting itself for 50 after Brave Fire, there's a good chance of it being KO'd. As for what to remove, I'll leave that up to you, since right now it would seem that you have quite a few other suggesions people have made, and judging by the way the deck list looks now, you havn't bumped it yet.
RE: reshinine

I don't think rescue energy may be that needed seeing that he still currently runs 4 of regular and 4 of EX reshirams. But I would rather use FSL since it helps get back more than one pokemon and you can get it back out when you are attacking with the other one. I think its just my preference though, but I'd rather not use rescue energy, or not many of them.
RE: reshinine

rescue energy is good but id struggle to take things out for it
and as the emboars concerned i might build another deck which will be reshiboar as i want to keep this one as close to a ninetails reshiram build as possable but a can see were people are comming from as the energy accelaration could be relly helpfull in the deck just a havnt had any probblems with it as such.
RE: reshinine

You don't need 8 Reshirams in this deck. I would cut 1 of each Reshi for PONTs. You need less pokemon and more draw for consistency.
RE: reshinine

bump have now added in the emboar as i started to get so much energy in to my hand it is necacery now.

iisnumber12 i dont need more draw power i have ninetails i can deck out with ninetails sometimes i dont becouse i stop using the effect and can use it for deathfoder to pump a reshiram up for next turn or something.