this is a deck i recently bult it origanly had typhlosion in it but that was slowing the deck down so i came up with this i have played it against mewtwo shaymin, zekrom ele and zebrastriker. it destroyed zebrastriker and beat both of the others in very good games would like some help on constance thanks.
pokemon (13)
4 reshiram ex (next destinies)
4 reshiram (both sets)
2 ninetails (call of legands)
2 vulpix (call of legands)
2-1-2 emboar (black and white)
stadiums (1)
1 skyarrow bridge (next destinies)
trainers (19)
4 pokemon catcher (emerging powers)
3 pluse power (black and white)
2 pokemon communication black and white)
4 energy retireval (black and white)
2 fisherman (hs)
1 switch (black and white)
2 rare candy (unleashed)
supporters (13)
2 pokemon collector (heartgold soulsilver)
2 sages training (unleshed)
2 cilan (next destanies)
1 professor juniper (black and white)
2 proffesor oaks new theory (heartgold soulsilver)
1 seeker (triumphant)
energy (14)
4 double coulerless energy(both heartgold and next destnies)
10 fire energy (base set)
possable changes would be to take a switch out for another great ball dont have many others one thing i wont change is the energy amount. sorry for any bad spellings.
to get out 4 reshiram and a ninetails by turn 2-3 so that i have draw power and back up attackers then start the energy adding process geting back energy discarded from ninetails with energy retreaival fisherman and using loads of trainers and supporters to do the disruption and speed the deck up
main attackers are the reshirams and the exs
pokemon (13)
4 reshiram ex (next destinies)
4 reshiram (both sets)
2 ninetails (call of legands)
2 vulpix (call of legands)
2-1-2 emboar (black and white)
stadiums (1)
1 skyarrow bridge (next destinies)
trainers (19)
4 pokemon catcher (emerging powers)
3 pluse power (black and white)
2 pokemon communication black and white)
4 energy retireval (black and white)
2 fisherman (hs)
1 switch (black and white)
2 rare candy (unleashed)
supporters (13)
2 pokemon collector (heartgold soulsilver)
2 sages training (unleshed)
2 cilan (next destanies)
1 professor juniper (black and white)
2 proffesor oaks new theory (heartgold soulsilver)
1 seeker (triumphant)
energy (14)
4 double coulerless energy(both heartgold and next destnies)
10 fire energy (base set)
possable changes would be to take a switch out for another great ball dont have many others one thing i wont change is the energy amount. sorry for any bad spellings.
to get out 4 reshiram and a ninetails by turn 2-3 so that i have draw power and back up attackers then start the energy adding process geting back energy discarded from ninetails with energy retreaival fisherman and using loads of trainers and supporters to do the disruption and speed the deck up
main attackers are the reshirams and the exs