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Reshiram/Emboar (Zekrom/Samurott Techs)


Pokemon: 20
3-2-3 Emboar (2 Ability, 1 Badboar) BW (Flame charge pignite # 15 Tepig)
3 Reshiram BW
2-2 Ninetales HGSS (HGSS Vulpix)
1-0-1 Samurott Ability BW (#27 Oshowott)
1 Zekrom
2 Cleffa

T/S/S: 24
4 Energy retrieval BW
3 Collector HGSS
4 Rare Candy Unleashed
3 Switch HGSS
4 Communication BW
2 Plus Power BW
2 Junk Arm TU

Energy: 18
4 Rainbow HGSS
12 Fire

Hit hard with reshiram use emboar to fill energy cost serpirior to heal, samurott to battle mirrors, donchamp, and magneboar. Zekrom to counter water decks.
RE: Reshiram/Emboar (Starters techs)

I would remove either the serperior or the samurott for 2 cleffa. If you are willing to remove both, I would also add in either 2 tyrogue or 1 tyrogue and 1 collector. The cleffa will help for when you have bad hands and bad starts and the tyrogue help when you are against cleffa for a cheap KO and a chance to be invincible for 1 turn. I highly recommend 3 collectors for consistency. Good Luck!
RE: Reshiram/Emboar (Starters techs)

cleffa has a huge downside in that you have to flip for its status. I know just about as well as any one that when it comes to status' its not an easy thing to wake a sleeping snorlax
RE: Reshiram/Emboar (Starters techs)

-3 (#15)Tepig
-1-0-1 Sammurot
-1-0-1 Serperior
-2 Juniper
-4 Rainbow Energy

You don't need 3 Tepig that's overkill. And the promo ones are a lot better cause they have only 1 retreat and are helpful in burning and koing babies.

You don't need Serperior or Sammurot. It's very difficult to set up 3 Stage twos. And they just aren't needed. Reshiram actually gains from damage. That's what powers outrage. So with serperior you would just be hurting your self. And sammurot just isn't needed. You can deal with the mirror using PlusPowers. And sammurot is weak to Magnezone so it wouldn't even matter in that matchup.

Junipers aren't that good since you'll also be discarding with ninetails.

And without Sammurot the rainbows aren't needed anymore.


+1 FSL (More Recovery)
+1-1 RDL (Another Attacker and can ko Magnezone and Reshirams.
+2 Lightning Energy (So that RDL Can attack)
+ 2 Promo BW07 Tepigs (Better than the other ones)
+1 collector (More consistency)
+4 PONT (You need some form of hand refresher)
+1 Pokemon Communication (Staple)

Hope this helps :).