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Aspiring Trainer
Trying to make the deck more consistent. The trainers are my biggest concern cause I feel like there are too many different ones. Any help will be appreciated.

Pokemon - 20
1 Cleffa
2-2 Ninetails (Roast Reveal)
4 Reshiram
4-3-4 Typhlosion Prime

Trainers - 28
2 Energy Retrieval
3 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Rare Candy
4 Sage's Training
1 Switch

Energy - 12
12 Fire energy
Trainer line looks fine to me. There aren't too many things you can change, unless if you wish to give the deck more draw options. What problems are you having with the deck?
X_empoleon_X said:
Trainer line looks fine to me. There aren't too many things you can change, unless if you wish to give the deck more draw options. What problems are you having with the deck?

Drawing stuff when I don't need it (usual problem with card games lol) and not getting Typhlosion out fast enough or not getting a Reshiram on turn one or two.
Turn the Retrievals into Draw supporters, kill the revive for an extra collector. drop a resh and quilava for candy and comm

Max trainer lines are a must in these decks. Juniper/Cheren or Sage/PONT is a good supporter draw line.
Thanks for the advice. I changed around the trainers and took out a Quilava to add in another trainer card. It's a little more consistent now.
Yeah, I'd get rid of the Retrieval and go with Juniper or some PONT. You could even take out a 1-1 line of Ninetales for some more drawing Supporters. Otherwise, not bad. Good work.
Definitely needs another Collector. You can drop one of the Retrievals for it, but I'd keep one of them - it's a great 1-of in the deck.

You could also drop the Rescues for a Revive and another Fire Energy. Because Revive can be Junk Armed, you don't lose that much recovery and the extra fire means more Roast Revealing.

Dropping a Quilvava for a Rare Candy would make the deck faster, but weaker against trainer lock.

You could try running a 2/2 split of Oak's and Juniper instead of 2 Oak's too.

Another card you're going to want to find room for is 1-2 Switch.
Thanks for the help everyone. I made a few changes. The deck is a lot more solid, but I am now having trouble against ZPS and both kinds of trainer lock.
Everyone has problems with ZPST's speed. The solution is generally to play multiples of the same basic on the Bench so they can't kill all of them, allowing yourself a chance to evolve. Once you set up your Typhlosion and Reshiram (and Ninetales) you shouldn't have any problem with the prize-trading. Bombing Tornadus' Double Colorless with Typhlosion might be a good play if you can't send up a Reshiram to kill it.

Trainer lock is hard to deal with for most decks. Bellsprout (From HS-Triumphant) to pull Vileplumes and Reuniclus is a good idea if you see many of them.