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ReshiTar: Outrage Galore! (Any) - HS-On


Aspiring Trainer
well i've been kicking this idea around for some time and I think it has a shot. Im still trying to fill in the gaps.
Pokemon - 21
3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
4 Reshiram
2 Zekrom
2-2-2 Reuniclus

Trainers - 21
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Professor Juniper
2 Rare Candy
2 Twins
2 Judge

Energy - 16
10 Dark
4 Special Dark
2 Rescue

The main strategy is to use Darkness Howl for damage Spread long enough to set up Reshiram/Zekrom while still picking away at the opposition.

I was thinking a Darkrai/Cressalia Legend for it's Moon's invite attack, but im not sure it would do any good.
Shouldn't you add some Double Colorless Energy? I mean, all of your main attackers are DCE-compatible.
Anyway, I think you sorta stole my idea (no offense, the deck seems to have good stuff). I thought about the same strategy but without the T-tar. Instead I use baiting, Rainbow energy and Boltstrike to get the damage counters.
And no, don't play Darkrai/Cresselia Legend. Lost Crisis is a headache and Moon's Invite needs psychic energies.
i was thinking about DCE but there are alot of players in my area running Lost remover and its kind of hard to play around it - but maybe i can try play testing it. the special darks and rescues are kind of in limbo as of today and i want to avoid that mess if possible.
Bro you need 4 rare candies. Take out the 3 junipers for 1 PONT and the 2 more candies. That will help with consistency of getting out T-tar and reuniclus. P-P-P (ProudPokemonPlayer) is right you definitly need Double colorless energy, almost every deck does (Besides reshiram and zekrom).
So to fit those in take out 2 darkness energys and 2 judges.

These are my suggestions! Have fun and try it out
-3 Juniper
-2 Dark
+1 Rare Candy
+2 DCE
+1 Flower Shop Lady

Juniper is not as good as pont cause you dont discard. Dont need as many dark energies. Pont is a Very good card for a new hand. Rare Candy helps with consistency. Dce will help cause you might decide to attack with the stronger attacks for the pokemon. FSL will help fish your pokemon back out.

YOu might need some revives.
-1juniper and -1 oak for at least 2 DCE and this is just my personal sugestion because i like disrupting my opponent (people have told me that they are never expecting it and its annoying) run 3 pokemon circulator -but when red collection comes out get pokemon catcher-hoped i helped and good luck with ur deck =)
-2-2-2 Reuniclus

+2-2 Mandibuzz
+2 Double Colorless

Mandibuzz is a great partner for Tyranitar and really helps with sniping.
I run this deck myself, have been for awhile now so your idea isn't totally new but you were onto something because my deck is performing pretty well in testing, so let me see if I can help you out. I have been playing this deck for weeks now so I have experience against some of the top decks. In my experience heres what I would do.

Keep Reuiniclus if you can get this set up its going to be tough for your opponent to win.

you ever think about trying to use Absol as a starter? I run 4 Absol Prime in my version and he is a great disruptive starter. His power puts 20 dmg on every pokemon your opponent throws onto the bench while Absol is active, its really good. Its attack is good for a basic too, the only down side is discarding one of your pokemon to the lost zone but you will learn its not a huge deal after play testing.

I also run 2-2 Mandibuzz. Which takes advantage of Absol's spread I can snipe bench pokemon w/ dmg on them using blindside, this also works great with darkness howl. and since Mandibuzz is dark darkness howl doesn't hurt.

So here is what I would do.

-1 Zekrom (because of its weakness its good to only have 1 for a tech)
-1 or 2 Reshiram (3 maybe 4 total outrage users is enough for what you want to achieve)
-1 Pupitar (only need 2 w/rare candies in your deck)
-2 Judge
-1 Juniper
-3 PONT (2 Juniper is enough draw on this deck)
-2 Twins (unless you plan on setting up very slow)
-4 Dark Energy
-2 rescue
-2 Empty spots you had (just figured id list this)

+4 Absol (found it to be a good starter for this deck to spread early dmg)
+2-2 Mandibuzz (also good against donphan)
+1-1 Umbreon UD (donphan killer)
+2 Rare Candy (you absolutely need to be running 4 in this deck)
+4 Double Colorless Energy (instant outrage)
+2 Interviewer's Questions (to get energy)
+1 or 2 Energy Exchanger (to change your dark into Special Dark or DCE)

hope I helped :D

if you decide on taking anything else out consider adding 2 Sage's Training its a good card for this deck.
And how does Reshiram work with Tyranitar?

I found out why (I think). Is it damaging Reshiram with Darkness Howl them using Outrage? It's not going to work well. Usually, the Metagame can 1-3 shot a Tyranitar (MagneBoar: 1, Reshiboar: 2, DonChamp: 1, ZPS: 2, ECT.). Giving only the opportunity to Darkness howl very little. After the Darkness Howl, many decks can simply OHKO Rashiram giving another Prize!

Although there is some good partnership here, I don't think this is Reshiram's place. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Rayquaza2222 said:
And how does Reshiram work with Tyranitar?

I found out why (I think). Is it damaging Reshiram with Darkness Howl them using Outrage? It's not going to work well. Usually, the Metagame can 1-3 shot a Tyranitar (MagneBoar: 1, Reshiboar: 2, DonChamp: 1, ZPS: 2, etc.). Giving only the opportunity to Darkness howl very little. After the Darkness Howl, many decks can simply OHKO Rashiram giving another Prize!

Although there is some good partnership here, I don't think this is Reshiram's place. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Tyranitar has the second most health of any current card and reshiram and zekrom have the most health by far of any basic. I understand in this metagame things hit for huge numbers, but this deck has more longevity than most. Plus, requiring only a darkness on t-tar and a dce on reshi/zekrom means it can often attack before heavy energy main attackers (rdl, magnezone, reshiram and zekrom not using outrage, blastoise, etc.) which often gives it a turn or two more to start dakness howling.

I think this deck needs some rainbow energy, they will help to quickly get a couple more damage counters on to power up outrage, and with enough rainbows you can also use bolt strike and blue flare as back-up.