Ruling Resistance issues


Honorer of the Eon's
This is exactly the same as the weakness problem, but with resistance.

Let's say you have Armaldo EX (with react) v.s. Dragonite DS. Dragonite is resistant to fighting and grass, so does that mean all of Armaldo's attacks to Dragonite are reduced by 60?

(Spiral Drain = 0 damage)
(Vortex Chop = 40 damage)
Correct. In the unfortunate situation of fighting against double Resistance, the attacker's attacks have 60 damage taken away from the total. So yes, Spiral Drain does a whopping zero, and Vortex Chop will do 40.

Hope you're packing Magnetic Storm :)
What I want to know is what happens if the Pokemon has a weakness to one type and resistance to the other, as seen with Metagross EX v.s. Armaldo ex.
Apply Weakness, then Resistance. So, Armaldo ex with React attached attacks Metagross ex with Vortex Chop:

100 base damage

doubled for Weakness (200)

minus 30 for Resistance (170)

for a total of 170 damage.

Now, what if Kecleon from Legend Maker attacks Steelix ex, who has two Weaknesses and two Resistances?

Kecleon with React attached attacks Steelix ex with Quick Attack and flips heads:

30 base damage

doubled for Fire Weakness (60)

doubled again for Fighting Weakness (120)

minus 30 for Grass Resistance (90)

minus 30 again for Lightning Resistance (60)

for a total of 60 damage.

Hope this helps.