Ruling retreat question :S


Aspiring Trainer
Hello! I wonder if i am allowed to retreat how many times per turn i want or is it just 1 retreat per turn? Say i use a pokemon with free retreat, and one with say 2 energy for retreat.
Can i have my free retreat pokemon active, then retreat it, then say throw up a lv.x on my pokemon, the use Switch/warp point.
Then throw up my other pokemon i had before.
You can only retreat once per turn, but you can also use switch and warp point to switch out additional times.
You used to be able to retreat as many times as you could pay the cost, back in the day. Now the limit is one retreat action per turn.

Using cards like Switch or Warp Point, or a Poké-Power like Teleportation, to go to the Bench does not count as your retreat action per that turn and you are free to retreat after using these methods, so long as you have not previously retreated.

Retreating counts as announcing you're retreating, paying the Retreat Cost, and then switching the Pokemon with someone from your Bench.
"Free" Retreat also counts as "retreat" -- You're announcing that you're going
to retreat and you then pay the cost (which happens to be zero)
Well that kinda sucks lol, I always used to have infernape 4 out, lv X it retreat it bring out luxray, lv it up then retreat it for infernape. So now im kinda stuck. How do people pull of luxape?
Think of it as the video game : How many times can you successfully switch pokemon before they attack you? i hope this helps.
How i understand u can reatreat one time per turn, then you have to use warp point, switch to switch your pokemon again the same turn. So i dont think there should be more questions to this :p