Ruling retreating problem


Aspiring Trainer
okey when a pokemon uses a attack that says something like your opponent pokemon cannot retreat next round (during his turn, or whatever) can the opponent still retreat using switch trainer?
Retreating your Pokémon means paying the Retreat Cost and then moving to the Bench.

No other method of moving to the Bench counts as retreating, so using Switch, Warp Point, Cyclone Energy, etc. will let you move to the Bench.

The answer to your question is yes.
yup it's the same as getting special condition... i guess you shld noe that getting paralyze and so on cannot retreat but u can use any trainer to get it back to bench.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Retreating your Pokémon means paying the Retreat Cost and then moving to the Bench.

No other method of moving to the Bench counts as retreating, so using Switch, Warp Point, Cyclone Energy, etc. will let you move to the Bench.

The answer to your question is yes.

i think u mean warp energy?
Sure. Whatever. :)