• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Return Fire(Magmortar UL)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 24
4-4 Magmortar UL/CoL{R}
3-3 Delcatty PL{C}
2-2 Ninetales HGSS/CoL{R}
4 Spirtomb AR{D}
2 Uxie LA{P}

T/S/S: 22
2 Interviewer's Questions
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
3 Seeker
1 Fisherman
1 Palmer's
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon Communication

NRG: 14

Strategy: Use Ninetales to discard {R} energy so I can then use Delcatty's "Power Circulation" to put said energy on top of my deck. Multiple Delcatty mean up to 4 energy on the top of my deck. This allows me to hit for a maximum of 150 damage. I'm just looking for consistency issues....standard stuff. Thoughts?
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

how about adding in a 1-1 ninetales for draw power.
also helps with discarding energy.

i would also suggest putting in a few energy returners as well as research records
that way if you cant use delcatty to set up your energy, you can check the top 4 cards of your deck and reorder them on top or back to the bottom to increase your chances
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

hrm...looks yummy FM...

+1 - 1 Delcatty
+1 - 1 Ninetales
-1 Smeargle UD
+2 Sableye SF
-2 Research Record
-1 Expert Belt
-2 Pokemon Reversal
+1 Broken Time Space
-2 Interviewer's Questions
+3 Cyrus' Conspiracy
-3 Engineer's Adjustments
+1 Fisherman
+2 Professor Oak's Visit
-2 Pokemon Communication

So yeah, Ninetales is WAY more consistent than Engineers, not to mention then you can spend your Supporter slots searching while drawing with Ninetales. More Supporters gives Sableye more options, less trainers gives a better Vilegar or other Spiritomb or Vileplume deck match-up, Cyrus' gets you an energy with Sableye while setting you up, Fisherman is so great with Ninetales (You'll see), you need 3 Delcatty and 2 Ninetales so you can plan on getting at least one and at least two Ninetales and Delcatty out (Respectively). With two Delcattys, you can put (Exactly) 3 energies on top, (Although you could put four, then draw the next one the next turn and Ninetales it away) to get 150. Expert Belts are counter-intuitive, 110 HP is kind of squishy (Although good for a stage 1) and it's better to lose two Magmortars each swinging for 150 than to lose one swinging for 170. It's a good thing you OHKO Gyarados, because Gyarados OHKO's you too. You'll need to be fast against Gyarados and make them use all of their set up cards to get Rescues, etc. to get more Gyarados.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

*facepalms* Good call. I should have figured that since it's a fire deck, there's no reason not to maximize Ninetales. Engineer's is good for non-fire discard decks. Cyrus will be hard to get because I don't have any spare and they're pretty expensive online($6+), but they seem like good changes overall. The good news is that I do so much damage, that as long as I get set up, it usually won't matter. That's one of the other main reasons I'm making this deck(I'll give you 3 guesses on the first, and the other 2 don't count) it hits for so damn much, that it OHKO's anything that's not named Rhyperior/Salamence Lv. X, T-Tar Prime, Wailord SV, and a few Legend cards. None of said cards are ever played. Gyarados is still a problem, but this'll mostly be a League deck, at least in the beginning while I get everything smoothed out. I honestly didn't think it could be competitive but maybe I'm wrong, IDK.

Anyways, out of all your suggestions the one thing I don't necessarily agree with is the removal of Pokemon Communication. Despite being a trainer, I believe they are necessary to speedy setup. I also think it's worth it to keep a lone Expert Belt for emergencies. I do agree with losing 1 Magmortar for 150, rather than 1 for 170 and 2 prizes, though. It's the reason I had only 1 Expert Belt in my build as opposed to my standard 2.

Also, the Reversals are necessary for as long as my buddy has a Magnezone/Lanturn deck(weakness due to Underwater Dive, and swapping with Gyro Ball). Otherwise he sends up a useless manz a la Uxie/Azelf. I'm then left with no choice but to kill it, then be killed next turn.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

if you can't get the cyrus, I suggest getting bubble coat. it's cheap, and will make Gyarados have to be belted or use crobat drops to do the 110. then if they belt it, you're revenge KO costs them 2 prize cards to the 1 they just took. it does hurt in the vilegar match ups, but I think the trade off is better, since if you topcut (and with that damage output, it's likely) you wont see vilegar there. Vilegar mostly does good against SP, but SP's also have DGX, so Vilegar usually doesn't make cut.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

I don't see bubble coat as worth it...against Gyarados, just play smart and you can beat them. Better solution than Pokemon Reversal: Regice LA. Just use Regi Switch to get rid of the Azelf or Uxie and make them send up something valuable. Also good against Spiritombs (To use the Pokemon Communications of which you're so fond =P)

EDIT: I like how you added another Reversal >.<
Official Suggestions:
-3 Pokemon Reversal
+1 Regice LA
+1 Sableye SF
+1 Professor Oak's Visit
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

LMAO I thought you'd like that one. All kidding aside though, when I edited the trainers, I had one spot left over and I didn't know what to put in so I just added a Reversal! Also, why the heck would I run 1 random Professor Oak's Visit? I don't get that one.

Regice is almost completely unnecessary. If you're making changes to the deck to avoid trainer lock, adding in Regice is not going to help.(EDIT: I'm a dumb... I get what you're trying to do! Regice discards as well as gives Tomb the boot. I must be tired or something. My 1 Regice is decked in KingPhan, although I may replace it with an Unown Q.

@carlitosbob: I don't think I'll ever go 3-2 in a tournament, much less topcut. I've never had a deck good enough I guess. It's flattering that you think I could with this deck though. *tweaks more*

Changes above.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

=P you know it FM. Also, the point of the Professor Oak's Visit is to introduce Supporter diversity so that you can Impersonate to draw if you don't need to search just then.

Also...proxy dude!
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

^I know it's a crappy reason, but I don't like proxying because the only printer we have at my house is black & white(no pun intended!) and the proxies look awful when they're not in color. If IQ test fails miserably I might be forced to proxy, but I'll see how they hold up.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

hrm...I write the name of the card, and the set and HP if it's a pokemon on a scrap of paper, then put it in a sleeve with a backwards card, so I really don't mind a B&W printer =P

No yeah dude, but IQ, like Engineers, is a wasted card. It seems cool and useful, but it really is just never helpful (It's worse than Engineer's btw).
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

An alternative to Delcatty PL is Dialga (Reverse Time). Basic, Drop power, 10 more HP, and works very well with Seeker. With enough, you can totally eliminate the need for Delcatty.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

Yeah, I'm aware of that. I just hate the fact that it's a "coming into play power." They're a pain in the ass to deal with because they can be sprayed, take up space on the bench, and force you to waste resources to get them back in your hand.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

Yeah DNA, Dialga just isn't consistent enough. The 6 spaces for Delcatty is much better than the 4 spaces for Dialgas plus extra Seeker spaces needed to make it 'consistent.' This deck needs the energy on deck EVERY TURN, not just some turns, so Delcatties are necessary. Just like the Slowking vs. Chatot G (In a non-SP deck) debate FM and I have in another thread. =P
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

@PM: Agreed 100%. This deck does need energy on every turn. With the damage output Fire Circulation is capable of, if I do succeed in getting energy every turn, this deck just may be better than I originally planned. *crosses fingers*
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

BUMP. Still looking for advice/final corrections before I get all the cards. Thanks in advance!
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

-1 Pokemon Communication
-1 Pokemon Communication/Energy Exchanger
+1 - 1 Bronzong SF

May be a big help, may not. Could be great though, especially with Ninetales, and you can always Seeker it later to make bench space.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

Probem wit dat is that it gets energy into my hand...not the d-pile. It sorta works against Ninetales. Will consider it tho, since I have an extra Bronzong SF laying around.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

No it works perfectly with Ninetales. You can discard the energy you get with Bronzong with Ninetales, providing consistent set up and putting energies into the discard, as well as providing Energy Exchanger fodder.
RE: Fire Circulation(Magmortar UL)

Sounds great....except then I think I'd be running far too many lines. I already have Magmortar, Ninetales, and Delcatty to set up. I think 'Zong may just be too much of a hassle.