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Return Fire(Magmortar UL)

i love the deck! fire needs to make a comeback haha

just wondering.. why the seekers? you have no efficient way of retreating/ healing / reatatching your energy. i dont really have any suggestions for what else to do with the spots, but the seekers also are going to help your oponent, and i dont see them helping you to much minus a second delcatty or second ninetales
you need an unkown q. without it, you might be forced to burn ur energy on spiritomb, and you have no free retreat pokemon which means youl have to think really hard about who you put onto the field after a k-0
Keep in mind that the Power Circulation PokePower requires to put 2 damage counters on Delcatty. I plan on having 2 of them on my bench at a time so I can place up to 4 energy on top of my deck. The idea is to Hard Crush 3 of the energy, draw into the 4th next turn, and then discard it again with Roast Reveal. Rinse and repeat as needed. Seeker keeps my Delcatty from dying. If it has 80 dmg on it, I can either Seeker it up, and BTS it back down, or promote it active, and hit for 90 for 1 with Power Heal, and heal 2.

As far as retreating goes, Magmortar only retreats for 2. I intentionally pay to retreat, thus putting more {R} energy in the discard, and Power Circulate them to the top as usual. Spiritomb is the same deal. Again remember, I WANT to discard energy in this deck, so Unown Q would just be in the way.

Just in case I somehow get too much energy in the discard, I run 1 Fisherman just for that purpose. Fisherman up to 4, attach 1 if needed, then discard the rest yet again with Roast Reveal.
I had thought about putting it in...but I'm not sure if it's even necessary anymore. I think I have enough energy to draw into them, and even if I don't, Interviewer's Questions is a much better play than Cyrus's Conspiracy in this deck, especially since I run a playset of DCE.

With IQ, I can get more than 1 {R} energy, which helps me get drawpower, and consequently, more discard. All Cyrus does is GUARANTEE me an energy, and maybe a supporter for later. IQ does most all that, though it's not a guarantee. Hopefully with 14 energy, I'll draw into at least 2.
Unfortunately no, IQ is almost always a dead card. If you have a Ninetales out, you probably won't have two, but by your logic yes, you should be able to draw into an energy by drawing the three cards with Ninetales. However, it also allows to you get other cards too. Now, Cyrus' Conspiracy can be as good as a Bronzong line when you need it, as it can refresh itself (Or, more likely, provide other set up), as well as providing consistent Ninetales fodder. It also helps much more than an IQ if it's your only supporter, you can get a Pokemon Collector or Bebe's Search or whatever else you need. Even Professor Oak's New Theory. Also, you run Energy Exchanger, so the one fire energy could also be the Double Colorless Energy you need.
I'm not exactly a huge PRO on the TCG anymore, but the deck looks nice. Due to my lack of knowledge on the latest cards I can't really offer any input.
@Animation92: Um....thanks for the....advice?
@Pokemunkulys: I don't run Energy Exchanger anymore because everybody thought it wasn't necessary. Still not sold on Cyrus over IQ though. I guess playtesting will prove which card is the right play, and I'll invest in that one.
I was going to put in 2 Cyrus's Conspiracy, but then I realized that Cyrus's work best in numbers of 3 or greater, so I threw 2 of your favorite card in the whole world....INTERVIEWER'S QUESTIONS!
Unown Q is definitely a possibility, but I'm not sure how beneficial running 1 Warp Energy will be.
With no Energy Exchanger? Probably marginal. However, it's really meant to counter Gliscorlock and the like later game, when you deck is smaller (And being a Ninetales deck, you CHURN through that puppy). Maybe 2 Unown Q, or 1 and a Cyrus'. You have plenty of IQ >.< Also, Unown Q is unimaginably useful, especially when you run Spiritomb or Sableye.
^ Yeah, Ninetales definitely gets you cards in a hurry. Not worried about GliscorLock at all. I'm the only one I ever knew who played it, and I sucked at it, which is why I don't use it anymore. Will consider Unown Q. I don't have any copies on hand since I recently decked all 3 that I had, and I'm really iffy on adding to my already bulky 24 Pokemon in the deck. I STILL stick by running Interviewer's Questions. If it gets me 2 energy, I have a net gain of at least 6 cards with Ninetales. Usually, I'm just like you in thinking that IQ is a dead card. I usually have terrible luck with it. That was all before Ninetales was released, though. I haven't used the card since. Now, I think it could be very useful, and it means less cards to obtain overall.

Next time I'm at league, if I can trade for some Cyrus I'll definitely do it just in case IQ sucks again. If I cut down my Pokemon line, I could maybe throw in some Energy Exchanger if I find that I need it, but other than that, I'm already running a very heavy Pokemon line, so adding to it will most likely decrease my consistency. My very large order of stuff should arrive Tuesday according to UPS, so I'll be able to test the deck out this Saturday. Will definitely post results!
Cool. BTW:

1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- IQ came out after Ninetales
2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Unown Q shouldn't be counted as a Pokemon, and neither should Uxie. They are more like...searchable Trainers, as they don't really do Pokemon things, but they do take up space on your bench. However, adding Unown Q to a 24 Pokemon line shouldn't worry you (It's very good!).
1. Duly noted
2. Also duly noted. What I really meant is I'm only running 22 T/S/S, which is very low for me. I just want to have enough search/drawpower to get out what I need in a reasonably short amount of time. I'm just not sure I need Unown Q since this deck sort of likes energy in the discard, and paying to retreat is just one more way to get that accomplished. If it becomes A problem I will definitely run Q.