I have from your wants:
garchomp c x2
judge x2
a bunch of HGSS basic energy
3 spiritomb ar
lanturn prime
2-3 SSU from unleashed
for sp trainers: 3x sp radar, 3x energy gain, 3x cyrus conspiracy, 4x power spray, and a japanese poke turn
I have lots of unleashed trainers, depending on what your looking for, the same goes for HGSS.
I'm not sure if youre interested but I also have a RH azelf la
Im pretty interested in your luxray X, and I think I offered a significant amount for it, LMK. If not, there are probably some things off your list I would trade for, but luxray X is like my highest priority.
I have from your wants:
garchomp c x2
judge x2
a bunch of HGSS basic energy
3 spiritomb ar
lanturn prime
2-3 SSU from unleashed
for sp trainers: 3x sp radar, 3x energy gain, 3x cyrus conspiracy, 4x power spray, and a japanese poke turn
I have lots of unleashed trainers, depending on what your looking for, the same goes for HGSS.
I'm not sure if youre interested but I also have a RH azelf la
Im pretty interested in your luxray X, and I think I offered a significant amount for it, LMK. If not, there are probably some things off your list I would trade for, but luxray X is like my highest priority.