Reuniclus from “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge”

this in combination with that new future supporter allows you to choose literally any 2 pokemon in the game to put on the top of the deck and dump them onto the board

This is probably the only way so far to make any use of the card, but when you have to use your supporter for this instead of ensuring you set up the stage 2, there's gonna be times where you wonder what could be done better.

As far as general thoughts, we've seen this type of thing pop up before with Orbeetle, and Orbeetle was easier to set up multiple stage 2s than this can set up multiple pokemon. The pool of pokemon available doesn't feel too good on paper, either. I don't really see a deck using this going well at all.

Alt art is fantastic.

Just to clarify for everyone the card’s name is Cryptomaniac’s Deciphering and it’s a Future Supporter card. The text on the card states:

Search your deck for 2 cards, shuffle your deck, then put those cards on top of it in any order.

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn.
Honestly, I don't think 120 HP Stage 2s should exist anymore unless their effects or attacks are absolutely bonkers. It frustrates me how single prizers are drastically less power-crept than multi-prizers.
Tbf Reuniclus has always been a squishy boy, the BW base set printing had 90HP when the starter evos in that set had 130-150, moreover it's really hard to make single prizers take multiple attacks and not extend the length of games dramatically, even with 1HKOs being normal against single prizers games already go to time with lost box and gardevoir
I wish this was useable. Hypothetically it could be a way of developing Archeops in a late game situation, maybe an out-of-the-blue Gardevoir ex, but outside of that it's hard to see use in it.