Hey everyone! This is a collection of stuff that I've drawn. I won't say what they are exactly, I'll let them be open to interpretation. Please comment and I'm somewhat open to requests (I can only do stuff that isn't too complicated, and I can't too many at a time sadly).
dA muro drawings
rev3rsor.deviantart.com (if this doesn't count as advertising)
More to come soon/later!
dA muro drawings
rev3rsor.deviantart.com (if this doesn't count as advertising)
Nightmare experiment: just an experiment with the 'nightmare' tool.
Dragon experiment: an experiment with a few more tools.
The hydra: this one's pretty self-explanatory.
The chainsword: not the one(s) that already exists.
Judgment: should seem familiar if you've seen my chainsword (above).
Tiger in a Tropical Storm or Surprised!
Cuckoo and Azaleas (Hototogisu, satsuki)
More to come soon/later!