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Standard Rhydon Mill


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys, have a rhydon mill deck here to actively take away cards from the opponents deck. You want to get out a rhyperior as fast as possible, because they have a good amount of hitpoints. Evolving into rhyperior also mills a couple cards. You need a shining celebi so you can use rhydons move dirty work, which mills 5 cards if you use giovannis exile. This card makes you discard two pokemons from your bench though. You use mewtwo and rescue stretcher to bring cards back, rinse and repeat. Saw some guys online make this, so I did too(with some changes) I don't have dedenne gx because they are crazy expensive right now, so thats not really an option for me. It runs ok, but is a little clunky. thought some of you veterans could help me out. Thanks a lot.

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 18

* 1 Diglett UNB 85
* 1 Rhyhorn BUS 65
* 3 Rhyhorn UNB 93
* 4 Rhydon UNB 94
* 3 Rhyperior BUS 67
* 1 Shining Celebi PR-SM 79
* 3 Mewtwo UNB 75
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137

##Trainer Cards - 34

* 4 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
* 4 Great Ball BKP 100
* 3 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
* 4 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 1 Acerola BUS 112
* 1 Switch KSS 38
* 3 PokéNav CES 140
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 3 Lillie UPR 125
* 4 Giovanni's Exile UNB 174
* 2 Cynthia UPR 119
* 1 Lure Ball CES 138

##Energy - 8

* 4 Counter Energy CIN 100
* 4 Double Colorless Energy SLG 69

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
I'm not totally convinced by Rhyperior: it mills 3, but you need to have Celebi in order to attack with it, and since Rhydon will die most of the times it will be useless most of the times. I think just focusing on Rhydon and maybe Diglett would be better. Consider a couple of Landorus too: with Counter Energy it ohkoes Oranguru and then it passes the energy to a Rhyorn!
Consider also a 2 - 2 line of Timer Ball and Lure Ball!
I would add another diglet and maybe devo spray if you're going all in on rhyperior.
Giratina would also be good as it comes back from the discard so you can exile them repeatedly.
Maybe do this:
Take out the 3 mewtwo for 2 pal pad and a devo spray
Take out 2 stretcher for 2 tina
Take out the acerola for 1 devo spray
I would include maybe 2-3 Lusamine in your deck. With how important Giovanni's Exile is in your deck, you might need a card to recycle your Giovanni's Exile's once you use them and you need to mill more cards. If you want to run 2, I would cut a Lure Ball and a Great Ball. If you want to run three, cut Acerola additionally. Hope this helps!
I would include maybe 2-3 Lusamine in your deck. With how important Giovanni's Exile is in your deck, you might need a card to recycle your Giovanni's Exile's once you use them and you need to mill more cards. If you want to run 2, I would cut a Lure Ball and a Great Ball. If you want to run three, cut Acerola additionally. Hope this helps!
Lusamine is a supporter.
The goal is to use giovanni EVERY turn.
The two don't go together.
@AngryBokoblin you need stretchers for looping rhydons and you are trying to take knockout so giratina is just getting in the way.

Play 4 stretcher play a ton of ball search no lure or timer ball too flippy

If you are on a 6 turn clock you cant miss and 5 card mills so play 3-4 dedenne

Pal pads suck, mewtwo GUARTEES IT

Sorry but with 3-4 Dedenne you cant really effectively play this as a Budget deck.
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That Rhyperior is bad juju. Also, playing 4 Diglett is probably a good idea too.
@AngryBokoblin, like @Pokefam said above, Mewtwo is there to get Giovanni back.
It’s Rescue Stretcher, or Brock’s Grit that he needs.