Rhyperior in the metagame?

TCC Co-Founder

Bzzz...you just got magnetized
Will Rhyperior Lv. X be much in the metagame? it seems a little dangerous since you must discard 5 cards without knowing what they are, and it is x2 Weakness to Empoleon and Kingdra.
TCC Co-Founder said:
since you must discard 5 cards without knowing what they are

Using Porygon Z Lv X, you can make the top 2 cards of your deck energies... So you'll be doing 100 damage AT LEAST, probably 150. For No energies. Too bad it takes ages to set up. But Rhyperior Lv X does have 170 HP... That should keep it going.
Which is rotating out. :/ Right now you have to kinda play it like delcatty ex. Burn through your deck, get as many energies only in the deck, and then run through the opponet. When dialgia comes out, the deck will definately be played and will be a very powerful force to deal with.
~Roxasora~ said:
That one turn can save you the game...

Not quite. Just think about it. You bubble coat. Okay, cool. I do 60. Next turn I KO you anyway.

Keep in mind that with or without Bubble Coat, the Waters still 2-shot you.
Bubble coat is hardly any good with Rhyperior Lv. X. With or without, Empoleon and Kingdra ends up 2HKO-ing a Stage 3, 170 hp pokemon, who is shortening a decks life span and killing goods cards, in the hope of a lucky strike. Rhyperior Lv. X is no good to play anyway. 60 damage for two energies is hardly worth a Stage 3. LA Lanturn can do a good 60-80 with three, and its only a stage 1. Kindra is a Stage 2 and can do 60 (+20 Bench damage) for one energy and two discards (Which could boost Aqua Stream by another 20). LA Lopunny does 60 to any evolved pokemon for two energies and is also a Stage 1. No, Rhyperior Lv. X is way too slow even in the modified format.
^60 for 2? I don't think your looking at the right card. His 2nd attack does 60 for 3 but gets all the fighting energy in the discard back into the deck. The main point of perior is the use the first attack and OHKO 6 pokemon for the game. Its weather they deck or not that makes or breaks the match.
They won't deck because in between, they can always shuffle back energy. However, Rhyperior's main issue will be keeping a LVX in play constantly. Thus, they need to have TSD and/or Premier ball in hand, as well as 3 Rhyperior set up before they throw down the LVX and go to town. Which...isn't exactly all that easy to do.
Hmmm, quite a few of you guys make a good point. I do believe that rhyperior lv x has some strong potential. Possible T3 with the right trainers. But here's the big BUT!:

1) New GG/PLOX- I can easily see the new Kingdra deck being the next GG/PLOX... waaaayyy too many people using them.
2) Bubble coat- it's nice and all but its unlikely to be very helpful unless you run multiples (after all, if you would like to use this, it would suck if it landed in your prizes). This would, in my opinion, be a waste of valuable possible cards you could otherwise throw in.
3) Poli- Although not as likely, I can see a few people testing out the Politoed line. Even without politoed, Poliwrath can OHKO rhyperior lv X.
4) warp point +luxray- instant prize card trade off. I dont know about you, but I'd rather not let my opponent get any prize cards. This could easily be used to take out any of your awesome techs like claydoll. Just imagine this scenario. You have 4 bench pokemon 2 of which are techs. Your opponent happens to have dusknoir and claydoll along with some other active pokemon. Warp points your rhyperior away and brings up 1 of your techs. Dark palm the first tech, then nuke the second... bye bye both techs. Sure they're technically screwed at this point since they're likely to be running an electric deck which rhyperior would just demolish.
5) CRAWDAUNT ALERT!!!- God! i can see this card screwing over a bunch of decks. Especially rhyperior. Sure its got less than 100hp, rhyperior lv X can get an easy kill on it but Crawdaunt only needs 1 heads to screw you over.
6) Deadly water types-

Castform rain form: 60 dmg + sleep every turn CAN get super annoying. If you're really unlucky this can just get annoying. This isn't exactly an immediate threat but 60 dmg + autosleep is annoying.

Lanturn (water type): or how about this deadly catch. 80 damage to rhyperior +auto confuse. Also annoying. Not necessarily deadly, but can just really hurt.

Starmie: 60 dmg + gets to hide from rhyperior. After which you can send up a staller or something.

There's a few more dangers out there. But really, too many water dangers out there for rhyperior to be safe to use. It gets my thumbs down, but if you guys use good trainers, as with all decks, you might be able to make it work. Just hope you don't fight too many water deck at the next regionals or something.
shouri said:
Hmmm, quite a few of you guys make a good point. I do believe that rhyperior lv x has some strong potential. Possible T3 with the right trainers. But here's the big BUT!:

1) New GG/PLOX- I can easily see the new Kingdra deck being the next GG/PLOX... waaaayyy too many people using them.
2) Bubble coat- it's nice and all but its unlikely to be very helpful unless you run multiples (after all, if you would like to use this, it would suck if it landed in your prizes). This would, in my opinion, be a waste of valuable possible cards you could otherwise throw in.
3) Poli- Although not as likely, I can see a few people testing out the Politoed line. Even without politoed, Poliwrath can OHKO rhyperior lv X.
4) warp point +luxray- instant prize card trade off. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not let my opponent get any prize cards. This could easily be used to take out any of your awesome techs like claydoll. Just imagine this scenario. You have 4 bench pokemon 2 of which are techs. Your opponent happens to have dusknoir and claydoll along with some other active pokemon. Warp points your rhyperior away and brings up 1 of your techs. Dark palm the first tech, then nuke the second... bye bye both techs. Sure they're technically screwed at this point since they're likely to be running an electric deck which rhyperior would just demolish.
5) CRAWDAUNT ALERT!!!- God! I can see this card screwing over a bunch of decks. Especially rhyperior. Sure its got less than 100hp, rhyperior lv X can get an easy kill on it but Crawdaunt only needs 1 heads to screw you over.
6) Deadly water types-

Castform rain form: 60 dmg + sleep every turn CAN get super annoying. If you're really unlucky this can just get annoying. This isn't exactly an immediate threat but 60 dmg + autosleep is annoying.

Lanturn (water type): or how about this deadly catch. 80 damage to rhyperior +auto confuse. Also annoying. Not necessarily deadly, but can just really hurt.

Starmie: 60 dmg + gets to hide from rhyperior. After which you can send up a staller or something.

There's a few more dangers out there. But really, too many water dangers out there for rhyperior to be safe to use. It gets my thumbs down, but if you guys use good trainers, as with all decks, you might be able to make it work. Just hope you don't fight too many water deck at the next regionals or something.
1. Kingdra is terrible and if you don't face it within the first 2-3 rounds, your set on that department.
2. Very true. Bubble coat is a waste of a card in this and pretty much every other deck. It can buy you a turn though, which can be all you need.
3. Polis is a threat, but see kingdra, except minus a round or 2.
4. I'm completely lost by this. I think you mean dusknoir in rhyperior..and then luxray attack? But then it doesn't even OHKO rhydon...unless you mean kill my claydol and stuff. That hurts, but that hurts all decks, and rhyperior should auto-win luxray.
5. The heads just means I get another free drop with the normal rhyperior (one of my favorite powers of all time). The x doesn't even take any energy to use its attack, so it doesn't hurt any energy drops.
Water pokes:
Water casty is meh. Froslass is the threat that rhyperior needs to worry about.
Lanturn: Confusion hurts. Badly. Of course, ssu/warp remedies this situation.
Starmie: 60 Is nothing on 170 hp pokemon. Doing 100 with its other attack is, but is then left open.
Water is only a threat when it can CONSTANTLY do 90+ (emp can, but dusknoir says hi. Kingdra thinks it can but rhyperior keeps coming at it with more lvl Xs). Honestly, rhyperiors biggest threat is mr. mime with a punch-and-runner and itself. In a one-on-one, I'd take a good rhyperior list (has to wait for dialgia first) over everything.