Riddles (complicated)

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Oh, I know.

The bar goer IS A TWIN!

If so...

The man who didn't get shot makes the the bar tender angry, leaves and his twin goes in. The bartender shoots the man.
Mapleboy86 said:
Oh, I know.

The bar goer IS A TWIN!

If so...

The man who didn't get shot makes the the bar tender angry, leaves and his twin goes in. The bartender shoots the man.
Yes, not the whole story, but I can conclude this as solved:D, you're turn.
Iggster said:
Did the bargoer know english?
Yes (anyway same language as all the other persons in the story)
John, Jake, Jesse, and Josh friends go to a party. The next morning, John, Jake, and Jesse and find Josh dead. He was found with a stab wound to the heart. John had a book, Jake had a staff, and Jesse had a thermos half full of water. Whodunnit and how?
42 chocolate said:
Did John murder him?
Did Jesse Murder him?
Did Jake Murder him?
Were the four related?

first three are cheating, although I'll give you credit for thinking of them, but the last one is a no
@Mapleboy: You shouldn't do riddles where you can make question that get the answer in 1 2 3. The questions asked were legit as there is no cheating in guessing riddles.
weavile132 said:
it was jesse, she froze the water and stabbed him!

Yes, you are correct

afstandopleren said:
@Mapleboy: You shouldn't do riddles where you can make question that get the answer in 1 2 3. The questions asked were legit as there is no cheating in guessing riddles.

Yeah, I wasn't really thinkin
Pokequaza said:
This thread is made to post the longer and more complicated riddles, and going on with my riddle, for the easy riddles you can go to the thread of Mapleboy86, ok here's my riddle (and some already answered questions):

One day a man walked into a bar and asked for a drink. The barman had not met the man before but when the barman saw him, he pulled out his gun and shot him. Why?

No, so yes there are other people involved.

the man was robbing the bar and the man who wanted a drink was interfering with the robbery
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