Rising Rivals Theme Deck Lists

Which theme deck will you buy?

  • Drill Point

    Votes: 34 57.6%
  • Cutting Edge

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 9 15.3%
  • None

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • I'm not sure.

    Votes: 6 10.2%

  • Total voters


PokeBeach's Yu-Gi-Oh enthusiast. I guess.
They're not up on the beach yet, so I guess I could post them here. People who have done the theme deck challenge don't really need to read this unless you want to know about what was in the other deck.

Drill Point
Rhyperior 四 x1
Flygon x1
Vibrava x2
Trapinch x4
Hippowdon 四 x2
Hippowdon x1
Hippopotas x4
Starmie x2
Staryu x4
Aerodactyl GL x4

Potion x2
Switch x2
Aaron's Collection x1
Bebe's Search x2
Felicity's Drawing x2
Volkner's Philosophy x2

Water Energy x12
Fighting Energy x12

Cutting Edge
Gallade 四 x1
Beedrill x1
Kakuna x2
Weedle x4
Mr. Mime 四 x1
Gengar GL x2
Leafeon x2
Eevee x4
Weezing x2
Koffing x4
Seedot x2

Energy Search x2
Potion x2
Aaron's Collection x1
Lucian's Assignment x2
Mom's Kindness x2
Underground Expedition x2

Grass Energy x 11
Psychic Energy x 13

Drill Point seems to be the one to get. A Flygon, a Hippowdon, 2 Starmie(they work pretty well with Walrein), an Aaron's, 2 Felicity's, 2 Bebe's, and 2 Volkner's.

Cutting Edge is decent, I guess. Gallade, Beedrill, Leafeon, Weezing, an Aaron's, 2 Lucian's, and 2 Underground Expedetion. Not too bad, but Drill Point is better, IMO.

Just discuss the theme decks here, I guess.
I think that if you are trying to get good cards very cheap, you would buy the Drill Point theme deck.
Yeah, Drill Point is a lot better. Because of Flygon (note that it won't be holo) and Hippowdon, two metagame contenders.
Drill point seems to definitely have the best cards, so it's good just to get for the sake of having those, but I might get Cutting Edge because I need 2 RR Lerafeon so if I dont get any at the PR I'll get it. However if I pull a Flygon Lv.X, Hippowdon Lv.X etc I'll probabaly be motivated to make a deck and getting the Drillpoint would be a wise decision. but if I got a Gallade Lv.x, there'sa another motivation to get cutting edge. I might not even get any. But if I was just getting one for no reason, not needing any cards, I'd pick Drillpoint. Or just both lol.
For now. If Flygon really does get popular then the price would really go up (since Flygon is rare, high demand+low supply=high price. Flygon is pretty rare.)

Maybe if someone wants to play Gallade 4 they'll go for the Gallade theme deck.... or maybe Leafeon.
I'll be getting Cutting Edge.

....I'll buy Drill Point as well.
To me it looks like cutting edge is just random cards from the set. I see no strategy.

Leafeon and hippodon arent even rares, so I would hope people don't buy the decks just for those...
Drillpoint is a good one, also for Volkner and Bebe. Those two seem to be deal-sealers for me. Also I don't get why Rhyperior gets a Holo Rare and Gallade only a Regular Rare. Oh well.
There's always been a "good" theme deck and a "bad" theme deck and the bad one always get the awful trainers.
why must they do it? =S.

i'll guess ill buy Drill point anyway, i already have the Gallade's and the leafeon, i just want the Flygon and the trainers.
I think Drill Point is better because of the cards that come with it are better, like Flygon and better supporter and trainers.
Lou Cypher said:
Drillpoint is a good one, also for Volkner and Bebe. Those two seem to be deal-sealers for me. Also I don't get why Rhyperior gets a Holo Rare and Gallade only a Regular Rare. Oh well.

Rhyperior is a Holo Rare in Drill Point, and Gallade E4 is a Holo Rare in Cutting Edge...?

Yeah, Drill Point is amazing. I didn't think it would have Flygon in it. X_X Hippowdon and some of the best Trainers out there. Cutting Edge has Gallade which I may want to play, but Leafeon and only a couple different Trainers makes it less useful. I'll pick them both up like I always do.

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
Lou Cypher said:
Drillpoint is a good one, also for Volkner and Bebe. Those two seem to be deal-sealers for me. Also I don't get why Rhyperior gets a Holo Rare and Gallade only a Regular Rare. Oh well.

Rhyperior is a Holo Rare in Drill Point, and Gallade E4 is a Holo Rare in Cutting Edge...?
Drill Point gets Flygon(Holo) and Cutting Edge gets Beedrill(Rare).
Pokefan4000 said:
d master342 said:
Lou Cypher said:
Drillpoint is a good one, also for Volkner and Bebe. Those two seem to be deal-sealers for me. Also I don't get why Rhyperior gets a Holo Rare and Gallade only a Regular Rare. Oh well.

Rhyperior is a Holo Rare in Drill Point, and Gallade E4 is a Holo Rare in Cutting Edge...?
Drill Point gets Flygon(Holo) and Cutting Edge gets Beedrill(Rare).

Flygon is normal in this set. At least, it should be. I haven't seen the contents, but the Pokemon on the cover is usually Holo regardless of Rarity.

dmaster out.
Drill Point is the way to go.
Features two great cards we already know have a chance in the meta, as well as Starmie, which is just a good Water-type tech.

Definitely buying one of these when I go get my set-release-pack-splurge.
Too bad I STILL don't know what deck to actually play.

Upon inspecting the deck more...
Rhyperior 4 is actually a very good SP. Using energy gain:
[F] Potential to do 60. average of 30.
[F][F][C] definite 60, no resistance applied.
Plus, it has 100HP.
This is a pristine SP Pokemon, despite its simplicity. Great card for teaching people to play.
I'm gonna include this in my next article. :O
WOw drill point has amazing cards

Rhyperior, FLYGON!!!! starmie with stray and hippowdown.

WOw and the supporters just too superiour for cutting edge.