Now why does drill point have to be soooooooooooooooo superior to cutting edge?
The pokemon and the trainers are better.....
maybe the guys who are responsible for constructing decks hate gallade....
Wow, these decks certainly make up for Platinum's theme decks. Drill Point has a good number of grand cards, making it something almost everyone will pick up. Cutting Edge, while not quite as good, still contains Gallade, Weezing, Leafeon, Beedrill, and Aaron's. Looks like they are trying to make the playable cards easier to get, in exchnage for taking away JP cards.
when those theme deck hits phil. im gonna buy both for sure.. *olready saved money* ^_^ drill point has great cards.. but i love gallade so ill buy cutting edge also.. *for the leafeon aswell!!* hehe